Chapter 14

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I rushed into Gabriel's room with a smile."Let's go!"I yelled excited to finally get him out if the hospital. I had gotten much better and had been home with Adrien for a while now waiting for Gabriel to be better."Your hair-"He pointed out the fact that I had it down for once."Oh uhhm...I thought it would be nice."I said as he nodded."But enough talk Adrien is waiting for you."I said pulling him out of the room and down the halls out to the front door where the car waited."Can I drive?"He asked as I gave him a weird look."You can drive?"I asked as he laughed sarcastically."Of course, I can."He huffed as I to see him the keys opening the door to the passenger seat."Alright..."

He started up the car as we pulled out of the parking lot."So how is Adrien?"He asked eyes fixated on the road."Well...He misses you. He was really scared...He already lost Emilie and he was scared of losing you too...He cried a few times but other than that he has been a ball of sunshine."I said as I saw him crack a little smile at the sunshine part."Anything else interesting?"He asked turning to look at me for a moment."Well...Ladybug and chat noir has visited 3 times. We now have a large excess of pastries because of that. They wanted to apologize for not being able to save us...Normally they would have but because I released the amok they couldn't undo all of the damage."I said as he nodded."Other people have also dropped off  'get well soon' gifts too...We have enough food and sweets to last over a month."I said as he chuckled softly."I missed you...I've barely visited you since I got discharged because of all the work we missed."I said with a light blush on my cheeks."It's fine I understand. I don't think I'd ever want to willingly visit a hospital either."He said before both of us went silent."Where are we?"I asked looking at the random street we were driving through."I don't think this is the way to the mansion sir."I said giving him a weird look."Yes well...I wanted to take you out for coffee."He said taking a left turn."What about Adrien? He really wants to see you?"I asked embarrassed."I called him and asked if it was alright with him and he was...Surprisingly happy about it."He smiled pulling over to the side and taking out the keys.

"Do you recognize the name of the coffee shop?"He asked as I looked up at the silver letters spelling out the name."This was...The cafe we went to on that rainy day..." I said marvelled he remembered that."I had completely forgotten it until recently...You helped me remember a lot of the things that happened back then..."He smiled holding the door open. I walked in and was immediately hit with the smell of coffee and freshly baked food."It's not the original store but...It is what it is."He laughed do beautifully it was magic to my ears."They have the best hot chocolate..."I said with a fond smile walking in farther.

We both ordered some food and drinks and sat down to talk."So is this..."I trailed off meeting his eyes."A date?"He asked as I nodded."Well, that's what I intended it to be."He said nervously putting his hand on the back of his neck. I flushed pink as I hid my smile with my hand and shifted at the small table as the drinks and such were delivered.

"Let's play a game." Gabriel smiled taking a sip of his coffee."A game?"I asked as he smiled and nodded."Its something I and my roommates cane up with. You ask the other person a question they have to answer and there are no follow up questions until your turn."He said as I ate some of the excess whipped creams I had ordered."Sounds fun."I said a tiny bit surprised."Can I go first?"I asked as he gestured for me to go ahead."Right well...What was your dream as a child?"I asked as he thought."I didn't always want to be an artist...As a kid, I had actually wanted to be a model."He smiled."What changed your mind?"I asked as he shook his head no."Sorry but no follow up questions."He said with a grin."Alright well, it's your turn to ask a question."I said a bit annoyed.

"What is your favourite kind of clothes?" Je asked as I silently questioned the odd topic."I like sweaters but also dresses depending on the occasion."I said as he nodded quietly."Do you have any siblings?"I asked as he shook his head yes."One brother who works as a chef."He responded as I took a bite of the raspberry cake happily."Do you like coffee or Hot chocolate better?"He asked with a smirk."Wha-! Don't make me choose!"I yelled as he smiled happily with himself."I like coffee especially if I have lots of work but hot chocolate is what I drink to relax and unwind which is why I only have good memories accosted with it...So I suppose I'd have to choose hot chocolate..."I said as he smiled."Can I ask one more question before your turn?"He inquired as I stared at him completely dumbfounded."Uhhm uh sure."I said not really caring enough to follow the rules."What would you consider the perfect date?"He asked a si stared blankly at him."Well...Maybe going to some sort of festival? They're so bright and colourful...not to mention all the people around and fun activities...You can stay there until late when the sun dips beyond the horizon and then watch all the lights turn on...It's just really magical you know?"I asked as he nodded."My turn..."I said trying to think of a question."If you could have any superpower what would it be?"I asked as he went silent thinking about it."Maybe to read minds? Then I would always know what other people want or expect from me..."He said redirecting his attention to me."And you? What would yours be?''He asked with a smirk."Shapeshifting obviously"I smiled as he nodded."What would be your ideal date?"I asked meeting his eyes after finishing my food."Honestly, I couldn't care less...I think it would just be nice to go on one no matter where it is."He said putting down his cup."Can I take you somewhere?"He asked as I raised my eyebrows intrigued."I wouldn't mind that..."

Sorry about this chapter being late I've just been very busy lately ~ the Author

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