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 Warning mature content🔞

 Beam POV

 Time goes so fast.  Forth completed last semester with an A in all subjects he took.  Me, Kit and Phana are finished with our thesis trial. We will undergo a few more weeks.  While Forth will start his apprenticeship. And today we finally fulfill his promise, treat me and go eat 

 "I invited Beam and forth, why did you come too?"  Kit glared at Phana. Wayo is shocked and feels guilty.

 "Aw .... I didn't tell you nong yo. Because you're Ming's friend, you can come along," Kit said.  Wayo still feels guilty.

 "Tch ... Party without me? Seriously. Who do you think is responsible for making them date" said Phana.  We all looked at Phana in surprise.

 "How can?"  I want to ask but we already said it first.  I looked back at Forth. He refused to look at me and looked out the window.  

 "Forth came to me when he wasn't sure of his feelings," Phana said casually.  I'm speechless.

 "Tch ... And do you think your words made him aware?"  Kit does not believe it.

 "Hey ... Tell them" Phana kicked Forth's leg.  Forth hissed annoyed.

 "More or less," said Forth, still staring out the window.  I looked at Forth. For some reason I suddenly feel worried.  Right, I forgot that in the past Forth only considered me a friend.  He must have been so confused when I confessed my feelings to him.

 "So I am the one who was the most meritorious to unite them," Phana said, smiling proudly and taking the sushi in front of him and eating it.

 Kit only looked sullen but was unable to reply to Phana's words.  Everyone started eating but Forth was still staring out the window.  I do not know what he is thinking. I put my chin on his shoulder and whispered to him "Are you not hungry Forth?"

 He was shocked and looked away then looked at my face.  Our faces are only a few centimeters away. He suddenly pulled away, making me unable to lean on him.  I am surprised. Did he just reject my touch? Somehow there is pain in my heart. Did I make a mistake?  

 "Eat ... Of course eat," he said, smiling awkwardly.  But he kept his distance while we ate.  

I tried to ignore his behavior.

 "So your mother will get married next year?"  asked kit.

 "Um ... Mae and Uncle Sharp decided to get married next year because um ... They want me to get used to their relationship," I replied.

 "So we will often see Uncle Sharp at home?"  Asked Phana

 "Maybe. I don't know," I replied.

 All night Forth said nothing.  Likewise when we go home. He just kissed my forehead briefly and said good night.  I felt pain in my heart but didn't say anything. I couldn't sleep so I went to the kitchen and got a beer.

 Did he change his mind about our relationship because of Phana's words?

 I sipped my beer and wiped the rest of the beer on my lips with my hand.

 "Why do you drink alone here?"  asked Phana. I looked at Phana who was standing next to the refrigerator.

 "Beer?"  I asked while offering him.  He took a beer bottle and opened the lid then sat down and drank its contents.

 "Where's Forth?"  he asked

"Oh come on. He doesn't have to be beside me 24 hours," I said 

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