Forbidden Feelings

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 All Chapters will be written in Beam POV.  I don't know if there will be a Porth FOV or not.

 Hot ~

 This afternoon is really hot.  I drove my car as fast as possible so I could return home.  I want to turn on the AC of my room and sleep. But when I passed the park across the engineering school I saw a man being beaten by several people.

 I recognize that man!

 My reflexes parked my car then reached for my cellphone while watching the man in front of me who nimbly avoided every hit and hit back at his opponent.

 "Yo beamy ~" said the voice at the end of my phone.

 "Hey asshole, where are you?"  I say angry.

 "Campus" he said casually.

 "How can you calmly sit on campus while forth in the campus garden, you are trying to face five strangers alone," I said in annoyance.

 "What! ....." the man on the end of my phone sounded angry.  He talked with his friend. Then suddenly my telephone connection was lost.  I'm still watching the man in front of me, forth. His opponent managed to hit his face but Forth still looked fine.  He wiped the blood on his lips. His eyes radiated anger. Then reply to the man who hit him with a punch repeatedly. One person fell.  Only four people left.

 Why does he always cause trouble?

 Mae Jane will definitely be angry if she finds out.

 I got out of the car and walked towards them.

 "Hey ~ isn't this unfair!"  I shouted. They stopped fighting and looked at me in surprise.  I did not recognize the school uniforms of the five people who attacked forth.

 "Wh ~ what are you doing here? Go!"  forth looked at me surprised and looked worried.  Two of his opponents looked at each other and gave a gesture then walked towards me.  


 It will be a long day.  I hate fights. I don't understand why people use their hands to talk, not with their mouths.

 "Hey do not touch it. Your opponent is me" forth looks angry.  He walked towards me but two people in front of him blocked him and began to hit him again.  I turned my attention to the two men who walked quickly towards me. Someone tried to hit me.  But I managed to avoid it. I bent a little and hit the ribs strongly. He groaned and lay on the ground.  When I stand up straight someone is in front of me. I can see him throwing his fist in my face. I did not have time to avoid it.  So I reflexively used my hands to cover my face and closed my eyes.

 My precious assets, my handsome face, it  can't be hurt. I could feel my heart beating but suddenly I could feel the man in front of me crashing to the side.  A loud thud was heard because the man slammed into my car. I opened my eyes and looked forth in front of the man. Gripping the neck of the man who was about to hit me with his right hand.  The man looks in pain.  

 "Don't touch it!"  shouted forth angrily then he hit the man on his face many times.  He is out of control. I ran to him and hugged him from behind.  

 "Stop it forth ~ he could die!"  I asked. I can feel forth to stop moving.  He released the grip of his hand from the man in front of him.  The man collapsed to the ground. I let go of the hug from forth and walked towards the man who fell to the ground.  His face is full of blood.  


 I checked his pulse and breathing.

 "He won't die with just a few blows," Forth said casually.  I looked forth angrily and stood up then hit the back of his head.

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