You Don't Deserve Him

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 Forth is busy with SOTUS activities and duties.  He didn't even go home and decided to live in another apartment.  He didn't even have time to bring his belongings.

 "Here," I said, handing over Forth's needs.  Forth smiled happy to see me.

 "Thanks beam ~"

 "Dem Forth ... what did you do in your previous life until you could get a beam and  apple?" Phi Tim mocked Forth. I'm used to their jokes.

 "Looks like I committed a big sin phi so I ended up with Forth" I said, making all of Forth's friends laugh.  

 "And this is for you," I said, handing over a box of food.  And they looked at me as if I were their savior angel.

 "Aw beam, leave Forth and go out with me na ~ I will not share my heart with the others" lam joking while biting the sandwich and hugging my arm.  I'm laughing. Forth stared intently at lam. Lam took his hand away from me and smiled at Forth.

 "What good is it from Forth that you want to do this all?" Wad looked at me while munching on his second sandwich.

 "Don't make me start writing a list of things I can do and you don't Wad," said Forth.

 "Asshole" Wad flew his middle finger, took the third sandwich and chose silence.  I just shook my head at their childish quarrel.

 "You're not going to eat breakfast?"  asked Forth who saw me still standing beside him.

 "I can't, I have an 8 o'clock class. I have to go," I said, looking at the clock in my hand and saying hello to all of them.

 "Come again, you and your cooking are always welcome here" they shouted before I left.  Forth just shook his head while taking me to the parking lot.

 "Hey Forth ... You still don't talk to Apple," I asked.  Apple has been staring at me for two days as if it wants to stick tweezers into my body.

 Forth sighed

 "She didn't pick up the phone or read my message"

 Forth stopped when I reached my car.

 "Um ... She also refused to talk to me," I said.  Forth nodded in understanding.

 "Thanks beam .... I can't leave the SOTUS activity" Forth looked at me with a tired expression "I'll talk to her when all this activity ends" he said.  I nodded and started the engine.

 "Can you do something else for me," he pleaded.  I looked at him. Forth stood in front of my car window.  He pulled a box out of his backpack. A medium-sized black box decorated with a red ribbon.  If Forth was not in a miserable condition I would have teased him. Dating Apple makes him do a lot of crazy things.  But Apple is definitely lucky, Forth will never do this for someone he doesn't consider important.

 "You want me to give it to Apple," I asked, taking the box in his hand.  He nodded "I owe you" and he smiled sincerely. I nodded.

 "Here and 1,225 bath dinners, I will count them all along with the flowers," I joked.  Forth laughed and rubbed my head.

 "Say what you want," he said

 Your heart 

 I looked at him and bit my lips so that I would not speak out what was in my mind right now.

 "I'll think about it, maybe a month of being my slave wouldn't be enough to replace all this," I said.  Forth laughed again.

 "I will do whatever the master wants," he said, bowing in front of me.  Some students and students passing by near us were surprised to see their SOTUS Chair bowing in front of me.  I'm laughing.

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