The Empire: Just A Phase.

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Ma Alima POV.

I could hear shouts not sure what was going on exactly, my maids kept quiet the moment they see me so I followed the ruckus which led me to my son's chamber.

Everyone was gathered, my step children, their wives, mothers and my husband, who all looked shocked to their very core. My heart started beating faster thinking of what might have happened.

Suddenly the shouts got worse and the next thing I knew, Muhammad was being carried out.
"Please! Just wake her up! I'm back now!" he shouts.

I have never ever seen my son this way since I had him, it hurts to see your child this way.
They carry him away. I stood there frozen not even sure what was going on or what to do.

"You should go with them"
I turn around and see Ibrahim standing beside me. He was trying so hard to hide his sadness by keeping a stern face but I can see right through his facade.

"What happened?"
He looks at me "Leenah, she's gone".

I freeze.


I was feeling dizzy and my throat felt completely sore, my head hurt and my body felt numb, like I've been beaten mercilessly.

I could barely move, all I know is that I'm lying down, opening my eyes felt like hell. It didn't feel like me, it hurts and I don't remember anyth—

"Leenah!" I shout jolting up.
Ma was seated beside me, she grabs my hand. "It's okay".

"Ma just tell me where is she. I just left for one night, she should be here with you. Where is Leenah?"

Ma starts crying.
There was no denying it anymore. She's gone, Leenah is dead. The love of my life is dead and all because I couldn't stay by her side, because I was stupid and selfish.

I bury my head in my hands not even sure what to do or how to react.


Everywhere is quiet, everyone was probably sleeping like nothing happened.
I haven't been able to think straight, how can I?
What's the purpose of living?

If only I stayed, I know they don't want to admit it but I was being selfish, I did all that because I didn't want to fight for the throne, I felt like I was never going to get it anyway and now—She's gone.

I suddenly feel an immense pain on my leg, taking the duvet off—I just realized I hit my leg really hard, my thigh is already swollen black. I was too wrapped up with everything I couldn't feel the pain.

This is all too much to handle.


"You have no right to do that!" I shout at Abdullah "Why would you bury her? You should have waited!"

"We couldn't do that, you know why. It's better this way".
I fall on the floor, leaning on the door.
"Why? Why did it look planned?"

He sits next to me on the floor. "What? Planned? What do you mean?"
"She was wearing her wedding dress, maybe it was planned".

"You mean suicide?" he raises his eyebrows like he just got a revelation. "I never thought of it that way".

"If not why would she be wearing her dress?"

He huffs "Maybe you're just thinking about it a little too much, I doubt that's the case. Sometimes women like reliving the moment and what is the best way of reliving your wedding? By wearing her wedding dress. I think there is nothing to it but maybe I'm wrong".

"Where am I supposed to start from? What's the point of living?"

"You still have your sister and Mother, they still love you and need you. You can't just give up on life this way" he says putting his hands on my shoulders.

"I wish I could actually have the strength for that, I have never imagined life without her. She made me strong and willing to fight".

"I guess the Palace drama was too much for her to handle"

I gasp. I never thought of it that way, now I'm even more convinced that it was planned.

"No. No! Don't start thinking crazy things, it was a natural death and that's all you should think about, okay? Just grief".
He stands. "Take your time to heal, you need it. I can handle things until you're fine".

He walks out.


Muneerah's POV.

"Ugh! So I have to get back to my dungeon now? Right?" I groan.

"Actually Abbi is staying for a few more days. You know Prince Muhammed, right?"

"Yeah. Didn't he just get married last 2 months, I saw it on Instagram?"

"Well his wife died 3days back and he's staying there for a little while longer so you can stay out but like we talked about don't say anything and leave everything to me even if he gets back. Okay?"

I nod with a smile.
"What are you planning to do now? I have to go for my archery lessons".

"Can I come with you? Just for today"
He nods. "Just stay off the field".

Abdullahi's  POV.

I close the door and keep my bow on the console and my new custom made arrows on the TV stand.

Abbi is not an easy person to talk to and with his job he has gotten alot tougher, even with his kids. How am I supposed to do it? All I know is I have to no matter what, I don't want to see my sister unhappy, I hate it.

My phone rings and I pick it up.
"Hello?" I answer.
"Abdullahi?" I hear Abbi's voice.

"Abbi? Sorry I don't have this number"
"Yes it's new. Where is your sister? Hope she has been going to her classes?

"Yes but I would like to talk to you about that when you get back"
"Okay but since it can wait I want you to listen to me carefully. Tell her I have cancelled everything until further notice"

"Are you serious?" I ask. Something is wrong and I don't think I like it, Abbi would never cancel Muneerah's classes.
"Just tell her. She should focus on being happy and doing the right thing"

"Okay I will. Regards to Uncle Musa"
"No. I want you to call him as soon as possible"

"I will"

He ends the call.

It feels like an alarming situation but I can't tell my sister to worry when I don't what it is she should worry about.

(I wanted to clarify something in this chapter, her brother's name is Abdullahi and Muhammed's brother's name is Abdullah, they're spelt differently).

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