Chapter 13

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"S-sir!"She yelled surprised as she wiped her tears away."What the hell..."I said looking around the room."A hospital?"..."OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?!"I yelled remembering everything."Yes, I'm fine thanks to you should be more worried about yourself."She said letting go of my hand awkwardly."Are you sure you're okay? I can see like 20 bruises on you right now. Why does my back hurt so God damn much"I asked as she let out a small laugh."You damaged it in the fall...And yes I'm fine the only thing I hurt was my legs and they'll be fine in less than a week."She said looking weirdly happy to be hurt. Though somehow it made me want to smile with her."Oh and by the way you just slept for like 2 days."She explained."Oh...Adrien is he...Alright?"I asked as she nodded yes."What about the Akuma and amok."I asked as she shifted."I released the amok and ladybug defeated the Akuma."She said looking down a little."Well...I guess I'm glad this is it."I said with a sigh."What?"She asked confused."I just mean that we aren't going to be villains for any longer..."I said as she nodded with a somewhat sad look.

"I'm sorry I asked you to do all of this for me. Especially since it was all so pointless."I said looking her in the eyes."No, it's fine!I-...I would do anything for you no matter the cost!"She said taking my hand again."I guess I'm sorry for not being able to succeed."She said with tired eyes."I failed you..."She said with a sad smile as tears formed in her eyes and fell down her face.i I leaned forward even though it hurt to do so an took her face in my hands. She looked up at me with confused eyes before I pulled her into a kiss. It was only a moment but somehow it felt like forever. Like this was the only thing that mattered. She pulled away suddenly with a red face."S-S-S-SIR!"She stuttered." I-"I said ready to talk before she cut me off."Why do you do this to me?"She asked as she started crying more"Wh-...I don't understand."I said caught off guard."You know I like you so why do you keep playing with my feelings?!"She asked as she gave me a look I'll never forget. I was so shocked to hear her say this I couldn't reply."I know You don't love me. Im reminded every day that I'm not enough...that I'm not her."She said looking down as I took her hands in mine." important to me. I won't deny that. But that doesn't mean they you aren't special to me...You're always here beside me...supporting me through everything. Youre right there with me but...I feel like you're too far away. Your perfect smile and warm demeanour that outshines all the bad...I feel like sometimes I barely know you...Even though I know you're favourite colour is red. You sometimes talk in your sleep and that you like to take walks to pass fact, I've seen you pace around the hallways while reading emails..."I laughed as she stared at me with wide eyes."And yet I still feel like I don't know you well enough...I guess umm...I want to get to know you...You're're fears...You're dreams."I smiled as she blushed slightly."Maybe we could talk about it...Over a cup of coffee as my date?"I asked as she gave me a blank stare."Know what never mind that was weird just forget I said anything." I said letting go of her hands."You're serious?"She asked slightly leaning forward waiting for my response."Well...Yeah of course I am. I might as well give it a try right?"I asked as she leaned in further and slowly kissed my lips. This kiss was different. It Wasn't a fast kiss that was just a small thing. It was a long one filled with feeling. It was soft and made me think of way back when...That girl who was in the rain without an umbrella and ordered hot chocolate...The girl who watched movies with me and stayed up all night talking about anything.The girl who would take off her shoes to walk through the sand and had the sweetest voice. She pulled away softly and opened her eyes meeting mine."Oh!Sorry I should have asked you first I'm sorry."She smiled flustered. my ears felt hot and the world seemed to spin as my heart thumped loudly in my chest drowning out my thoughts. And there sat Nathalie illuminated by the setting sun like an angel.

"It's fine..."I smiled and she smiled back with a glow in her Face I'd never quite seen."Ah, well I should get back to my room."She said knocking over the chair and a few other things on the way out.

"I love her"I whispered to myself with a laugh after she left.maybe it was just wishful thinking to hope this would work out into a happily ever after. But no matter whether it was or wasn't I could at least try. Today right here, right now, I'll love again.

"As soon as we get out of here I'm definitely taking her out."I smiled leaning back onto the bed and smiling like an idiot. But what else do you expect from a fool in love?"


This went from angst to wholesome-

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