The Empire: Just A Sip.

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I hang my mouth open.
Usually after a while all the wives gather at Asmau's quarters to stay updated on everything. But they all just showed up at my house.

We all sat down in the living room. The maid serves them tea and cookies.
"I was not expecting you here".

"They all said they'd prefer meeting here today, I couldn't stop them so I joined them" Asmau laughs.

Salma links her arm with mine "And you know coming here has become part of my daily routine" she jokes.

"Of course" I answer back "But what's the difference?" I ask.

"This is the same house my sister committed suicide" Aisha says disgustedly.
"If you're uncomfortable you're free to leave. I'd hate to see you that way" I say back.

"Hmm" was all she said back.
"And no suicide took place in my home. What happened 7months back was anything but suicide".

"Ahh of course. People say it's that Rabiatu girl that was murdered".
Salma, Yasmin and I look at each other. We still haven't talked about what happened that day.

"Rabiatu didn't murder her. Although that's what everyone thinks".

"Then who was it?" Maryam asks.
"It's called hitting two birds with one stone" I say back.

"What? Two birds?" Asmau asks confused.
"The first person anyone will blame for her death is Rabiatu because she has feelings for Muhammed. I still think Rabiatu didn't do it".

"Do you have proof?" Aisha asks folding her arms "If you don't have proof I won't believe you"

I laugh "I don't need to prove anything to you. I'm sure you were excited when you heard about your sister's death. You've always been toxically jealous of her".

Her smile disappears, she says nothing but just glares at me.
"Everyone will find out eventually" I smile "Soon".

Honestly I don't know what made me say that. It's not like I have been investigating it. I guess it was just a slip of tongue.


Muhammed's POV.

It was already 9pm and I promised Muneerah that I'll never stay out this late.

Just as I pass by Habib's House I hear him call me.
I turn around and see him behind me holding a basket.

"It's mint leaves, Muneerah always walks to the Palace food garden to get them. Just plant them instead" he says.

"Is this poisoned?" I ask with a smirk.
"You mind?" he asks, indicating he wants to walk with me.

"Of course not".
"Not everyone is as lucky as you are". He says. Habib is about 6'8 or so and he walks really fast so walking with him is challenging.

I am the third tallest, Habib, Ali and then me. I think he's about 6'8 or so. We're a family of tall men.

"Lucky? Why do you say so?" I ask.
"Some of our wives can't even stand up for themselves so we never expect them to stand for us. But there's this great feeling when you see your wife trying her hardest to make sure you succeed in whatever it is you're planning to do, whether she agrees or not".

"I don't know how it feels. My wife is the worst of them all but I'll tell you now to treasure what you have".

I smile. I do feel proud whenever she stands by me whether I'm right or wrong.
"It's surprising that you're the one telling me this today".

"We're family after all. The only thing that comes before that is the throne. But we're blood, right?" he raises his eyebrows.

I laugh.
"You should come in and have some of Muneerah's tea. I heard you went hunting. It'll calm you".


I open the door.
"I hope it's still hot".

The first thing I see is Muneerah on the floor unconcious.
I quickly drop the basket and rush to her side.

"Muneerah!" I call her name "Muneerah?"
I shake her.

Habib walks over and checks her pulse.
"She's breathing but barely".
He checks her heartbeat. "It's not too late".

"Close the door! No! Lock it! " he says.
"Shouldn't we take her to the hospital?" I ask freaking out.

"The poison hasn't spread to her heart yet. We can still do something".

I look at him unsure.
"Just do it!"
He carries her. "Get me lemon, vinegar and water".

He runs inside the guest room with Muneerah in his arms.

After getting him the items I quickly join him in the guest bathroom.
She was in the bathtub completely soaked, the water in the bathtub was already filled and was overflowing, Habib was holding her head so she doesn't slide in.

"What are you doing?" I ask.
"I've gone hunting, I've been bitten by so many things I forget some of them but this is definitely snake venom. Where are they?"

I'm not sure how he knows but he seems to really understand what to do.
I give it to him.
He pours half of the water in the bottle in the bathtub.

I kneel beside him, just looking at her. I quickly pull my hand back when I put my hand in the freezing water.

"It's too cold"
"It slows the spread, if you put her in hot water it'll only make it worse".

He squeezes the lemon in the bottle of water and adds the vinegar, alot of it. I know vinegar isn't good for the body but he's the professional here so I stay quiet.

He hands me the bottle "Give this to her".
He slowly raises her head and I pour it down her throat.
"Get that bin" he says when I made her gobble the whole bottle down.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"
And almost immediately she joltes up panting heavily.

He snatches the bin and keeps it by the bathtub. She quickly grabs it and starts throwing up.

I turn and look at him.
"The acidity in both the lemon and vinegar is too much for her body so throwing up is the work of her body's defense mechanism. She won't stop until she throws up completely, until she empties her stomach".
I just stare at him.

I'm forever indebted to this man.


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