The Empire: The Kingdom.

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Our history,
It's easy.
Very easy.
And long.
Very long.

Aleer was a kingdom filled with different people but things changed when some of them decided the northerners didn't have a place in it, so they decided to wage war on them. Fortunately The North heard of their schemes and prepared, that was how they won the war, my great great great grandfather who was ruling the North at that time decided to spare the survivors and that was how Aleer became otherwise known as The Northern Kingdom.
The Southerners were left as they were but with 40% of the land they had before, less power and less freedom, now being under The North. Treaties were signed and rules were made, The North became the capital. It was passed down from father to first son, my father had the honour of being first son and so he inherited the throne.
His Royal Highness Ibrahim Aleer, the first son of Mukhtar Aleer and a husband to Ma's. (Ma's means wives, it's what we put in front of every queen mother's name to indicate respect and authority, my mother being Ma Alima).

The North—It was created by my forefathers, my father being the present king. He was crowned king when he was 16years after my grandfather died by poisoning.
My father married my first step mother (Ma Asiya) a month after his coronation because it's tradition that the king can't be without a Queen for more than three months. She didn't have a son for two years and it wasn't allowed in tradition to stay married to a barren woman so he had to remarry. He married my second step mother, Ma Aliya and she became queen replacing Ma Asiya (First step mother) but about a week later Ma Asiya was found pregnant and she was assigned Queen again.

6years later my father already had 3 sons and then he met my mother, when he went to the South to visited the King Of Edo and they came back to the kingdom. She had me 7months later and that infuriated my step mothers even more.
I grew up always trying to break up my mothers who are constantly fighting, but things changed when my mother gave birth to my sister Halima who was named after my mother, my father's first and only daughter. My father ended up having 7 sons and a daughter.

LIFE as royalty is difficult and it changes you. Some people don't care about power but here, it's either you have power or you don't, there's no in between. I don't care about it, not at all but I know if I don't fight for my rightful place in the Palace they'd get what they want, make my mother's life a living hell and that's what I won't accept.
Luckily I escaped the Palace hassle when I finished my secondary school, I went to the International Northern University, it's far North so its far from home. From there I did my masters education, the first Royal to study his masters. None of my brothers cared because they were too busy trying to impress my father.

Things are going well for now, I'm in school, I'm dating the woman I love, my sister recently got married and my mother is okay but I know all this will end, nothing in this Kingdom ever lasts, I learned that as a young boy.

Please everything about the setting is purely fictional, the North And South Does not exist I made it up to go with the story line. Some of the names are also made up.

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