I dont care!

45 1 0

Riley's p.o.v.

I texted Graham the name of the bar we were going to when we got on the bus. I made sure it sent before I put my phone away.

Last night was a club and tonight we decided to do something that wont be to loud and just play pool while we sip on our beverages and low rock music played in the background.

I sat in between Stuart and Neha. Neha was on Stuart's team last year.

The rest of Stuart's team from last year was here too, which included of two old guys and an asian. Not a Calum asian either like asianest asian of all asians.

"So whats your plan if you dont get in on google?" Stuart asked me and looked at me.

I continued looking down and not to him that way it wouldn't give Graham anymore reasons to accuse me of crap.

"Uhhmmm I guess just regular computer engineering."

"Will you stay in touch with your group?"

"I dont know I mean if we get close before the end of the summer, than definatley!" I said.

"What about the rest of us? Like Liall and me?"

I shrugged, "I dont know..." at that moment I turned away from Stuart to see Graham walk through the doors.

"One sec my boyfriends here!"

I went and got him then brought him back to the gang, "Hey guys this is Graham my boyfriend."

My team was welcoming, but Stuart's team from last year looked like they were staring at a ghost.

"Guys I know he was your rival last year but c'mon its not like he killed your mom!" I joked as we took a seat.

Everyone kind of laughed at it.

We ended up moving to a u shaped booth as a bunch of people began coming in and it got more crouded.

Graham put his arm around me and kept trying to kiss me infront of everyone.

I knew what he was doing and it was pissing me off! He was trying to show 'ownership' being all competitive and I was getting mad!

Finally I snapped and threw his arm off me and stood up. Luckily I was on the end of the booth.

"Stop it!" I yelled. Luckily the sound of rock music, chatter, glasses clinking and pool being shot filled the room, and other people didnt hear me.

"What is your problem?!" Graham looked so confused.

"You're all touchy! You're usually aren't and I know why!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" He was getting mad. I didnt give a cup of care!

"You found that picture of me and Stuart and you're trying to show that you own me like I am something that can be OWNED! I can't be owned Im not a thing I am a person asshole!" I raised my voice a little but not too much.

Apperantly he didn't like being yelled at in front of everyone because he just got up and left.

"Did you two just break up?" Neha asked.

I looked at her, and nodded.

"Are you okay?" Kira asked. She was sitting beside Harry holding his hand.

I smiled at them, "I'm fine guys! I was actually wanting to do that... Just waited for the right time."

I looked at my drink and drunk it.

"Who wants to play pool? Wanna do teams?"

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