Chapter 12

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I sat silently in bed letting my mind wander through the event that occurred about 2 days ago. Part of it was blurry but from what I can remember clearly... I and Gabriel were in a pile of rubble and debris. My whole body had felt like hell. I tried to wake up Gabriel but he wouldn't open his eyes so I hid our miraculous and dragged him out of the mess while limping and falling over. I called for help and eventually, ladybug and chat noir showed up. They annoy me but God I owe my life to them for saving Gabe. I remember Chat noir looked like a ghost when he saw us. Its a weird detail but I suppose the fear in his eyes scared me...

After that, we were taken to the hospital and tended to. I had cuts and bruises all over but mostly on my legs. They said that I should just stay and rest up for a while until I can walk again. That was a while ago...I never knew how long a couple of days could feel until now. I've tried my best to stay resilient and not cry which has seemed to work so far.

I saw someone walk into the room from the corner of my eye. I looked up with a tired smile as Adrien sat down in the chair beside the hospital bed."How Was School?"I asked as he set down his bag."It was fine...I've just had a hard time focusing on anything since you and Father are so hurt"He sighed looking up at me."There's no need to worry both of us will be alright I assure you."I said trying to make him feel better."But you can't even walk yet and Dad hast is woken up! Even if he does his back has a giant bruise on it! Ladybug and especially chat noir should've been there to save you!"He yelled running a hand through his hair. He's always loved the heroes...he admired them...mostly chat noir and now here he was...Hearing his day that made my stomach twist in a knot."They aren't the ones to blame...this is Mayura's fault."I said knowing I was the only reason any of this had happened."Why don't you go check up on your dad hmm? Maybe he's awake."I said as he shook his head no."When I checked in one of the nurses recognized me and told me that he still hasn't woken up...It's not fair...why did this have to happen to you two."Adrien said angrily tears forming in his eyes. I put a hand on his cheek and wiped some stray tears away."Why don't you go home and rest? You've stayed both nights at the hospital and barely got any sleep for a while now I'm sure you're tired."I smiled wiping away more tears before pulling my hand away."Yeah...Alright"He sighed getting up and grabbing his backpack."Oh and...Thank you, Nathalie."He said giving a sad smile before turning and leaving through the door.

I sighed once again alone in the room."So Gabriel still hasn't woken up huh...I wonder if he will...What kind of question is that he has to. That dumb man wouldn't let himself fall into a coma..."I said laughing to myself trying not to worry. In the end, I was just tricking myself into thinking those things but I wasn't sure if I even believed what I was saying anymore. I paid back onto the pillow gently and looked up at the ceiling waiting for someone to tell me that I was right. That everything would be fine and there was no need for worry. But nothing happened.

Right now more than anything I wanted to see Gabe...To hear his voice and feel his handhold mine. I sat back up with a huff determined to go see him. I knew that the nurses wouldn't want me to since I should be resting right now but...I moved my feet to the side of the bed and gently placed them on the cold tiled floor.zi pushed myself up off the bed and extended a hand to the wall for support when I felt spiked of pain shoot through my veins. I winced gritting my teeth and taking a breath not letting this stop me. I took another step and used the wall as support. I took another step. Two more.Three.Four.Five.Six, Seven.Eight, Nine, and Ten.

I was in the loud hallway with lots of people hustling around going to visit family or nurses running in and out of rooms too busy to notice me. Adrien had told me Gabriel's room number...What was it? 127. I gazed over at my room number which read '130'.Looking down both sides of the hall I saw that to the left the numbers seemed to decrease."Here we go..."

I stumbled into Gabriel's room as my legs stung like fire felling like they were going to give way almost in the next moment. I had to keep going though...I had to be strong. Not just for myself but for Adrien and Gabriel too. They were all I had. But in the end, I'm not...I'm not strong even if I always try to be nothing can change that. I 'walked' over to The chair beside his bed put out by Adrien two nights ago. He had said something along the lines of "I want to be there when he wakes up..."How I envied Adrien for that...Of course, I wanted to be there too...But after that night He seemed to have slowly given up hope and didn't see the need in waiting here anymore. I sat down with a relieved sigh."You're lucky I like you enough to walk here."I said to the silent room. I gazed over his almost lifeless body. It hurt to see him like this...Like a sting in my heart.

I watched his chest rise and fall as birds chirped outside and people walked in the halls...The only noise coming from the room was the on and off beeping of machines. The only way to tell he was still alive was his breathing...He was here with me yet somehow it felt as if it was just an empty shell while his soul slumbered somewhere else. I wonder if that's how Gabriel felt looking at Emilie...It must be hard for him to have to see that. To have her so close yet so far...What an awful feeling.

"This is all my fault, isn't it? If I had been more careful neither of us would be suffering right now.I'm such an idiot aren't I?"..."You can't even be here to tell me how stupid I was...I never thought that would be worse."

I took his hand and lasted my head on the side of the bed."I know I don't deserve to forgiven but please wake up...If not for me then for Adrien.I'm sure Emilie would want you to wake up too...please wake up for us. I need you...So stop being such a stubborn old man and wake up already!lI said my voice breaking as I began to cry.

My whole facade of being strong takes down. I had been bottling up my feeling for too long. The fear, guilt, pain. I held his hand tighter afraid that if I let go I would lose him forever. My eyes burned as I sailed in despair worried that things would end like this. Like this is where the world fell apart shattering into a million pieces unable to be stitched back into reality. The only thing that could fix this was a miracle.

And yet somehow just like that, I remembered that miracles do in fact exist.

"Nathalie...why are you crying?"

Ignore the random photo it has nothing to do with the chapter

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