The Empire: You First.

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Asmau, Salma, Khadija, Yasmin, Maryam and I all sat down in Ma Aliya's living room because she is the first wife while our mother in laws were having a discussion with the king in his quarters. Our husbands left for the burial.

Neither Salma nor Yasmin spoke about the day before and I know this isn't the time to tell people that she vanished that day so I kept my mouth shut.

"So another wife is dead, again". Maryam says worriedly.

"What do you think killed her?" Khadija asks. Everyone just rolled their eyes, some hissed at her stupid question. She should know that the deaths in the Palace are 97% planned.

"Can we just stay silent at least for once?" Asmau asks sadly.

This was the first time Asmau and I are in the same room after my wedding but Muhammed seems to trust her, it's just that I don't trust anyone but I like allies though.


Saturday Night.

I groan taking off my dress, now only standing in my vest and underskirt. Muhammed comes in immediately after me. He sits on the bed and groans.

"I haven't eaten anything since that coffee I took before leaving the house"
"What should I get you?" I ask.

"Don't bother, I'll just take water".
"No. You can't sleep in an empty stomach, you should take something".

"I don't like eating anything solid so late at night".
"Don't worry it's not solid" I walk out before he can say a word.

Muhammed's POV.

I come out of the bathroom with the towel tied around my waist, I hung another on my shoulder.
"Here it is" Muneerah says walking in with a cup in her hands.

I try to grab it but she shakes her head. "Sit first" I nod and sit on the couch, she sits next to me and hands me the cup.

"Isn't this normal tea?" I ask.
"No. It's not".

I sip it. "Muneerah, it's normal tea the only difference is the fact that you poured in all the milk we have in the kitchen".

"Then that makes it different, right?"
I smile "If you say so".

She gets up but sits back down. "About Rabiatu, it might be none of my business but something seems off".

"You mean the fact that her body was found in a morgue?"
"No. But that day we didn't leave the cafe together. She left immediately after they brought the drinks and we didn't see her after that".

I look at her surprised.
"Yeah. And a while later the driver told us that she had to take care of something so she left early and that he was supposed to take her back home".

"Are you sure?"

"That was all that happened?"
"Well she left her purse too, he said he'd deliver it to her".

I nod. I can guess who did this and their motive but I'm not a detective, if her parents want they can investigate but my job is to keep my wife safe—this time.

I hold her hand "Muneerah? You know nothing, you saw nothing. All you remember is that you went to the restaurant and got back immediately after having brunch, there are no stories in between. Don't talk about it until you're spoken to about it and it's not anyone that you answer, okay?"

"Alright but what about Salma and Yasmin".
"I don't know which one is which but I'm sure they will say nothing about it too".

"Okay, I'll stay shut"
"Things are getting more intense than I thought, especially because baba wants to abolish this the 'the first child should be king' rule".

"More than me, you should be taking care of yourself. That's what matters".
"Then we'll both stay safe" I smile.

She nods and enters the bathroom.
Things are easier than I thought they would be especially because Muneerah knows how to handle herself.


Third Person POV.

"So I'll give you my daughter"

Suleiman laughs "But she's married"
"That is not a problem. Don't forget apart from silk I also work in many shady areas, it's not so hard to change my daughter's marital status".

"No. No more blood for now"
"You don't need to spill blood for that, okay?"

"I hope you don't regret it because when I don't like something it's not me who suffers"

"I live for your reign my king"


Muhammed's POV.

This is the first time Muneerah is in my office.
"So is this bring your wife to work day?" She asks smiling.

"No. I just decided to show you my office before taking you to see baba"

"You're taking me to see your dad? I'm getting really nervous".
"Don't worry my father is nice".

"Really? Because your father looks anything but nice in fact when he looks at you, you can feel the chills running down your spine"

I laugh "You joke too much"
The door opens and Habib walks in.

"Where did you send my brother?" he asks.
"Habib, which brother are you talking about?"

"Stop asking irrelevant questions because it's obviously not Suleiman"
"I have no right to send Abdullah, he's older than I am"

"You better stop with all the scheming. I have better things to worry about. I don't want to hear my mother complain about this again".

I laugh. "Now it makes sense. It felt weird that you actually care about Abdullah enough to tell me to stop bothering him turns out it's not you".

"A boy with no one but his mother and a sister shouldn't be speaking such words".
He jokes.

"I think it's the only thing that I still put in my prayers, from the day my sister was born. Because alot of times your prayers change based on your needs but the fact that I came out as a man, the only one. It's a blessing".

He huffs "You're so incompetent and that's why you couldn't protect your wife".

"Sorry but his wife is right here" She says.

I know she never stays quiet whenever someone mentions Leenah but I would prefer to handle this alone, I don't want her getting noticed by any of my psychotic brothers.

He laughs "It's good you're not weak like the other one, you must have gotten that from your father. If it was up to him he'd name the strongest king and I wouldn't have to fight for my rightful spot on the throne" he smiles "I admire your father, he is someone I'd call my hero but I'm an adult so I shouldn't use that word but you get what I mean. If what the rumours say is true then I truly hope I meet him before he puts his plan in action".

She smiles and looks at me about to say something but I shake my head. Suleiman might have hired men to do his dirty work but Habib isn't afraid to do it himself.

"Why don't you join my wife and I for lunch tomorrow, just the two of you. Maybe you can teach her a thing or too about courage. Salma is too feeble" he walks out smiling.


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