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 What do you have in mind if you talk about a father?  

 "what the fuck is that?"  Phana pointed to my finger when we had dinner at home.  My mother, kit and Forth looked at my hand.

 "What is a ring!"  Kit closed his mouth and looked at me in surprise.  My mother even choked on her food at Kit's words. She looked at Forth sharply.  I looked at Forth, telling him not to say anything.

 "Whoever bought it for you, has a low taste" Phana's words provoked forth "Hey ... do you think our faculty symbol is so bad" he protested.  He was hooked. I cover my face. My mother stood up.  

 "Forth we have to talk," she said, "now!"  my mother walked to the kitchen door and walked to the side yard.  Forth stood lazily and followed her. I can see them talking because my kitchen door is made of glass.

 "Wow ... did he really give it to you?"  Kit pulled my hand and looked at the ring giving forth.  I pulled my hand.

 "You can ask Ming. I'm sure he will buy it for you," I said, staring at my mother and forth.  My mother crossed her arms in front of her chest and spoke. She looks angry. Kit grunts not replying to my words.

 "Well, you can say goodbye to holidays in Chiang Mai," Phana said.  I took my eyes off my mother and forth then looked at Phana.

 "Shit, I forgot"

 Kit chuckles

 "It's my own fault," we disregarded the food ignorantly "I heard you didn't go home last night?"  he gave an ignorant smile.

 I cleared my throat

 Phana shakes her head "you guys are indeed looking to die"

 "But mae ..." forth walking into the kitchen following my mother.  My mother sat and looked at me annoyed.

 "No. Beam won't allow you to stay overnight at your place during the semester break," he said.

 "I can stay at Phana or Kit's place," I offered.  My mother stared intently.

 "No, do you think Mae is stupid?"  we all fell silent. I really don't want to be alone in Bangkok.

 "But Mae is going to Budapest for two weeks. Beam will be alone here," I put on a miserable look.

 "Don't look at me like that, it won't work. Mae will ask grandma to come and accompany you"

 Hearing grandma's words, Phana and Kit almost choked on their food.  They looked at me concerned. While Forth looked at you full of guilt.  My grandmother is really crazy. She would put down a routine schedule for all the activities I had to do from getting out of bed to going back to sleep again.  She even set a schedule for when I should go to the bathroom.

 "Pho .... Beam will stay with Pho" This is my last weapon.  Everyone looked at me in surprise.

 Everyone knows how my father and my relationship are.  If someone asks what a father means to me then the answer is no.  He was never present at an important time in my life. He doesn't even want me  

 My mother looked closely at me "Listen Beam ... think carefully about your decision"

 But even though I didn't like my father, living with him was better than living with my grandmother.

 "Didn't Mae always tell me to meet him. Now I agree to live with him for a month in Chiang Mai," I offered

 Phana, Kit and Forth just shook their heads.  My mother was silent. She seemed to think "Look, it's not Mae that you don't agree with you staying forth, mae just wants you to think of your relationship slowly. Mae thought you were going too fast"

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