Chapter seventeen

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Albus was sitting in front of the fireplace, staring at the flames sparkling and glowing. And the wood-burning. Like his soul. Like his heart.

He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened before the Christmas holiday between him and Scorpius. The conversation, the words were still stuck in his head and it occurred that they didn't want to leave Albus in peace.


«I'm not going to Hogsmeade if you don't tell me what's wrong with you, Scorpius!» Albus yelled, «Fuck! You haven't spoken to me since Tuesday and now it's Saturday!»

«Using big boys' language?»

«Damn it, Scorp» the green-eyed shouted angrily, getting closer to him who was standing next to his bed «Fuck off!»

«Why? So you can go on your date with some sort of girl who just wants to mock and bully you in front of everyone?» he snapped hastily.

Albus flinched, his mouth and eyes widened in surprise. «How could you know? We're supposed to be fucking soulmates and you haven't talked to me for almost a week!»

«I know what I know» his voice was steady, smooth but you could feel the bitterness, the distress, through it «She doesn't love you.»

«Neither do you».

Immediately shock hit Scorpius' face. He felt the world crumbling down «W-What?»

«I told you and you never said it back. I really do» the blond stepped closer to him but the black-haired receded «I fell in love. With you. But you feel like you're stuck with me just because you're my soulmate. You don't want to be my boyfriend because you don't love me. Not really. You'll never do. I can be your soulmate but evidently, the only person you can love is Rose»

"What is it that you like about me? I don't feel liked by you... I'm still here, still breathing, still fighting. For what I try to get an inch of you to give someone else a mile of. Is it selfish to want to be known? To be celebrated? To be recognized by those you consider close to your heart? A shot in the dark exposes the wolf in sheep's clothing. What was meant to bring light was only a brief and short-lived flash before eyes„

Scorpius tried to reach, to caress him, tried to get even a little bit nearer, but Albus didn't let him.

There were tears in his eyes and Scorpius was sure there were in his too.

«Don't say anything. I don't want to hear your voice»

And then there was the pain. Even when Albus had left the bedroom. This intense, overwhelming, fierce pain. It hurt. Everywhere. Everything. For both of them. The more the young Potter got far from him, the more the room started whirling and his head aching. Scorpius felt agonizing, his whole skin on fire like a Phoenix before dying.


«What are you thinking of, Al?» it was Harry who had sat on the floor next to him «You seem so lost in your thoughts».

«Nothing important, dad» he tried to get up and walk away but the boy-who-lived grabbed his son's wrist.

«It's okay, Al. You don't have to talk if you don't want to, I won't force you» he said, a small smile shaping on his face «However, I'm the one who wanted to tell you something»

Albus looked into his green eyes, the ones he had inherited. He seemed serious as if he really needed to. So the young Potter decided to give him a chance and sat down next to his father again.

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