The Empire: Family Fueds.

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Leenah's POV.

Mami looks at me like I was lying.
"Come on Leenah, he lied to you. There is no one in Aleer with that name. Abba checked" Aisha says to me.

Since I came back they have been asking me about Muhammed and I've told them everything, apparently my parents wanted to investigate him and it turns out his last name is nonexistent in Aleer. And Ya Aisha is more than happy to tell me that, she always feels like everything is a competition.

"But Ammi that's his name. His parents are rich and he's partly Southern".

"Leenah your father made sure of everything before he informed me and Muhammed wasn't telling you the truth or maybe he was planning to" she says and I nod.

"No. It makes no sense, the point is he lied and you two want to make excuses. You've never showed us his picture, all you say is he resembles the Prince Muhammad Aleer" Aisha says annoyedly.

Although Aisha's intentions weren't pure she was right, who have I been dating for the past 2years.

"I'll just invite him over" I blurt out and I regret it immediately.

"Perfect" Ammi says getting up and walking out.

I entered my room and got my phone out.
I didn't want to seem like I was in a rush with all this wedding stuff and I didn't want to tell him that I caught him lying.

"Hello Baby, you don't know how I missed your voice" he answers excitedly.

"How are you? Missed me?" He asks jokingly.
"I'm not sure"
"Okay, tell me—What's going on

"Will you be able to come over for dinner?" I ask downright.
"Today? As in—In the next few hours?"

"Okay. Are your parents going to be present?"
"Yeah they are and Aisha too"

He sounded hesitant and it made me so nervous and scared. What would I do if he decides to back off now?
"Of course she is. Okay I'll be there by 7:30"
"See you then"
I end the call feeling on edge.


Muhammed's POV.

I was dressed and ready to go but her voice sounded distant and unhappy, I wasn't sure whether it was the fact that her parents are going to be there or something else either way her sister being present just makes everything worse.

Coming out of the inner court I head to the garage, were I unintentionally bump into Uncle Musa, baba's right hand.
"What a coincidence, I was on my way to see you" I lie.

"Is that so? Dressing like that? So formal?"
"That's how much I respect you dear uncle" I smile.
"Okay then".

"Now in a completely unrelated situation—I have to go meet my bride and her parents".

He raises his eyebrows. "I'll ask your entourage to follow"
"No I don't need that, really. I can go on my own".
"But your security matters. Just wait here"

He starts walking but I hold his arm. "She doesn't know I'm the Prince yet. I am going to explain it to her today".

He laughs "It doesn't matter, she's finding out anyway so Muhammed it's final" he walks away.
I immediately run to the garage and drive off before they get the chance to catch up.


Leenah's  POV.

Ammi looks at me with a scowl on her face.
"When is he arriving? He's still not here"

"Ammi. He says he'll be here by 7:30 and its only 7:16. Let's be patient". I say back.

"Patient?" Abba asks when he comes in with Aisha who had a smile plastered on her face.
"Yes. Please".
"Call him" he says.

"Hello? Muhammad? Where are you?" I ask anxiously.
"I'm almost at the corner, just wait"

"Hurry, they are getting impatient"
"Don't worry babe, I won't disappoint you"

Everyone's eyes where on me, completely. "He's almost—" I was cut off by a car soaring. We all got up and stood by the window.

In Aleer people don't really have compounds to themselves, no matter how rich you are but there are neighbourhoods. For instance my father is a wealthy Merchant so he is also in the same estate with the the richest and bougiest people in the city.

A sport car was running really fast, finally parking infront of our house. "Is someone chasing him?" My father asks with an irritated look on his face.

I honestly felt like smothering him for it, it didn't look good at all.

"But his car proves he is from a noble home" my mother says, all she cares about is family name and money.

"Come on Ammi, nowadays you can rent cars, if not he can borrow it from someone he knows" Aisha says.

A moment later Muhammed enters with the maid.
"Thank you" he says to her before he walks over to me.

"You're welcome shall we begin?" Abba says. I dreaded every moment.

Muhammed was sitting on the carpet leaning on the couch, Aisha and I sat on the couch on his right and my parents on the couch on his left.

He seems completely confused, I'm sure it's his first time facing any girl's parents and I am sure this past 5mins have been the worst moments of his life. I hate my family!

"So you've told us who you are except who your parents are? Are they nobles?" Ammi asks excitedly but before she could answer sirens start wailing from afar. The next thing we knew over about 8 cars were parked on our front lawn.

"What is going on?!" Ammi and Abba ask in unison alarmed.

"Is everything okay, Abba?" I ask looking at him confused.
"There's only one way to find out" but before he could get to the door, an elderly man in his 50's walks in with 4men walking behind him. I look out the window and see over a dozen men waiting out side.

"Welcome" my father says with a smile, which means he must be someone from the Palace apart from his obvious formal wear, Abba's reaction confirmed my suspicion.

"Car keys" Was all the man says looking behind us. We all turn around and see Muhammed seated on the couch with a defeated look on his face. I got scared, why was someone from the Palace asking for it?

"I knew he was a Thief!" Aisha says smiling.
"How dare you!" one of the security says walking forward angrily.

"Calm down. Muhammed? Keys"
All eyes were on him as he walks over and gives him the keys. "You're really fast. I thought I escaped" he says smiling.

"So—Aisha's right?Muhammed?" Ammi asks.

The man glares at my mother. "Muhammed?" he looks at my boyfriend but Muhammed only smiles back.

"Introduction" the man says.
A security steps forward "You are in the presence of Prince Muhammed Aleer, son of King Ibrahim Aleer. You can only address him as your Highness".

Everyone hung his mouth open.

Muhammed just stood there like he was caught stealing. Everything about him made more sense.

"Sorry for the drama, he escaped so I wouldn't follow, mind if I join you?" The older man asks with a forced smiling but I doubt our response mattered, I have a feeling he's staying either way.

"Of course, please stay" my parents and sister say in unison.


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