Abuelita & New York

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Leah's p.o.v.

When we got off the plane mama was waiting for us. I knew Abuelita would stay home. She doesn't go out much since she was diagnosed.

"Hey mama!" I smiled and kissed her cheek and hugged her, "This is Calum, the boy I told you about!" I introduced them.

"Ahhh" My mom smiled and turned to Callum.

"Hi, nice to meet you Mrs. Smith." Callum smiled.

"Oh no! Call me Jennifer!" My mom said as she pulled Callum in for a hug.

"C'mon mama! I really wanna see Abuelita!" I whined and then we began our way home.

As soon as we opened the door I could hear her and her accent that I loved so much!

"Yen-ee-ferd! Is that my meha with you?" 《《《get it how hispanics say Jennifer... yea.》》》

"Yess mama! It is your Meha! And she brought a boy!" Mama said and I ran into her room.

"Hey abuelita!" I said giving her a hug.

She was in a recliner and had tubes to her nose. She was kind of thick before I left, but I guess the cancer has tooken some weight from her. Well not cancer the chemo.

She wore a wig to cover up other things the chemo had tooken. When she first started loosing it, her and I cried together and she asked me to never cut my hair unless it was down to my butt. I havn't cut my hair since then, and when I do eventually cut it, I will donate it!

When Callum came in she sat up to see him, "Ahhh who is this handsome young boy."

I smiled and pushed my hair behind my ear and backed up to stand beside him. "Abuelita this is Callum, my boyfriend."

"Ahh Callum better treat my Meha right!"

I blushed, "Yes Meha he treats your Meha just fine!"

"Well, I was going to say how your Meha's beauty was obviously from hwr mother but its obvious that you take credit for both of them!" Callum said.

"Ahhh you're a good one!" Abuelita said and we all sat down in the living room around Abuelita and watched her spanish soap operas, and talked about everything that has been going on latley.

Callum had never asked about the tubes or anything. He was treating her like they weren't even there! Didnt look at her in sympathy, nothing. She was just another person. I loved him for that.

Wait, I loved him? Yea.... I loved him.

Mama ordered takeout and we all was having a blast joking around and laughing.

When it got late mama and I helped Abuelita to bed. When we got her layed down and comftorable, I gave her a hug and she kissed my forehead.

"I love you ,meha."

"I love you too, Abuelita!"

When I left the room I stopped mom in the hallway, "How is she doing?"

"The doctors say the tumor has shrunken 20%" She whispered.

I nodded. I had no idea if that was good or not but I had already beaten it in my head that whatever happens to my Abuelita is by the great mercy of God.

When we got back in the living room, Callum seemed pretty caught up in the soap opera.

"Im gonna go to bed,What are the sleeping arangments with you two, because you're not sleeping with a boy in this house!" I laughed at my moms abruptness.

"He is going to sleep in my room and I'll sleep on the couch since it was the other way around at his house." I smiled and my mom nodded and went to bed.

I sat beside Callum and we watched tv for a little bit before I turned to him.

"In case you're wondering. My abuelita has lung cancer." I looked at him.

"She is a very strong women!" Callum assured me, "I dont know her, but I can tell."

I smiled and placed my hand on his neck, "I love you."

He smiled back, "I love you too."

We kissed but after about two seconds my mom hit the wall in the hall way, "Hey! What I say? huh?"

All three of us laughed, "Its okay mama he's just going to bed." Then we all went to bed.

The next morning we all went to church together. I saw many familiar faces that watched me grow up.

When service was over we went back to my house, had dinner that mama cooked, then mama took us back to the airport.

When we got on the plane Callum went to sleep, he said 'My moms cooking was amazing and it made him tired.'

While he was asleep I looked out the window and said a prayer for my abuelita and my mama, then I went to sleep.

We got to New York aroumd 12 and had a taxi take us to where we were staying, then the next morning we had breakfast at Tiffany's then we went to see Wicked which was amazing!

The next day, we went to Manhattan and saw the Statue of Liberty, then we stayed there the night, then we went to Coney island and went to ground zero, the caught a flight back to California.

When we got back, we had a few drinks at my dorm and then one thing ked to another.

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