Chapter 1

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Edit: I wrote this so long ago and looking back its really bad. With that in mind, thank you to everyone who still supported/read it, you'll never know how much it means that you all enjoy it so much. With all the love in the world, The Author <3

~~Gabriels POV~~

"Nathalie hurry up we're going to be late!" I yelled as Adrien pushed her out of a room as she whispered annoyed in protest. She was wearing a dazzling blue mermaid dress the shade of navy."I'm sorry it took so long I was planning on wearing something more simple but Adrien said that this was better for the occasion. If you could give me a bit longer I can get changed into something else."She said frantically moving her hands as she spoke."It looks nice now let's go!"I said taking her hand and leading her outside and into the back of the car.

We had about thirty minutes to get to the Gala. Normally I don't attend these things but Nathalie insisted I go. I only agreed on the one condition she accompanies me. It was reassuring to know that if I needed her she would be there with me. Almost sensing my uneasiness she took my hand and gently squeezed it showing that she was there for me as always. Emilie used to do that too. It was rather comforting and I squeezed back showing her I was alright. After that, neither of us pulled away and continued holding hands.

"S-so uhhm...Are we still on duty tonight?" Nathalie asked letting me glimpse the peacock miraculous she held."No of course not tonight is just to relax and enjoy yourself. I said as she nodded with a small smile turning and looking out her window. She was amazing. She always helped me no matter what. I didn't know why anyone would ever risk so much for me. It was selfish that I let her risk her life. She meant a lot to me and I knew that I was taking advantage of her kindness. I was afraid that if I asked her why she said she just felt sorry for me. Or maybe that she would say she just wanted to save Emilie...I wanted her to say she was doing it to help me...

Finally, after a long painstaking ride, we both arrived. The two of us walked in the large doors to a ballroom filled with a couple of hundred people filling up the large room with noise. I felt Nathalie shy away behind me as I took her arm in mine walking into the room with as confident a look I could muster. Nathalie went to less social gatherings then I did which was almost impossible considering I didn't get out much.

It was rather early in the evening so not too many people had arrived meaning my rush to be on time was most likely pointless besides Nathalie wearing a beautiful dress.

"What now?" Nathalie asked looking around confused." we socialize or dance but the dancing is usually later in the night."I said looking around for anyone I might know."Now, why don't you go find a friend."I said as she hid behind me even more."I don't really have any friends."She mumbled as I felt guilt sting me."Then this is a good chance to make you some no?"I asked as she protested as we walked around the room searching for someone who Nathalie might get along with.

"Hello your me.stones assistant right?" I asked reaching out my hand as Nathalie smiled awkwardly. She accepted shaking my hand with a welcoming smile."Yes, that's right! Please just call me penny though."She said looking between me and Nathalie."Are you two here together?"She asked sipping her champagne."Yes, actually we are. We don't normally go to these things but here we are."I smiled as Penny nodded. I felt Nathalie nudge my side which actually hurt quite a bit even though I'm sure she wasn't trying to hurt me."She meant as a couple."Nathalie said as I turned pink and stuttered."O-oh no we're just-Shes only- know what I should- I should go. Why don't you two talk."I laughed walking away as Penny looked at me confused.

Around an hour later I saw the two still talking and clearly agreeing over something. I could hear Nathalie say my name a few times. They both seemed to get along well which was a huge relief. Nathalie was smiling and nodding a lot and soon there was a large group of people all talking together about their jobs and such. I had no idea what Nathalie was so nervous about when she was so charismatic. I suppose I never actually realized it before but she seemed to get along with people really well. So well that people kept joining the conversation until there was a large group of people all smiling and laughing with Nathalie.

After a while, I walked over to the group of people as Nathalie looked over at me with a warm smile."How's everything going?"I asked as she turned to me."Its actually going quite good."She said as Penny walked up to us."Can I ask you two a question?"I nodded agreeing."How did you two meet?

~~Nathalies POV~~

I had made the awful mistake of telling Penny that I may have a small crush on Gabriel and now she was asking us personal questions"Well, she uhh. She signed up for the job of being my personal assistant."He said confused by the odd question."What are you talking about that's not how we met."I laughed lightly looking in his eyes to see if he had been joking."Don't you remember?"I asked as he looked at me like I was going crazy. I remember our meeting to clear even though it was when I was still in college...

To be continued...

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