Valuable Friends

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"Beam ~~~" Forth's mother smiled happily and hugged me tightly.

"It's good to see you back," she said.

"Hai Mae ... Ma, have you allowed Beam to stay overnight," I said, hugging her. She watched me from top to bottom.

"You're getting thinner" she narrowed his eyes then looked at Forth sharply.

" Mae, Forth is getting bigger, not all children in this world are growing like your children," said phana. Make Forth's mother hit his head slowly.

"Your mouth never changes," she pouted. But she then hugged phana and kit alternately and looked at Forth sharply while saying "Glad to see you to home intact" she said as she patted Forth's shoulder softly. Forth gave me a look of accusation. I shook my head and looked at him sharply. He should know that I won't say anything about his regular physical exercise: fighting with anyone who upsets him. Then Forth looked at phana. Phana smiled triumphantly. Forth threatens phana with his eyes but as usual, phana doesn't care about Forth's threatening gaze.

Forth's mom took phana and kit to their respective homes and then took me to their homes. Forth has a large house that can accommodate four children and three siberian huskies. As soon as I got off Ping, Pong and Pang immediately ran to me and licked me. I almost fell because of them.

"Aw ~ you guys got bigger!" I said, hugging and stroking them. They lay happy. Even though their bodies are large, Ping, Pong, and Pang are sweet and non-aggressive dogs.

"They miss you," Forth's Mae said. I smiled "Yeah ~ I miss them too" I said. Forth chuckled at me who was playing with Ping, Pong, and Pang. He brought our belongings into the house.

"Come on!" I said and the three dogs followed us into the house while wagging their tails.

"Phi Ice, Phi Mark and Phi Jenny haven't come home yet?" I asked while sitting on the sofa. Ping, Pong and Pang hit me with their heavy bodies.

"They will arrive at dinner," said Forth's mae from the kitchen. She returned while bringing snacks. Forth House is dominated by wood and Navajo motifs. Forth's father is the owner of a large construction company while his mother is an artist.

"They will arrive tonight," she said, sitting next to me. She looks at me

"How's Phloi?" She asked.

"Um ... Mae in Japan, covering the spring festival in Takayama," I said, enjoying the warm body of Ping, Pong and Pang. My mother is a journalist and photographer at National Geographic. She travels around Asia, but sometimes she also covers Thailand.

"Tsk ... Why doesn't she come home to Thailand and cover the Songkran festival," protested Forth's mother. I just smiled.

"How about it?" asked Forth's mother, pointing to the second floor with her chin.

"Well, Forth is fine," I said. Mrs. Forth narrowed her eyes in disbelief.

"Aish ... It's no use talking to you. Phana is more fun," he pouted. I'm laughing.

"Of course, Beam is my best friend," Forth said as he ruffled my hair briefly and sat next to me on the sofa. Pong moved from my lap to Forth.

I looked at Forth annoyed..

"Then where is your girlfriend? you said wanted to introduce us to" said Forth's mae. Forth sighed "her parents did not allow it"

Forth's Mae laughed "Of course, which girl's parents would release her child with a thug like you"

I'm laughing. Forth pouted.

"Well, I don't mind you dating. As long as you don't make her pregnant out of wedlock," said Forth's mother bluntly. Makes me choke on the coffee I'm drinking. Ping and Pang were shocked and shook their fur's with coffee.

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