chapter 8

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Months seemed to go by of me and Gabriel dating. We took things slow and would only kiss one another's cheek too afraid of overstepping boundaries to go further. It was probably the happiest time of my life though. Being here in the present with him by my side. Who could ask for more?

"Where do you wanna go today?" I asked as he looked up from his phone."Hm?Sorry oh uh...I wanna go to the beach. You know like our first date."He said smiling but quickly turned back to his phone clearly distracted."What's so interesting on your phone?"I asked wrapping my arms around him from the back."Nothing much just school stuff."He said putting it away."So anyway does the beach sound like a good plan?"He asked kissing my cheek softly."Of course.Though it's kind of cheesy."I said as he blushed embarrassed."Now if you don't mind I have work."I smiled putting on my jacket and opening the door of his apartment. Yes, I had finally gotten a job."Okay well, I'll see you at 8:00" He smiled but something felt off. He felt kind of...sad.

The whole day I was put off by his sad smile. I zoned out at work(I missed my lunch break because I was so distracted) and while taking the bus(which resulted in me accidentally getting lost).

"God, I'm such a mess."I sighed putting down my bag and falling onto my bed. It was only 6:00 but I don't feel like doing anything including going to Gabriel's place since we would see each other soon."Why was he so sad?..."I could have been wrong of course. Was that it? It must have been right? I tend to overreact lots when I see him down so I probably just needed to chill. Sometimes be got tired and would seem sad or upset so maybe that was it. I mean we did spend the night together and stayed up somewhat late so it was plausible.

How is it that one person can be your whole world? Like they mean everything to you.No matter what I would always be there for him. That's what I promised him at least. It was a promise I vowed to always protect. Gabriel was always going to hold a special place in me. I always thought that there was no point in a relationship if you were just going to break up but with him no matter how it ended I would always cherish him that was that.

I got into a red frilly dress and did up my hair(which I still hadn't dyed.) and make-up before putting on some sneakers. I mean sure I liked looking nice but we were going to a beach I can't wear heels in the sand.

Instead of being a normal person and waiting to leave later and taking the bus, I decided to walk there (but stop for a cookie on the way there because I was hungry).

I slipped my jacket back on and left my house into the soft evening. As I was walking I saw a cute little cat come patting up to me."Lucky!"I smiled picking her up as she mewed happily."I haven't seen you in a while. How's your new owner treating you?"I asked the cat as it stared at me blankly. Right, she's a cat."Nevermind
"I laughed off my stupid question and set her down. She looked back up at me before seemingly walking away. Sure black cats are supposed to bring bad luck but she was adorable and who even believes those myths anyway.

I finally reached the beach and saw Gabriel waiting there with for me." Nathalie!"He smiled sprinting to me."Its been way too long."He laughed."Oh please, it was only 10 hours."I said feeling my butterflies tickle my stomach."Like I said too long. Anyway, you look nice."He said looking me up and down."Of course, I dressed up for our date."I said as he beamed."Well I mean I was just planning for this to be a little more of a...interesting date. Here cover your eyes."He said as I raised an eyebrow suspiciously but did as he asked shutting my eyes.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he led me somewhere."You'll see."He said as we continued forward. I couldn't see anything but I had complete faith in him."Here take a big step."He said as I stepped up onto a wood platform."You can open your eyes..."He said with a delighted tone. I blinked open my eyes to see a blanket spread out on a doc that nobody used. There were candles and blankets with food and sweets all laid out."Oh my goodness..."I said gazing amazed at the sight."I love it!"I smiled turning to him smiling."I-I'm glad."He said grinning."Gabriel, you didn't have to do all this." I smiled lightly punching him playfully."I just...wanted tonight to be special."He said making my heart pound fast."Okay, weirdo."I said sitting down and grabbing a blanket."Come on."I said pulling him down to sit with me.

We sat together as he asked me about my day and told him about getting lost on the bus and about. We ate and laughed together watching the stars as it got darker out. We cuddled together in the blankets as it got colder and darker.

I yawned and huddled closer to him slowly falling asleep."I should get home."I said as he tilted his head to look at me. I got up pulling my jacket back on."This was...Wonderful.Thank you."I smiled stretching."Actually, before you go I need to say something."He said getting up."Do you know that fashion program thing? Well uhh...I got in!"He said anxiously."Gabriel...That's the best thing ever!! I'm so happy for you!!"I said proudly of him."Yes but...I'm not going."He said confusing me."What?Why?"I asked wondering why he would turn down the chance to fulfill his dream."It's in Paris. I can't just drop everything here and leave I-...I can't leave you."He said taking my hands."Nathalie, I love you!" he said looking into my eyes carefully."You..."I felt lots of emotions swirl around inside of me. My body felt tingly and light. before I could think I pulled him into a long kiss."I love you too...But you have to go."I said with a red face." listen I said I would always be there for you. This is everything you've ever wanted...You have to do it. I know that means we can't be together but...I'll always love you...No matter what I promised to be there for you. And I will."I said looking into his eyes."I'm not letting you throw away an amazing chance just for me and maybe someday we will see each other again."I said as he nodded."I'm so lucky to have ever met you...You're such a...Beautiful person.Inside and out."

"Thank you, Nathalie."

After that, he flew to Paris. We lost touch over the years. through that time he became famous. he got a wife and a beautiful child. I moved on with my life too. Thanks to him I finally opened up to making friends and had other partners as well(none that stayed). We both seemed to lose feelings for one another. Eventually, I went to Paris too and was looking for a job which is when I asked about being his assistant. It took a while but soon old and new feelings for him returned...

~~Back to the Party~~
"And that's how we met, "I said as Gabriel and everyone stared at me.

"Oh my god," Gabriel said pale to the point where he looked like a ghost.

~To be continued~

Don't worry its not over yet there's much more to the story~

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