Audio Bug Challenge

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Leah's p.o.v.

"Find the bug" Stuart's voice broadcasted over our screens.

We had to find a bug that was causing the audio to wazz out.

"Okay, I can check the user reports!" Harry called. Dangit! That was my favorite thing!

"I can scan the user logs review the code for any mistakes!" I said as I walked back to one of our team's desktops.

"We should also write down some strategies!" Liall informed as the rest went to write some formulas to help find the bug.

We worked all through lunch with a bunch of talking and a little arguing.

"What about the networking compatiability?" Riley asked Harry.

"Almost done checking the encryption." Herry replied.

"What do you mean almost you're either done or not you cant be almost!" Riley nagged.

"Well maybe you should focus on your virus scans over there!" Harry snapped back.

"I have been doen for two minutes thats why I asked you because I am ready to move onto the next step!" Riley's voice was stern.

"Guys, we dont have time for this! What updates do you have on the user logs, Leah?" Lial turned to me.

I was turned around in my seat zoned out because I was listenung to Harry and Riley fight.

"Oh uhhh-" I turned to my desktop and pulled up my notes and gave him the information I had gathered.

"Alright! Guys we are super close! I can feel it!" Lial encouraged as Harry stood up.

"Found it!" Then he leaned over and squinted at his screen, "I think."

Around that time Stuart cane around, as if on que to examine Harry's performance. He gave him a thumbs uo and we all jumoed up and gave eachother high fives and Harry kind of had a victory moment towards Riley.

"I told you we didnt need that stupud thing!" He said pointing toward Riley's screen.

"C'mon guys the team work is neccesary even if it didn't do anything, it was a nice try!" Dylan said in a teasing voice as he looked over to Riley with a smirk and winked. She rolled her eyes and walked over to our formulas and examined our work.

"Great job guys! You won your first challenge!" Stuart congratulated us and put his arm around Lial in a friendly way.

"We should totally celebrate with a party tonight!" Kira suggested and we all agreed. Even Riley had rejoined the group at the sound of a victory party.

"Okay! Stuart, wanna join?" Liall asked.

"Sure!" Stuart smiled and we were all uo for the plan!

It was at this time we like ended up in this huddle and Calums arm was around me. In a friendly way but still. Like it sent chills through my body! I have never felt that! I liked it... We all got on the bus and took a feild trip to our party destination. Which was a club.

I sat with Calum on the bus.

"So how are you with being across the country?" I asked. It was nice having that in common.

"Its hard but I like you guys! Y'all help a lot!" He smiled at me obviously nervous.

"Oh really?" I smilex and blushed.

"Yea! Like... expecially you! You are like really cute and I am excited that you're in my group! You're realky smart!" He complimented.

I was shocked. Guys never comolimented me being smart! They mostly never cared.

"Thankyou so much! You're actually a very attractive wiz kid yourself!"

We laughed.

"Hey, whats your number! We should talk more!" He asked.

We switched phones and numbers and the rest of the busride was basically like that.

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