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Kira's p.o.v.

After the party, Harry and I went back to my apartmemt and we watched movies and ate popcorn untill we fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up in my bed, and the smell of breakfast filled my room. I walked out to find Harry cooking.

"Hey, I thought I fell asleep on the couch?" I asked rubbing sleep ouy of my eyes.

"You did, I carried you to your room then crashed on the couch" He flipped a pancake.

I blushed, thankful that his back was turned to me.

"Need help?"

"Yea, uhh get plates and drinks out please!"

I listened.

For breakfast he had made pancakes and bacon. I ate mine with some strawberries and he atebhis with extra bacon.

"You know we have that quiddich game today?" He asked smirking as we ate on the couch.

"Oh yea! You know how to play?" I asked with a laugh.

"Nope! You?"

"I played once in middle school so I know some... Once I get out there, it will all come back!" I explained.

He nodded, "You any good?"

"No!" I laughed, as he joined.

When we finished I took his plate and rinsed off the dishes and set them in the sink.

I checked my phone and it was blown up. Mostly pictures from Riley that I didnt get last night because my phine died, also a text from Liall.

"Hey dont worry about gym clothes today I got us uniforms."

How did he get my number?I guess we all gave eachother our numbers last night. I locked my phone then gotbready for a shower.

The silly string was so hard to get out! I decided to put my hair in a pony tail and put some argon oil on the ends because all the shampoo used for the string would dry my ends out!

I decided to just wear and over sized tee with some leggings and my tennis shoes from chearleading.

I waited for Harry to get ready, then we left.

"So what about that movie?" He asked.

"What?" I was completley lost...

"Don't tell me you only asked me on a date because you were drunk..." He said with a smirk.

I blushed.

"Well uhh... yea! The movie! What movie do you wanna see?" I asked, as we turned onto google campus.

Harry shrugged, "We should like just go and choose from there" He suggested.

I nodded, "Yea that will be fun!" I smiled at him, "When?"


"Yea! Its a date!" I amiles and he smiled back.

Sooo were we dating or nahh? I wish I could just ask life would be so much easier.

"Are we like... a thing?" I wanted to jump out the windo and land into the door of someone elses car.

"Do you wanna be?" Hatry raised his eye brows.

"Well like, I just wanted to know because you never like officially asked me o-"

He stopped me there, "I kinda just did..."

A smile crept upon my face. I nodded, "Yea!"

He smiled at me and grabbed my hand that was resting on the gear shift.

I blushed as we parked the var and got out to only meet back on the sidewalk beside eachother holding hands.

"Ooooohh look at you two!!!" Calum cam up behind us which mad eme blush more.

"Leave them alone Cal!" Leah commented as we entered the working floor.

We all laughed.

A/N: Idk how to play quiddich so if this is wrong... deal with it I guess... Sorry love you guys you're amazing vote comment follow!

In our working space, Riley was already there in her seat looking down in deep thought. I think us showing up actually scared her because she jumped.

"Whoa, what planet did you just come back to earth from?" Leah said as we all laughed.

"You guys scared the socks off of me!" She was laughing as well.

Socks? Okay...

Around that time Liall came in with red and white uniforms in his hand. We all grabbed them and changed to meet up back outside.

Liall gave us some advice before we took places, which helped jog my memory on how to play. I loved this game in middle school because I was a Harry Potter geek. I looked at the faces of everyone else I guess Harry was the only one that didnt know how to play.

When we began I immidiatley ran for the ball as Harry ran towards the ring and the rest of us took positions in between us to.

When I got the ball I through it to Calum who ran and through it to Riley who got tackled but was able to get the ball to Leah as she threw it over Harry's head and into the goal.

We all cheared as Dylan added 10 points to our score.

This time we let Calum run for the ball because we just found out he is a really fast runner!

When we took places and they blew the whistle Calum ran towards the ball but the guy on the otherside took out his feet while another gurl grabbed the ball and they made a score.

We tried arguing that it was totally illegal but apparently the ref didnt see it.

This time Harry ran for the ball and Threw it to Liall and Liall tossed it to me and I made the goal.

20 to 10

Calum tried running for the ball again and threw it to Leah who threw it to Riley and she threw but missed because she tripped.

The game continued like this and we ende dup tied and a guy in a golden suit with a ball came out running around as the teams met up.

I watched the guy closley. He was walking funny... Lopsided actually! His left leg was shorter than his right!

"Take him out by his right he lacks balance, but only one person goes for it! Everyone else runs on the other side and that person sneaks to his right."

Everyone looked at me.

"He lacks balance."

They nodded obviously not understanding my accusation.

"Okay who goes?" Liall asked pushing sweaty hair out of his eyes. Gross bro. Harry's sweaty hair was hot though..

"Maybe Riley should she keeps falling down anyways! She can redeem herself!" Harry said with a cocky attitude.

"Go to hell!" She said out of breath.

I suppressed a laugh because she was covered in dirt and grass stains from falling down so much.

"I think that will be good to trick the other team though..." I said. Everyone looked at me, "No one is going to suspect the unbalanced girl is gonna go after him..."

"Wouldn't that risk her falling and not getting him?" Calum pointed out.

"Guys shut up! I have just been sidetracked! And I dont want to attack him!" Riley protested.

"I can I have been laying low whole game!" Leah pointed out.

We all nodded in agreement and clapped in unison and ran to our positions.

We won.

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