Chapter 15

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I looked over to the passenger seat as I drove the wide road. The sun was setting and the golden light shone across her face as she looked back over at me."Do you mind telling me where we're going?"She asked with a soft smile."That's a surprise."I said shaking my head no. She sighed and leaned back into the seat as I fixated my eyes back on the road. The only noise was the soft hum of the car speeding on the road. It was quiet but I can't really say I minded all that much since it was a comfortable silence that must have made Nathalie sleepy because I saw her eyes closed and relaxed before her hand slipped as she darted up shocked and alert.

I let out a chuckle as she blushed from embarrassment."So..."She said trying to change the subject."So?"I asked keeping my eyes forward."Where are we? Going I mean."She said looking around the road and at passing cars. I stayed silent for a moment before responding."Somewhere."Nathalie groaned in response clearly not pleased with the vague answer."So basically you're taking me 'somewhere'...If you don't tell me I'm counting this as kidnapping."She said jokingly."But if I tell you it won't be fun."I said as she put her feet up."Kidnapping me won't be as fun?"She asked making me scoff."Listen enough of that I'm not kidnapping you."She sighed loudly and looked out the window bored of being stuck in the car. There was silence."We're almost there..."I said as she nodded and looked up out to the window."You didn't..."She whispered with bright eyes."Well..."I said as she looked over to me."OH MY GOD, YOU DIDNT!!!!"She smiled so hard I'm sure her cheeks hurt.

I pulled into a giant parking lot as she excitedly shook her hands. Almost the second I had parked she was out of the car and running over to my side if the car. I got out as she hugged me so tight I forgot how to breathe."Thank you!!!Thank you thank you thank you!!!"She said as I saw the colours of the lights dance in her eyes."Well, you said you wanted to go to a festival and since there weren't any going on I took you to...This!I mean sure it's an hour's drive but I think it'll be worth it."I said as she beamed brighter than the lights."You have no idea how happy you're making me."She said brushing her hair behind her ear and taking my hand. She basically pulled me forward towards everything.

About 15 minutes in and she had already won about 3 games and looked like an excited puppy."You have no idea how happy I am that you took me here..."She said with a warmth to her voice that made my ears burn red."How could I not?"I asked as she stopped to admire everything. And right here right now if the world were to stay like this forever...I wouldn't mind. I could be happy forever like this. With her by my side and having nothing to worry about. I think this is the first in a long time I've felt this optimistic and positive about the future. Because with her I didn't have anything to worry about...After all, she was my everything. Reality seemed so far away. Like an out of reach star. When you reach up to grab them and they seem so close yet you know the night sky is far away and somehow it gives you this feeling that of pure bliss...Euphoria maybe even. That's what it was like. And I'm sure that I could talk for years about this moment and all the thoughts and emotions there were because it was neverending. Like we were the only people there and the rest of the world could fall away and try as it might we would stay. Maybe it was the lights or the stars or maybe the fact that her smile was only for me. But I felt so big...and the world felt so small.

If the world stopped spinning tomorrow I would regret my past mistakes in not realizing everything sooner...But it wouldn't and I had the rest of my life to love her. To see her get sad...and angry, happy, scared but no matter what happened I'd be there. Right there through it all. And I'm sure that someday I would tell her all this...and she would laugh and smile and call me cheesy but I would be there for that day. I didn't need any marriage vows or fancy rings to know that I would be there as long into the future as I had by her side willing to be there making up for all the time I had lost on someone else. And before we fade away from the night sky I'd cherish the sweet hope of meeting her in a better world because there was nothing less of a reassurance we were soulmates. I only hoped that She felt the same.

And with that and more I smiled looking up at the stars and squeezed her hand gently as she looked up at me with a smile that I'm sure meant she was thinking the same."I feel like this is a dream...I mean I've just waited so long for this and now...Here we are."She said looking straight ahead as she squeezed back as well."But we're finally here...And I'm not dreaming. This is reality."She said with a soft voice. I couldn't see her face but I knew that she had that same smile."I'm sorry for making you wait."I said as she let out a small chuckle."See that's the thing...I don't care how long I've had to wait because I don't have to anymore. Doesn't that make this worth it?"She asked with a true belief in her words."As always you're right."

She turned to me with a genuine look of joy as I gave the same look to her. I leaned over slightly as she brought my face to hers as our lips met softly kissing one another. My heart was in her hands and I had full assurance she would never break it.

This next chapter is going to be the last thank you all for reading it means a lot to know you enjoy it. Once I finish this I'm going to start a new one so if you want to you can check that out!I've had so much fun writing this and I hope everyone has enjoyed reading I can't believe we're almost at the end. See you all in the next chapter.~The Author

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