chapter 6

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I opened my eyes to the dark room that had moonlight spilling in from the windows."Gabriel?"I asked looking up and the sleeping Man I rested against. The muffled patter of rain was calming and made it the whole night feel serene.

"Gabriel" I said softly poking his cheek."mmm" He groaned opening his eyes."I need to go home."I whispered as he yawned."Why?"He asked slowly adjusting to being awake."I have a class tomorrow."I softly said meeting his eyes."Why can't you just stay here? You can get to school from here as easily as your house. Plus...It's raining."He said closing his eyes."I'd love to but I shouldn't."I said slowly getting up and gathering my things."Please? You can sleep on my bed I'll be fine on the floor."He said as I sighed realizing he wasn't taking no for an answer."Fine but I'm sleeping on the floor instead. I can't just come over, fall asleep, and take your bed."I said as he smiled approvingly just glad I was staying.

We got up and set up a little bed on the floor for me before the two of us headed to sleep with the tranquil sound of rain lulling us to sleep.

I woke up to my phone buzzing next to me. There was a light weight on my chest that played there making me feel uncomfortable. I opened my eyes to a black cat staring at me right in the face. I almost screamed from surprise but stopped myself from waking up Gabriel. I knew he had a cat but God this was an awful way to wake up.

The little thing meowed and happily and got up off of me as I turned off my alarm. It was still dark out but the rain had stopped and sunlight lightly crept from behind clouds in the distance.

I woke up extra early do that I would have time to clean up here then head to my house and after that to class. Actually, now that I was thinking about it shouldn't Gabriel have class too? I mean maybe he didn't who knows.

I cleaned up the mess of blankets and cups cleaning the house sufficiently. I found the cat food and poured a bowl of that for lucky."Anything else?"I asked looking around the mostly clean apartment. It was fine but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye to Gabriel...

I searched around before finding a sticky note and pen.

I scribbles down a few things and stuck it on his forehead lightly without waking him up. I took one last glance around before heading back to my house and getting ready for the day.

Classes were a nightmare that went by slowly. I continuously checked my phone hoping for a text from Gabriel but one never came as I sighed going back to my notes.

"Did you hear about that one girl in the Mr.wilsons class? Do you know the one who's brother died? Well I saw her hanging out with this weird guy over the weekend. Do you think she finally got a boyfriend?"I heard a girl walking with her friend say."No way she doesn't talk to anyone. I heard she's mute. That must have been someone else."Her friend replied as they continued to walk as I sat there unnoticed.

I had a few reputations in school. One was that I bought my way into school with my parent's money which while my parents were rich the only thing they did was give me and my brother a small house to live in(though it was very nice to not have to pay for.). Two that I was mute. I'm not sure who started this one but I can see why people would think that. I don't talk to anyone or even ask questions in class. I've never had any friends and my brother used to be the only one who I would hang out with. Then there's the third that had been started recently that my brother had died. That one was actually true however.No one knew how he died and I don't know how anyone found out since our family asked the school not to have an assembly in his honour for our privacy.

It was like living hell here. I stuck my face further into the book hoping to tune out what anyone might be saying about me. I just wanted to talk to Gabriel right now.

"Flowers for the lovely lady with her head stuck inside her book."Said a familiar voice.

You've got to be kidding.

I looked up at Gabriel dressed up in a nice shirt holding coffee, flowers, and had a backpack hanging off his shoulders."Wh-"I said as he interrupted."Sorry for not replying to your little note I was a little busy with these."He smiled handing me the bouquet."You really didn't have to do this..."I said holding back a sneeze."It's fine I just wanted an excuse to hang out anyway."He said sitting down."He did you remember my uni-achoo" I sneezed mid-sentence." O-Oh are you allergic? He asked worriedly."A little but it's fine."I said putting the flowers down."I got you some hot chocolate since you really seem to like it."He said handing me the cup."You've got me there."I smiled."The wait shouldn't you be at school?"I asked as he shook his head no."I got a bunch of free time off of school because they want me to work on this big fashion opportunity thing but I wanted some inspiration so I decided to see you."He said pulling out a drawing tablet.

"Oh my god you are so weird."I beamed hiding my smile and blush with the textbook." and oh my God I love you" I whispered softly to myself as Gabriel laughed.

Gabriel out here bringing his lady flowers 🌺 ~The Author

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