chapter 7

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We sat there together in silence as I drew her outfit on a pose base that I had drawn earlier. I edited a few things here and there but kept going feeling utterly amazed by her at the moment.

I ended up drawing every outfit I had seen her wear. She had an amazing fashion sense which was great because it made making outfits for her easy.

"Hey, Gabe?" Nathalie asked using my nickname."Yeah?"I asked back continuing to draw her."Did you search around the entire campus looking for me?"She asked looking up from her book."Maybe..."I replied remembering being completely lost looking around for her. A bunch of people stopped and asked if I was a visitor that needed help since they saw me looking around helplessly and walking in circles. I told them I was and asked them if they knew Nathalie but none of them knew who I was talking about what's worse actually is those who did refuse to help me.

"Pfft," Nathalie said, "by 'maybe' I'm guessing you're implying that you were completely lost." She smiled as I nodded."Do you know how to leave?"She asked sitting up and rummaging through her bag."Not a clue."I admitted as she pulled out a folded piece of paper."This is a school map."She said unfolding it."We're right here."She said pulling the cap off a pen and drawing a dot."I hope that helps."She said making me smile."Now if you'll excuse me I still have one last class to get to."She yawned getting up and stretching."So I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"She said picking up her bag."Sure..."I said sadly we couldn't hang out tonight."Oh and I'm planning the date because last time you completely zoned out and forgot about it"She smirked walking away. I sat there for a while watching her walk away until I focused back onto my tablet. I looked through the drawings and was surprised at not only how many I had but also how good they turned out."These are perfect!"I exclaimed immediately revising small details before sending them in an email back to the Audrey Fashion program.

"Does this mean I have to go back to school?...Nah"I said finally picking up the map and making my way through the maze of a campus to the bus station. I was so focused on the map I barely focused on anything else resulting in me bumping into someone."Oh uhhm sorry."I said as they looked up at me and pushed themselves off the ground."Say...Aren't you that guy Nathalie was hanging out with at the cafe?"She asked as her friend stared me down."Is that really him?"She asked her friend making me tilt my head confused."Yes...that's me. Are you two her friends?"I asked as she shook her head no."We're more like acquaintances. Nathalie doesn't really make friends you know being mute and all."She said dusting herself off."What are you talking about she isn't mute."I said as they both gave me a surprised look." oh...well then I guess we were wrong. Nobody's ever seen her talk so everyone just assumed she couldn't. So who are you? Some rich dude her parents are setting her up with?"The other girl said making my crumple the map in my hands."First of all, you shouldn't assume things and second of all, I'm not rich in any way. Im literally living off a scholarship."I said fed up with whoever these people were."Oh. We just thought that no one would actually choose to date her. She's so stuck up walking around with her nose in the air since her rich parents have her back."One of them laughed mockingly."Do you even know anything about her? Anything true?"I asked as they rolled their eyes."Gee sorry I didn't mean to upset you don't cry about it."She scoffed."You know I can see why she wouldn't want to talk to anyone like you anyways."I said pushing past them trying to cool my burning rage. My desire to punch them was getting higher by the millisecond so leaving was best for everyone.

It pissed me that they could say such awful things about her when they obviously didn't know a single thing about her. I gripped the bridge of my nose trying to calm myself. I rubbed my eyes and sighed. I definitely overreacted about that. I mean how was I supposed to just stand there and let them be rude to her? I wonder if everyone thought that about her...She mentioned that she didn't like school because if all the people gossiping about her but I had no idea it was that bad.

I used to have a bad reputation in high school. I got into a lot of fights with most kids in my classes. But since I didn't have the money for college I needed a scholarship. My grades were good enough but my attitude wasn't. One of the counsellors had pulled me into his office to tell me that. From then on I just let everyone move me without fighting back. It sucked but I finally got into college and was rid of everyone at my last school. It sucked but I think it was worth it. After all, I never would have met Nathalie if I hadn't.

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