Chapter 9

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I lifted my hand up to her bun and pulled out an elastic letting Nathalie's hair brush past her shoulders falling free."Sir, you look sick..."She said concerned. I couldn't believe this. Of the three women I've ever loved, she was two of them. God, I was blind. How could I not see it sooner? Well then again some of my memories faded after a car accident but I still remember her smile...a bunch of feelings hit me at once. I thought I already had feelings for her but now I had even more. That's when I finally realized it. The reason she was always there for me."Do you...Love me?"I asked with wonder."Of course..." she nodded embarrassed."Oh my dear god."I said wishing for death."Uhhm.You know what I'm not feeling too well maybe I should just leave."She said before starting to walk off but I stopped her grabbing her wrist gently."Please Nathalie I need to talk to you."I begged as she shook her head no her hand leaving mine."I can't do this."She said walking away as fast as she could towards the balcony."Well...That was awkward."Penny said walking up beside me and putting a hand on my shoulder.

I walked out onto the balcony and felt night air hit my face. Nathalie must have heard me because she turned around."G-Gabriel."She said wiping her tears off her face. I felt so guilty right now. How could I not see it?"Are you okay?"I asked taking a step forward wanting all I could to hold and comfort her."Yes, I'm fine...I guess I just feel more embarrassed than anything. I feel humiliated that I thought that not only would you remember me but that you would also still have some feelings for me. But you have Emilie and Adrien...You already have a family...And I'm all alone."She took a pause."I think it's time for me to move on. To move forward with my life. Maybe find someone else who...Who loves me."She said tears still falling from her eyes. Hearing her say that...really hurt."Nathalie, I'm sorry I-"I wanted to apologize for everything right here and now but she cut me off."No, it's fine. You don't have to apologize for anything. I understand that you love Emilie. You don't have to be sorry for that."She said forcing herself to smile."I think I'm going to quit...I'll leave in a month or two. Of course, I'll still help you with being hawkmoth for that time and will never tell anyone your identity."

I reached my hands up and brought her face closer to mine locking her in a kiss. She broke away looking at me taken aback."W-what?"She said her already pink face turning red."Nathalie, I loved you all those years ago...I loved who you were in the past who you are in the present and who you will be in the future. I know Emilie is important to me but...I think it's time to forget about that. Honestly, if I could ask you out right here and right now I would but I have a feeling that's much too sudden. I already liked you before I knew but now...Now I like you even more."I said taking her hands. "I...Cant." She said looking away."You're just saying that to make me feel better."She sighed sadly in disbelief."No if course not...Nathalie, I can't express how much you mean to me. You've helped me through so much and done everything you could for me. I know that I don't show it often or really at all but every time you're around I'm much happier. Emilie isn't coming back and you've always been there for me. At the very least thank you."I said letting go of one of her hands to move her face so her eyes met mine."Do you...Do you really mean that?"She asked as nodded I wiping away tears swiftly from her face with my thumb."I should honestly be the one thanking you"She smiled"Oh?"I replied."Oh my goodness."She said freaking out."Should we tell Adrien we used to date?"She asked looking up at me with both excitement and worry."Er...About that, he already thinks that we have...a rather intimate relationship."

Nathalie gave a blank stare not understanding."A what?"She asked hoping for clarification."Well...We spend a lot of time together doing 'work' and can disappear together for hours at a time so he thinks that at that time we're...Together" I said embarrassed to say It out loud."When did you find out this information?"She said looking like she had been hit with a truck."Remember that day when Amelie visited? That was when he told me"I asked as she nodded."Why didn't you tell me?"She asked clearly in a state of 'what the hell is happening'."Because even if I had told you what would it have changed?"I asked as she shrugged aggressively."Listen let's just go home and talk about this tomorrow."I said as she nodded in agreement.

The car ride back to my house seemed longer than the one there. We sat in silence both still processing everything. To think that I've always loved her...And to know that this truly amazing person was always right here...

We got back to the manor and Adrien was already calmly asleep. I escorted Nathalie to her room(A spare guest room she had basically moved into since she spent so much time here)."Goodnight I whispered leaning down to kiss her forehead."Sleep well."She responded as I headed to my room(Where Nathalie occasionally fell asleep in doing work with me). I flopped onto the bed burying my face into one of the pillows. Nathalie's name kept running through my head. Exhaustion seemed to take over my body as I fell asleep almost as soon as I closed my eyes.

Just so we're clear they aren't dating yet because Nathalie still doesn't think Gabriel likes her and Gabriel as a little conflicted about everything.~★

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