Chapter 11

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Last night I had a dream. It wasn't any normal dream where you have the power to fly and the sky is raining spaghetti or something weird like that. Instead, it was a surreal dream.

It started with a blinding light beaming at my eyes then the rabbit miraculous holder taking my hand and leading me into this weird...ball type place where there were windows into random places. She took me through one. Then I felt a little girl with black hair and dazzling blue eyes grab my leg and look up at me with big eyes."Dad!"She yelled with a big smile. I was confused about course but not long after Nathalie walked in and picked her up giving me a kiss in the cheek. Both me and Nathalie had matching rings...

The dream shortly ended after that but it made me think...What would my future with Nathalie have been if I hadn't moved away all those years ago? Would we have the same life as the one there? It ended up leaving a sour taste in my mouth that morning.

I glanced at my phone that buzzed with a news update. I picked it up and tapped on the notification leading me to live video footage of one of Mayura's centimonsters. I sighed before catching a glimpse of something. I saw her in a corner of the screen coming in and out of view of the shaky camera. I normally wouldn't be interested but I didn't just see her I also saw...Chat noir. The two of them were battling while ladybug tried to figure out how to defeat and capture the amok.

I know she didn't need help but every fibre of my being was telling me to go get her and bring her back safe...

I turned to the painting gazing up into Emilie's eyes."What do I do? I love you...I can bring you back but should I? Please tell me what I need to do I can't...I can't do this alone..."I said tears falling from my eyes.

But I wasn't alone of course. I had Nathalie...I still wasn't ready to let go if Emilie but...I was ready to stop this madness once and for all.

"Nooroo darkwings rise!" I said as I was consumed by the darkness and transformed into Hawkmoth. I had no reason to worry about being spotted since Adrien was at school and gorilla was busy with errands.

I arrived at the scene where Ladybug was still fighting the Centimonster and Mayura still taunting Chat noir. Looks like you've been busy..."I said taking Mayura's attention for a split second before she focused back on the heroes."Yes...They seem to have had an increasingly hard time with this..."She said referring to the Centimonster."Listen...I'm not ready to let go of...Emilie."I said whispering her name."But this will be our last attempt at bringing her back...That's my final decision."I said as she side-eyed me."You've said that before you know..."She said sounding doubtful. I can't blame her for not believing me. I had promised her such things before."This time...This time I mean it."I said as she smiled slightly."Then I better give this my all."

She jumped back into battle as I fell behind purposefully falling into the alley where I found someone to akumatize.One of the old superheroes."LadyWifi..."I said with a demolish smile.

Not minutes later she showed up stopping ladybug from finally defeating the Centimonster."This is getting seriously annoying."Ladybug grouched as I joined the group up in the roof of one of many buildings."Well well..."Mayura said glancing over at me."Looks like someone decided to join the party"She smiled."what's the plan M'lady?"The pesky cat asked."We can take out hawkmoth and mayura first...After that, we won't have to deal with the Akuma and Amok...But I need to go or else I'll transform back...can you keep them busy?"She asked as the kitty nodded and she left in a hurry.

Mayura went to go after her but the Chat noir stopped her with his stick."Where do you think you're going little bird?"He asked as she frowned at him. Mayura looked over to me and I nodded understanding.

I ran forward while Chat noir was busy blocking mayura looking for where Ladybug went.

I was losing my certainties at this point...Even if I did get the miraculous and brought back Emilie what would happen? How would I tell Adrien about everything? Would I still be able to see Nathalie...She said she was going to quit but if none of that happened could I convince her to stay? Even then there was no guarantee of anything. Was this just foolish thinking. Either way, I'm going to lose someone. And what about the price I'd have to pay to bring Emilie back too? There were too many things to think about.  I lost concentration and tripped I went flying off the rooftop but before I could get anywhere near the ground something wrapped around me."Oh great..."I whispered as ladybug pulled me up with her yo-yo."Chat I've got-"She was cut short when she saw Mayura holding her partner captive."Sorry bugaboo."He said a little ashamed."Give me the kitty."Ladybug said tightening the yo-yo around me."Not a chance."Mayura smiled as the Centimonster came towards us at full speed."Watch out!"The cat yelled."Cataclysm!"He shouted pushing mayura aside "Na-Mayura! I yelled as the yo-yo loosened. I lunged towards her trying to keep her from falling over the edge of the building.      The heroes in the meantime we're scrambling to get away from here before the Centimonster arrived. Surely enough ladybug ran away with her partner escaping with her yo-yo.

" Mayura!"I yelled as I reached out my hand. Our fingers brushed trying to grab each other. Her hand brushed part mine sending her plummeting off the this point, I had no choice.

I jumped down catching her in my arms."I don't want to die!"I yelled holding her as close as I could turn my back towards the ground landing like that. The Centimonster crashed into the building sending debris flying around us.

Then the whole world seemed to go quiet. The ringing in my ears drowned out any other noise. The shock stopped me from feeling any pain from my back. It was almost peaceful how quiet the world felt...I closed my eyes taking heavy breaths praying to God we would survive this. Darkness took over my eyes closed as I let the quiet consume me.

Sorry guys I thought I published this but I didn't sorry 💖

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