Chapter 16

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"Honey stop working and get ready already" Nathalie's voice shouted from what I assume was our room. I sighed and dropped my pen. I can't turn her down especially since it was our anniversary. To think that we've already been married for a year...I opened the door to the hallway and walked over."How am I supposed to get ready if you're hogging the room."I asked hearing her shuffle around the room."I'm already did changing just come in."She said as I raised an eyebrow in amusement."I think you're forgetting something."I grinned."And what would that be?"She inquired as she kept walking around the room."That you locked the door."I said hearing her suddenly stop in her tracks as the room went silent. With a click, she opened the door her face meeting mine."Sorry" She said with an embarrassed smile before walking to the bathroom."Oh, by the way, Adrien is going over to a friend's house tonight so that he's not alone."Her voice boomed from the connected room."Sounds good."I said taking out my suit and getting changed.

"It's funny how far we've come."I said fixing my hair in front of the bathroom mirror." How so?"She asked looking up at me."I mean the fact that you only used to be my assistant...And now here we are."I smiled as she brought my face down to hers for a kiss."I don't know about you but I think I'm ready to go."She beamed happily. She had a stunning blue mermaid dress on that glowed with elegance and a beautiful bun decorated with roses to match."I just need to get my present for you."I smiled letting go of her waist to go into the other room. I had bought her a set of jewelry that I had seen her eyes when I forced her to go shopping with me.

"Well, then we're all set." I said as she nodded grabbing my hand and walking with me to the car."You did remember to book reservations right? That was your job, not mine."She said skeptically eyeing me."Of course, I did...In our favourite restaurant."I said as she grinned. I was so amazed by how far we'd come And excited for whatever the future held. With her right here I knew nothing was impossible because she would always be the end that's all that mattered to me."Asking you to marry me was the best decision I've ever made."I smoked leaning back in the car seat as she rested her head on my shoulder.

We got to restraint and we're seated by a waiter as he brought menus for the both of us and poured us some wine."What are you getting?"She asked as I skimmed the options."Possibly some steak...What about you?"I asked back as she clicked her tongue."Don't know that's why I asked you..."She laughed, making me want to smile more."Possibly the Skillet cod with lemon and capers."She pointed to something on the menu."So your usual?"I asked as she nodded with a chuckle."When was the last time we went on a date?"She asked resting her face on her hand."About three months ago?"I said estimating."So basically way too long ago."She said taking a sip of water."Sorry...Its must that work has been so busy lately I haven't had the time to take you out."I said as shook her head no."It's fine I'm just glad we're going on one again."She said tucking a stray hair behind her ear as I took a sip of wine."We have to get out more often."I laughed heartily."I'm glad to hear you say that."She said slipping a silver box with a sparkling bow on top across the table with a spark in her eye."We're exchanging presents now?"I asked raising an eyebrow."I actually have two but this one first."She said as I opened the box to see plane tickets to Hawaii scheduled a month and a half from now."I cleared your while schedule so you don't need to worry about work this is just a little vacation for me you and Adrien."She said with an excited look on her face clearly seeing how happy I was by the marvelled look on my face."You're too good to be true."I said before putting my gift on the table."Mine doesn't feel anywhere near as good as yours but..."I said as he opened it gasping at the dazzling jewels."What are you talking about this is way better than my gift."She said breathing out with an amazing smile."I love you so much."She said tearing up.

It was late into the night and the sun had already set leaving us with a finished meal."You haven't touched your wine this whole night is something wrong?" I asked as she shook her head no."One of us has to be sober and we both know that you would never be that person."She said as I laughed knowing she was right."How about instead of going straight home we go for a walk."She said as I nodded taking her arm as we walked along together.

We entered a giant garden and walked along together happily."If someone had told me three years ago that we would be married I wouldn't have believed them."I said with a small laugh and without looking I knew she was smiling."I would have...I knew I'd never give up on you and that one day if I tried hard enough you would feel the same."She said resting her head on my shoulder."Well, you didn't have to wait...If you had told me sooner I would have given up."I said closing my eyes enjoying this moment."What do you think the future holds?"She asked tilting her head up as me still leaning against me."Well, I suppose no one can really know...But if I were to guess...We'd still be a happy family.You, me, Adrien..."I said kissing her forehead."Mmm...Well, I'm sorry to say that I think the future may be a little different."She said as I gave her a confused look concerned."What?"I asked as she smiled as she grew slightly nervous."I have another surprise for you remember?"She said as my heart sped up scared of what she might say."Gabriel..."She said looking up into my eyes as my heart pounded in my chest."I'm pregnant..."She said as I felt my jaw drop. It was clear that she was searching my face for some sort of emotion but I was too stunned to even talk. I grinned happily pulling her into a kiss."We're going to have a kid..."I whispered softly In a hushed voice. She nodded smiling before kissing me back."How long have you known?"I asked looking into her eyes."Only about a week..."She said with the sweetest smoke you'd ever seen.

"I love you"

Alright, that's going to be the end of "When stars Collide" I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing and if you want you can follow me for when I post more stories(I'm taking a little break now that I'm finished this) and thank you to everyone who commented and liked and added to your reading lists it all meant so much I feel so lucky to have you all you have no idea how much it means to me!~With love the Author.

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