The Empire : Confession.

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I have been leaning on the door like this for over 10 minutes. Abdullahi comes out of the court and we make eye contact, he walks over.

"I thought you all left".
"Yeah, they did. I thought the place was empty and it seemed like the ideal place to think".

He smiles "Did you want it to be Muhammed?"

"It didn't matter to me, I chose to stay by his side either way".

He nods.
"So General" I say making him blush "What is it like being the forth most powerful man in Aleer Kingdom".

"I didn't know there were that many people above me but it's great".

"And your friend is going to be king".
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised but it doesn't matter to me and you know that. Friendship is useless to me, the only thing I care about is you and Bab. You two are my whole world".

I smile "That's before you get married and have your own children".

"My so called wife should be rest assured that she will never be equal to you and Abba, never".

"That's what they all say" I say rolling my eyes.

Suddenly he gets serious, like very serious, like scary serious.
"I'll take care of her but I won't love her. I can't love her"

I'm starting to think he's really serious and when Abdullahi says something when he's serious he always means it.

Loosing our mother was hardest on him. He was never really an emotional person, never cried but when she died it got worse. I'm scared my brother might have lost sympathy and empathy for human life and it worries me a lot.

I smile "Let's go for lunch".

"My house of course" I hold his hand and pull him along.


Halima also joined us for lunch.
Muhammed and Abdullahi are in the living room talking, she's God knows where in my house while I'm in the kitchen cleaning up.

I'm starting to get worried for Abdullahi, all I want for him is to have a wife and children that will love him unconditionally but I'm getting really scared.

"Need help?"
I don't even turn to look a her.

"No need, thanks for asking" I reply back.
"I just came to apologise for what happened the last time I was here. After everything you and my brother have done together I can't just treat you that way".

"Uh huh".
"I'm serious. I can't lie and say I prefer you over Leenah but you've made him stronger and you were by his side when he needed you" she huffs "And I know he really cares about you, it doesn't matter who he met first or if he has known Leenah longer. What matters is that you're his wife now and you matter to him"

I turn to look at her "It's fine. Thank you"
She smiles.

My phone starts vibrating and I ask her to pass it to me.
"Sure" she says back.

She looks at me suspiciously, gives it to me and walks out.
It was Habib.

"Have you calmed down now?" He asks.
"A bit. Why are you asking?"

"Because I want to talk to you"
I huff "I'd like to say something too but can we just meet tomorrow!? After all the revelations and decision making today I need to rest"

"Of course. Take your time"
"Alright, thank you"

He ends the call.

I groan.
That girl has some serious trust issues and she should be rest assured that I wouldn't explain myself to her, she should think whatever the hell she wants.


I walk in and see Muhammed seated on the bed using his phone.

"Let's talk" he says patting the space beside me.

I sit staring ahead.
"I'm sorry if what I said last night hurt you. It's just that Leenah was a big part of my life and I lost her, it wasn't like I was the one that let her go but she's not here now, you are and you're the one I'm married to, you and you're the one I'm travelling the world with. It doesn't matter anymore, whatever it is you're thinking it doesn't matter".

"We're really travelling? Where?"
"Of course, what else do we have to do here? Where should we go first? And from there we'll choose where to live".

"Sabqar" I say excitedly.
"Why Sabqar?"

"It's filled with Noble people, it's the smallest city in Aleer Kingdom and they make the best food".

"Okay then".
I hug him.


I walk in and see Habib arranging his stuff in boxes.
He doesn't even notice my presence.
"Where are you going with those?"

He raises his head and smiles.
"You're here".
"Yes and I'm heading to see Salma right after".

He huffs "It's difficult for me too" he admits.
"You don't seem bothered by it, it's a huge decision".

"And I'm making the right choice. Salma is weak, emotionally and physically".

I stay quiet.
"What's with the formality? Come and sit".

I sit across him.
"I want to talk to you about something important and delicate and don't say anything until I'm done. And I want you to think about it".

"Of course"

"Divorce Muhammed and marry me".
I raise my eyebrows, surprised.

"What for? Abdullahi is the General not me"
"You said you'd wait".

I nod.
"Not that, I wouldn't even care if you're my mother's maid. But you're the perfect woman for me, you light a spark in my heart each time I see you. You're daring and strong, you do things to me without even trying. This isn't because of who your father is, it's just how I feel about you. Now that I'm king I can give you what you really want. I truly love you".

I scoff "Is that why you decided to divorce Salma?"

He nods.
"Believe it or not I care about Muhammad".

"He doesn't love you like I do".
"I've learned just recently that you can't compare love. You're going to be king and I'll tell you something that will really excite you".

"What?" he asks disappointed.
"Everyone is leaving. No one has anything to do here anymore. The throne is also a curse".

He stands abruptly "I don't need them, I never did".

"I have your brother, I can trust him. He's down to earth and loyal"

I shake my head. My brother is only loyal to his heart and mind. I love Abdullahi but he has always been cunning. Not to Baba and me but to other people. With the experience I have had throughout the years, people like Abdullahi are the worst but I still live my brother nonetheless.

At least Asmau cared about Ali enough to want him to fix his relationship with his brothers but Abdullahi doesn't have space in his heart for anyone else.

"Abdullahi? Okay".
"Just think about it. Think about it".

"What do you think I was doing when you were talking? Muhammed and I are leaving Aleer after the birthday party".

I stand.
"I'm happy you finally got what you wanted"
And without another word I walk out.


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