The Empire : Fast Forward.

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Third Person POV.

"She didn't eat it?!" she shouts at Habiba who was struggling to stay on her feet.

"Or did you intentionally stop her from eating it?" she asks the maid again.

Habiba couldn't reply, the pain in her feet stopped her from uttering a word. Standing on hot coal was something she has never done in her life and she was slowly losing consciousness.

"We're going to finish this in Edo and that's why I'm going to get you to follow some of the maids we're going with but disappoint me and wallahi I will end your life. I'm dead serious".

"Ye—Yes" was the only word that could leave her mouth.

"Get her off" the woman commands.


EDO 'The Southern Part Of Aleer Kingdom'.

Muneerah's POV.

I miss home.
Watching the thick forest as our car drove.
We were close, I can always tell.

Edo is actually a very tropical place unlike Aleer city, Yushfa, Manzur, Sabqar, Mandir and Sarman. It's filled with life and purity.

The air felt different and steady. One of the things I love are the monkeys and birds in the forest, you can see them even as you pass by on the road.

The sun shining on the trees and flowers.
Oh I love it so much!

"Excited?" Salma asks.
I was supposed to ride in the car with Muhammed but he and Aliyu wanted to discuss something privately so I just decided to carpool with Salma and Habib.

"Of course. It feels like I'm in my territory now, like I can do whatever".

Habib laughs "Not whatever".
"I know" I reply excitedly.


We were approaching Ya Abdullahi and Abba but because there are people gathered around I couldn't run over to hug them, instead I'm to bow, greet and stay by the side.

Royalty sucks badly.
"Welcome everyone, I've been told that the King will arrive later on so please make yourselves comfortable and you'll be taken to your rooms as soon as possible" Abba says.

Everyone was taken to the garden behind the Mansion. I'll admit and not because this is my home but this is the most beautiful garden you'll ever see. To some it might look like a  forest because of the trees but it's just a massive garden.

My mother loved the trees and flowers here in Edo.

The mansion is passed from General to General but my father didn't decide to move in until after he married my mother. The mansion didn't feel like a home to her. Outside the fence was a forest, dark and dangerous, people have actually gone missing in it so many times and it made my mother nervous so he made the fences higher, almost as tall as the trees. So the only forest I've been to is the one at the back of the house but it's very small and not dangerous.

The excess land made her on edge. Just plain with no form of feel except the forest and lake behind the mansion. So she decided to liven the place up with trees and flowers.

She turned it into a garden with three gazebos, a fountain and a few swings but then she died, Baba made sure to hire people that would keep it alive. I loved the garden too and then I left, I miss this place badly.

I sat down looking around.
It felt strange to be back home like this, I miss it.

"No hugs?"
I turn around and see Ya abdullahi standing behind me. Before I could say a word he grabs my hand and pulls me to the empty gazebo behind us.

"You couldn't even call and tell me? I'm married not dead" I pout.

"You know me, of course I wanted to but Baba said otherwise. Apparently you're part of another family and not just any family so you'll hear it".

"How do you feel? Excited?"
He smiles "Of course".

He huffs "Before you leave this place I'm going to find out who tried to hurt you".

I gasp "How the hell did you know?"
"We know everything, even the fact that you've been taking your mint tea every night".

I laugh "Thank god, I thought if you find out you'd try something insane".

"Oh I almost did but Baba convinced me, he said that was why someone probably tried it".
I smile "Enough of that. I wanna go in, rekindle my relationship with my bedroom".

"Come on then".


The king sat at the head of the table and Baba at the other end.
It hurts to see the two of them displaying themselves as family and I can't even join them instead I'm with my new family.

We all ate peacefully.

"Your home is gorgeous I have to admit" Asmau says smiling as she looked around.

"Definitely, especially that garden. I should visit more often except your brother doesn't seem to like anyone in our family".

"Look at him" she and I both turn to look at Abdullahi "It looks like he doesn't like anyone or anything".

If you don't know Ya Abdullahi has a face that frightens children and not because he's ugly, if anything he's actually really good looking, in fact even as a man he's finer than I am but I'll never admit it to his face.

But he has a very spine-chilling face, he never smiles and even if he does it looks forced and painful. He only genuinely laughs with Baba and I.

But I've seen something no one has, not yet.
Ya Abdullahi won't be like Baba. No, he's going to be way worse. He's sadistic.

"He just likes to keep her o himself"I say
"Seems about right".

I smile "Yup".

"Well" My father in law starts his speech "I'm glad to have everyone on this table today to celebrate a new generation. Abdullahi you've been with your father and you've seen how much of a good leader he can be, how great he is on the battlefield and how much he loves this kingdom and I have no doubt in my mind you'd make he and I proud. To our next General" he ends his speech with a huge smile.

"Thank you, it's an honour" was all my boring brother could say back.

"And just as The General and I have decided to rest our heads, new leaders rise to the top. Abdullahi will be the General of Aleer Kingdom with a worthy king on the throne. And to break the news, Aleer will have it's King at the break of dawn on the night of the azure comet".

Gasps, murmurs and whispers filled the room. Everyone was shocked.

"That's next week" Muhammed whispers.
I turn and look at him surprised.

"Yes. No need to go feed the poor, fix roads, build shelters because all that doesn't matter. Let's all hope it goes well".

The room was silent. Everyone was too focused on the throne to actually appreciate his speech not that I care either.

"It's about to get real" Asmau comments.


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