Words That Are Unable to Say

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 I was 15 when I heard my parents' argument for the first time.  Ever since I was little, I knew they were rarely at home. Especially my mother.  But I've never seen them fight in front of me. At that time, when I came home from piano lessons, I heard my parents fighting.  I can even hear their voices from the front door.

 "You don't even have time for your child!"  my mother shouted.

 "Like you have time for our family," my father accused.

 "But at least I tried to spare my time for him" I could feel my mother's voice shaking "he won the science Olympics last week and did you congratulate him?"

 My father just paused.  I just froze in front of the door.

 "No? Of course not. For you, your work is more important than ours," my mother said sarcastically.

 "Oh yes! How about you? I have repeatedly said to stop. You have even left a beam for months. Don't try to teach me about how to be a parent. Just look at your own behavior."


 I don't want to hear their fight anymore.  I ran to my room on the second floor and closed my door.  I sat beside my bed, put on my earphones and turned on the music at loud volume.  I close my eyes trying to remember beautiful things. A phana's birthday event where we put a frog in a box and when he opened it, phana turned pale and threw a box of frogs in the face forth.  Epic. I began to smile. When the kit did not come down from the tree and instead ripped his pants. He showed his doraemon underpants in front of the girls. I began to laugh. When Forth gave me his limited edition gundam.  I know he really likes it but when I say I want it, he easily gives it to me. I also remember when Phana's Father invited us to Disneyland Japan. My family rarely goes on vacation together, but always the Phana, Kit or Forth family invites me.

 I began to forget about my mom and dad's fight and enjoyed the music I listened to while closing my eyes.  I do not know for how long. But suddenly someone pulling my earphones surprised me and opened my eyes. Forth was standing in front of me, staring at me.

 "Hey ... How many times have I told you to stop trespassing into my room!"  I protest. Forth laughed.

 "It's your own fault why didn't you lock your window," he said, sitting next to me.  Of course I didn't lock my room because forth was always angry when I did it.

 "Whatever you want to do. I've had enough of you!"  my mother's voice sounded up to the second floor. I just kept silent while looking forth.  Forth looked at me and looked worried. I smile at him.

 I can hear someone slamming the front door.  I breathed a sigh of relief. If one of them leaves, then I don't need to hear their fight.

 "Beam," said forth.  I looked back at him "Um ..." I replied.

 "Are you ok?"  he asked.

 "Me? Of course I'm fine, why?"  I asked.

 "Um ... No. Do you want to eat at my house?"  he asked suddenly. I looked at my dark room. I just realized that the day has changed to night.

 "Okay," I replied casually.  He smiled then stood up and walked towards the window of my room.  I followed forth walking towards our balcony.

 "Why don't you  work normally? We have a door Remember," I protested.

 "Oh come on. This is faster," he said.  He was already on his balcony. I clicked and jumped on the balcony.  Forth caught me when I almost fell on his balcony. He smiled at me. I pushed his body.

"Come on," he said as he opened his bedroom window.  I remember his smile at that time. That night he did not ask anything about my parents.  He just tried to cheer me up with his jokes. Phana Kit, and Forth are the reasons why my childhood looked normal like other children.  

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