Chapter 4

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I woke up at 9:30 in the morning tired since I had been awake all night debating if I should contact Gabriel. Then when I finally made a decision I contemplated if I should call or text him. It was later in the night so I decided a text would be better so I didn't wake him up if he was sleeping. To my surprise, he immediately responded. Then I spent the rest of the night too excited to sleep until exhaustion and the late hours finally kicked in making me pass out in bed.

I got out of bed lazily going to my closet and picking out a few outfits to choose from."Hey, which one of these do you like better?!" I shouted out into the empty house before realizing once again my brother wasn't here anymore. I sighed before picking up a red dress that wasn't too fancy but nice enough I was sure to look good. Wait what was I thinking? We aren't dating we're just...hanging out.

Then I proceeded to the bathroom taking a quick shower and putting on some simple make-up and got dressed. Once I was done I still had plenty of free time before actually needing to leave so I made myself some coffee before reading one of my books.

before I knew it I was getting ready to head out to the bakery. Luckily for me, it was rather close to where I lived so that way I didn't have to take the bus or walk a long way (I didn't have a car). Once I arrived I looked around the surprisingly busy street for him hoping to spot him through the crowd. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I immediately turned around to see Gabriel behind me."Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."He smiled apologizing."It's fine I was just a little startled."I said embarrassed. He was in a black dress shirt with light grey pants which somehow fit perfectly together but then again what did I expect from a fashion major. "Hungry?"He asked as we made our way to the door if the store. Walking over to the front and getting in line beside him."Have you ever been here before?"He asked as I shook my head no."What about you?"I inquired as he nodded."Yeah, actually I have. It's only been open for about a month but this is my favourite place to hang out and do school work."He laughed smiling making me smile too."Then do you have any recommendations?"I asked as he nodded."The strawberry cake is almost to die for"He said with a sweet smile."Then I'll make sure to consider it."I smiled as the two of us made our way up to the counter as we both ordered before finding a place to sit.

"You have a good fashion sense," I said as he smiled."Not to mention most people can't pull that off."I said as he nodded."Yes well, you seem to have a good eye as well."He said making me blush slightly."Red is definitely your colour."He smiled as my face continued to heat up."You know I was actually really nervous about whether or not you'd text me."He laughed confiding."Really?"I asked as he nodded yes."I was worried you wouldn't  actually want to talk."I softly laughed."No way!!"He said with wide eyes."Yep. I don't usually make many friends since I always handled things on my own or with my close family but its a nice change of pace to have someone to talk to even if it's not even about my problems"I grinned as he nodded knowingly.

We passed the day there seemingly talking about anything we could such as our schools and address(which surprisingly enough we only lived 6 blocks away from one another). I felt like I could talk with him forever.

"I was thinking about dying my hair recently but I'm not too sure."I said as he got suddenly excited."You totally should!"He shouted just quiet enough to not disturb anyone else."Wh-What?!"I asked surprised."Yeah right here!"He smiled lightly holding a lock of my hair."You should dye it red!"He smiled kindly making my heart skip a beat."Yeah maybe..."I smiled."You know...I think we should get out of here."He laughed as I tilted my head confused."We've been here for hours now we should go somewhere else."He explained as I nodded in agreement.

We headed out the door walking along the empty streets."Can I tell you something?"I asked as he nodded."My brother passed away very recently...We had always been so close but when he left me...I couldn't really feel. I got fired from my job and still, I didn't really have any emotions. Then when I was out walking and some guy pushed me over and you helped me up. Then with only the words 'Are you okay?' it felt like everything hit me at once. It all finally sank in as I had just been told. But after crying for a while and hanging out with you the entire night it...It was like all of the sorrow I had felt just hours before had seemingly disappeared while talking to you."I said looking at the ground too afraid to meet his eyes."You're amazing...You know that right?"He asked as I slowly looked up to see him smiling so happily it was somewhat surprising."I played no part in helping you. Your the strong one who made it through all that without my help.I'd say that makes you more than amazing right?"He said as he stood there seemingly illuminated by light like an angel."Sorry that was weird wasn't it."He laughed as I shook my head no."That...That means a lot."I said feeling tears form in my eyes."Y-you sure because your kinda_" He said as I laughed wiping the tears."Its because I'm happy you idiot."I smiled as he grinned back."I should actually head home but...I'd definitely love if we could hang out again."I said as he nodded."Yeah, I would also enjoy that..."He said as I bit my lip trying to hide a giant smile leaning up to the side of his cheek and kissing it softly."Then I hope to see you soon."I said leaving him there stunned at the side of the sidewalk as I rushed home embarrassed but also with a sense of excitement that seemed to fill my soul.

Here I am with another chapter!I hope you enjoy all the wholesomeness im dishing out!

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