The Empire: Checkmate.

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No one knows what my plan is, not yet.
Everyone doesn't know that to win I'm the last piece of the puzzle. I don't know my part yet but it's definitely going to be epic.

I smile just thinking about it.
"What's making you smile?" Yasmin asks sipping her tea.

"Don't you get tired doing nothing?" I ask.

"Don't you feel like a prisoner sometimes?"

"Don't you want to have a little fun?"
"Yeah?" She says unsure.

"So? What should we do about that?"
"Look, Asmau says we can do whatever we want, however we want, okay? We don't represent our husbands , they represent themselves" Salma says.

"Really? She said that?" Maryam asks.
"Wait, she never ever told any of you that?" I ask.

"Yeah" they all say in unison except Salma.
I smile, I guess I really should hang out with these wives alot more, there is always something new and interesting each and Everytime we talk.

"But fun isn't for us"
"Muneerah what are you saying? You just said we should have fun and now you're saying something else?" Salma asks.

"Whether Asmau wants to accept it or not we do represent our husbands. If not why do we always have to be by their side during important meetings and events? We represent them in the inner court and wherever we go whether we like it or not, we would be called right after their names. No matter what you're still Salma, Prince Habib's wife, you're still Yasmin, Prince Walid's life or even Maryam, Prince Sadiq's wife. So you better be careful what you do".

"She's right" Maryam says agreeing with me.
"So no fun?" Salma asks.

"We've already have our share of fun" I smile.

Their husband's might be enemies with mine but I want to play fair.


"Have you two eaten dinner?" Ma Alima asks Muhammed and I.
"Yes. We were eating when you called us" Muhammed answers.

"Okay. So what has been going on between you two?"
"We're okay".

"Are you sure? Because I have been hearing Habib being dragged into the conversation".

"Ma it's okay, we are handling everything just fine" He says.

"Okay then. Anyway I wanted to tell you that your sister and your nephew are coming next week and I'd prefer they stay with you. Instead of going to the guest house here in the Palace".

"Ma you know baba will never ever allow Halima to stay in the guest house, if he could give her his bed I'm sure he would".

She laughs "Okay. So she's staying with you two" She looks at me "Muneerah can you please give us a minute?"

"Sure" I wrap my veil and walk out of the gazebo.

I start walking, thinking, not even sure where I was going until I feel someone grab my arm.
"Ah!" I yelp.

I turn around and see Habib.
"What?" I ask.
"Walk carefully, you'll fall" he says looking ahead of me.

I turn around and see the swimming pool.
I couldn't believe I was that absent-minded. The lights in this pool area can light Aleer city.

I smile just thinking about how freaky and embarrassing it would have been if I fell.

He let's go off my hand "Where are you going?"
"I was just coming from Ma Alima's quarters. I was supposed to wait for Muhammed outside but I decided to start walking".

"And hence why you almost fell in the pool, what if you drowned?"
I laugh, people really underestimate me.

"I can swim" I say word for word.
"Really?" he asks surprised.

"Yeah. I don't know why people always get shocked when I say I can do things".
"Because women aren't taught such things. I'm not being sexist but your father is a General I thought he would only focus on making sure his daughter is a proper lady".

"Yes he takes it serious but I always tricked my brother into teaching me whenever my dad wasn't around".
He smiles "I'm sure he knew, he just let you be".

"I know".

"I really look up to that man" he says.
"I'm glad to hear that but I have to go back now, it's getting late".

"You haven't changed"

"You still look the same"
"Uh—" I wasn't sure what he meant and I wanted to ask but I didn't want to drag the conversation any longer than it has to be.

"So you're not going to drag Salma into the mud to get what you want?"

"She told me about your conversation about Salma representing me, why?"
"I like playing fair. Trashing Salma isn't what I want".

"Fair? So it's a game?"
"Seven brothers fighting with each other, making plans and trashing each other—Doesn't that sound like a game? A sick game?"

He smiles "So Muhammed is part of those sick people playing the sick game?"
"You can try to put words in my mouth but that's the truth. Getting your wives always on edge and afraid to trust anyone—I'm sure fighting for the throne isn't what your father is after" I huff "Anyway—It's getting late, I should go back"

He smiles and walks away.


I close the door and lock it.
"I was just looking for you, where have you been?"
"I let my thoughts lead the way".

"You two must have taken forever to finish talking, I have been on my own for over thirty minutes".

"We were talking about something anyway to talk about something completely unrelated—When Halima comes I'd prefer she be taken straight to the Royal court, I want to discuss something with her first".

"Okay, I'll take her".
"No. Before you two meet, I want to talk to her first even before Ma".

"Why? Is something wrong?"
"No. No, everything is okay it's just that we need to clear the air about something before we get home".

"So you'll be coming home together?"

I start walking to the stairs. "Habib says he wants to bring over some files, he told me to tell you so you'd know that he's coming by".

"When did he—Okay".
I turn around "You don't have each other's numbers? His phone number?"

"No. I don't think we need them. Plus I have his email address".
I couldn't help but laugh "So, you have your brother's email address and when you want to relay something to him you send him an email?"

He nods.
"Wow—that's just refreshing" I laugh as I made my way upstairs.


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