Chapter 5

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I woke up and immediately the first thing that crossed my mind was how last night Nathalie kissed my cheek. It felt like a dream. Something about it just seemed too good to be true.

I hauled myself out of bed not really being much of a morning person. I went to the bathroom and sure enough on my cheek was the small lipstick stain I had accidentally left on last night."So it was real..."I said staring in amazement. I picked up my phone and went through my texts. There was one from Nathalie that was sent an hour and a half ago saying "Good morning!" However I had just woken up meaning that she(unlike me) was a morning person.

"Good morning.Sorry for not responding earlier but I was asleep.". I texted back turning off my phone and bringing it with me to the kitchen where I lazily took a piece of bread and put it into my toaster. That's when I felt something soft nudge my foot." Not now."I mumbled as it meowed up at me."Fine fine."I said before walking over to a bowl engraved with the name 'Lucky' and poured cat food I to it."I still have to find a home for you huh?"I asked the cat as it meowed back.

My toast popped up as I grabbed it picking my phone back up.

"You were still asleep?! It's like 8:30!" The text from Nathalie read making me smile."Are you free today?"I asked texting her back as the little bubble showed three dots signalling she was typing.

I finished my toast and left my phone in the kitchen before changing into different clothes and opening my tablet to research the current fashion trends and make a fast sketch of an outfit based on current trends. Something about it looked odd and I didn't really like it too much. Lately that had been most of my drawings. They all felt uninspired and boring. I groaned before heading back to my phone to see Nathalie's response.

"Sorry but I'm not free until later tonight. I have a few job interviews to attend." Her text said as I sighed."Do you want to maybe come over to my house tonight then?"I asked."We could watch a movie or something."Sounds great!"She replied."Does 7 work for you?"She asked making me smile."Yeah.Any movie requests?"I texted as the black kitten pawed at my foot again."What?"I asked turning around and bending over in one swift motion to pet it as it mewed softly happily being pet. It meowed again as I sighed not knowing much about cats or how to take care of them."I need to find you a home fast" I smiled grabbing my phone again.

"I don't have any preferences^^" She typed back meaning it was up to me to choose a movie."What do you think lucky? Should it be an action movie?"I asked as the cat mewled tilting its head confused."And now I'm talking to the cat."I sighed rubbing my temples.

I hadn't actually wanted to be a cat owner in the first place. I wasn't a good pet owner or plant owner since I always seemed to forget to water them. But this cat just seemed to be ridiculously fortunate. It had been waiting outside the door of my apartment in the rain. I got home and opened my door already planning to help the small kitten inside but it seemed to comfortably walk in like it had lived here all its life. I know what you may be thinking." maybe she belonged to one of the neighbours? Or maybe she was the pet of whoever lived here before?"But nope. I've lived here for 2 years and the neighbours had no clue who this cat was or who it belonged to. Not only that but it had no collar too. Meaning I was stuck with this kitten until someone claimed her. I guess she got her name from how lucky she was. It does sound like I hate her but in reality I really enjoy her company since I live all alone. She's probably the only thing keeping me sane(not to mention she's absolutely adorable).

I looked through my Emails trying to avoid a certain one that I always seemed to draw back to.

" Hello Gabriel, We received an application for the fashion program here in Paris. As you know there can only be one winner. To participate you must send in a group of designs and a list of the materials you would use in each design. We will evaluate each participant's entry and judge based on originality, functionality, trends, inspiring, and use of materials. Once you finish the designs please email them back to us.

The Audry fashion program."

I don't know why I ever signed up for the stupid program when there wasn't much of a chance of me winning. Especially since I hadn't been able to make any good designs since I opened the Email.

I groaned closing my computer and stuffing it in a drawer to hopefully forget about it.

'I should just pick a movie" I mumbled to myself opening my phone and searching through top-rated movies. I was trying to focus on it but I kept zoning off and forgetting to actually pick one.

It was getting cold outside but I felt cooped up inside. Grey clouds flooded the sky all getting darker into the distance. I let Lucky out as she mewed and patted around heading down the stairs as fast as she could. I shivered as the wind stung my nose.

I sat outside as the sky seemed to darken it felt like hours had passed. Eventually Lucky came back and played weaving between my legs as I stood staring into the sky.



"Gabriel!?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked beside me to see Nathalie staring at me worriedly."You look like a ghost."She said putting her hand to my face. Her hand was unbelievably warm."God how long have you been outside?"She asked putting both hands on my cheeks trying to warm me up."Uhh ...Two?"I replied."Two what?"She inspired as I leaned into the warm touch."Hours?"I said as she acted like she was having a heart attack."WHAT THE- YOU'RE GOING TO CATCH YOUR DEATH GO INSIDE YOU CRAZY MAN!!!"She yelled shaking me. I  laughed getting out my keys and opening the door making Lucky bolt inside and Nathalie push me inside as fast as she could."Who in their right mind would do that?"She asked still with a loud voice looking around the apartment and bringing me a blanket. Then another one. And another.Until I was more blanket than Gabriel. She was even boiling water too. She seemed to easily find everything even though she had never been here before."You're going to be sick."She mumbled shaking her head."I guess I just lost track of time" I laughed slightly as she poured a steaming liquid into a cup."Hot chocolate?"She asked handing me the cup that had a few marshmallows bobbing around."I had no idea I had this..."I said with a smile."It was in your cupboard."She shrugged.

"What movie did you pick she asked curling up in one of the blankets." Oh...Right I forgot."I laughed as she shook her head laughing along."You're such a big goof."She smiled getting up and walking to one of the other rooms as I heard her rummage around.

Nathalie was...really something. Something Special. I barely knew her and yet I didn't ever want this to end.

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