Chapter 2

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~~Nathalie's POV~~

This all happened long ago when I would wear my hair down and put in contacts instead of glasses. I remember having been told over the phone about how my only brother had died in a car accident. I hadn't known what to say or how to react. I suppose it hit me fast enough that it numbed my emotions. I wasn't happy or sad. All I felt was this feeling in my stomach that made me want to throw up. I had always been extremely close to my brother and the two of us would talk about everything. Yet somehow it felt like this was a huge lie. Even after a week I still felt like any minute he would call me and tell me it was all fake.

For a few days, my family stayed with me in the small house that I and my brother lived in together. I spent my time consoling them and making sure everyone could find comfort in a meal or a warm hug. Through it all there was no time for me to be sad. I was busy making other people feel better by consoling them. Yet no one was really there for me.

Eventually, though everyone left returning to their homes. While I was left alone in the empty house that somehow felt so suddenly big. I had no other choice but to go back to everyday life.

Later that week however I git fired from my job after they announced budget cuts. It was my fault for taking so much time off for family.

Still, I had no emotion or will to do anything but sigh at my unfortunate luck and look for a new job.

I had been on my way to an interview one rainy day when someone knocked me over while rushing somewhere. Of course, my umbrella flew away too. Suddenly the rain above me seemed to disappear as I looked up to see a kind stranger extending a hand for me while using his umbrella to shield the two of us.

I took his hand as he helped pull me off the ground"Are you okay?"And just like that with three simple words, it felt like my whole world came crashing down. Like only now I realized everything had actually happened. Somehow it finally hit that my brother was dead I had been fired from my job and I had gotten soaked in the rain.

I started crying so hard. Bawling so much that he had no idea what to do. He looked around as people stopped and looked at us probably assuming he had just broken up with me."C-come with me-"He said taking my hand as I continued to weep.

Fast forward around twenty minutes and I had stopped crying. We were both awkwardly sitting at a table in a random cafe without any clue who the other person there was.

"So uhhm...who are you?" He asked me looking as confused as I felt."Y-you can call me Nat."I said hesitantly to share my real name with a stranger."Then you can call me Gabe" He said stiffly clearly uncomfortable.

He opened his mouth to talk but then a barista ended up coming by and giving us our drinks."One coffee and one hot chocolate."She smiled putting them down on the table before leaving."Hot chocolate? I'm not a psychiatrist but they say depressed people crave sweet things. I could be wrong though."He said sipping his coffee."Well, that isn't too far off."I said shifting nervously.

Then we were both silents again."Do you want to talk about whatever caused that meltdown?"He asked looking into my eyes with genuine concern."Not really."I said."I mean I can't very well dump my life story on a stranger."I laughed sipping hot chocolate."But that's how the best love stories start."He said making me and on and almost spit all my hot chocolate on him."Okay wow, slow down. I think your cute and all but-"I didn't get to finish because he decided to interrupt was a good idea."I think you're cute too."He smiled annoying me farther."But if you're flirting with a stranger your either desperate or you do this to every fuel you meet which neither of those is great."I said as he laughed softly."Well, then how about we become friends instead. I heard there's a beach next to the docs and the rain has stopped for a while."He said making me laugh."You have to be kidding."I said shaking my head at how idiotic this all seemed.

"Maybe but if you have nothing better to do tonight you know where to find me." He smiled picking up his coffee and heading for the door swiftly.

Of course, I just had to speak without thinking. In fact, it took me a second to register what I was doing as I stood up grabbing my drink and turning to him.


Happy mothers day!!!

Hope you all have an amazing day

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