Chapter 3

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~~Cabriel's POV~~

I stood there next to this girl I barely knew as we both tried to register what was happening."S-so uhhm..."Nat said awkwardly."Do you have a job?"She asked sipping her hot chocolate."Well, I don't yet but I'm studying really hard to get one. How about you?"I asked as she made a yikes face slowing down a little."Unemployed but of course like you I'm still in school."She sighed speeding back up."Maybe there's just a job waiting for you."I said making her give me an amused look.

Twenty minutes later and we were at the docs both walking along the beach. We had both finished our drinks and she was carrying her shoes while walking on the sand barefoot."Do you like sand?"I asked like an actual loser."I suppose...I used to play in the sand with my brother a lot when we were kids."She smiled fondly reminiscing about her childhood."Listen uhhm...I'm so sorry about today" I said nervously twiddling my thumbs in apology."What do you mean?"She asked as tilting her head cutely."I mean I basically dragged you here. Not to mention I prices on why you were crying(which I still don't know) then proceeded to flirt when you barely even knew my name!"I said as we both laughed at the odd situation."No, it's fine...This is probably been the best night I've had in a while."She smiled looking at the ground."Well, then I'm glad I stopped to help you."I said as we both silently locked eyes."While we're on the subject of apologizing I should say sorry for freaking you out when I started crying. It was actually kind of funny how scared you looked."Nat laughed making me smile as she looked away."I suppose my life has been rather chaotic so thank you for making me smile."She said shaking her head."If you need someone to talk to I am here for you."I said as she nodded happily."It would be nice to have a friend. She smiled stepping into the water.

"Isn't that cold?"I asked. Watching her walk deeper slowly."Not really."She smiled going deep enough that it was almost to her knees."You better not be lying" I said taking off my shoes then setting them to the side before rolling up the ends of my pants.

I stepped into the freezing water."You lied" I said between chattering teeth."Just give it a minute."Nathalie laughed as I did as asked and walked in farther once adjusting to the temperature."See it's not that bad."She said nudging me as I sighed nodding in agreement gazing up at the stars that speckled the night sky beautifully.

"What even is your real name?"She asked looking into my eyes with curiosity and wonder."Oh, right I guess I gave you my nickname."I laughed as she smiled softly."Gabriel.Gabriel Agreste. And hey trust me when I say you better remember that name because someday I'm going to be a famous fashion designer known all across Paris!"I yelled jokingly" Well Mr.Agreste I hope when your famous you remember the name, Nathalie."She replied wittily."I'll make sure I do."I smiled back.

The night went on as the two of us talked for hours about seemingly everything and yet somehow nothing at the very same time.

"Alright, Mr.Agreste I should probably have a head home."Nathalie said shivering."Stop calling me that it makes me sound like some old man."I replied before taking out my phone."Heres my phone number if you ever want to talk about...earlier today or if you just want to hang out sometime."I said as she wrote it down in her notes."I'll think about it."She said before seemingly disappearing into the night.

After that, I headed to my empty apartment recalling the night's events while shaking my head at how odd it all seemed. The whole experience seemed like a dream I would just wake up from at any moment. None of it seemed real but...In a good way.

Maybe that's why I couldn't sleep all night though. I was too afraid of waking up to find that Nathalie wasn't even real. That or I was too afraid she wouldn't text me. I didn't really have a whole lot of friends. I'm really awkward around people whereas Nathalie seemed so charming and joyful. Well except for when she was crying or I flirted with her at the cafe. Oh god, what if she had a boyfriend. All I wanted was to help her and to be her friend. But like I said I'm really awkward. What if she hated me? No, she wouldn't have gone to the beach if she hated me. or maybe she pitied me and decided to come with me?NO!I need to stop overthinking everything and just go to bed already. It was 2 am and I needed my sleep. But at the same time, I was also still worried so I decided to be as slow with getting ready for bed as I could. I did that by picking out an outfit for tomorrow and getting showered. Then of course also brushing my teeth and getting into nightclothes.

I plugged in my phone and put it on my bedside drawer with a sigh and still no text from Nathalie. I got into finally ready to sleep and turned off my lamp so that the room was dark and quiet. Of course, that's when my phone decided to go off making me jump out of bed and grab it.

"Hey, Its Nathalie Id love to hang out tomorrow if you're free."The text wrote as I read it over twice not sure if this was actually happening. With nothing to lose I typed back."Sure I know a great bakery if your free at 11 am" I smiled glad that she wasn't mad at me."Its a date!" The text bubble read making me smile even harder as I set an alarm for 8:30 am and heading back to bed happily.

"Its a date"

I wrote Gabriel kinda weird ngl :/

He's really awkward and a lot more bubbly

but then again this was years before he met Emilie or when she died so...

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