The Empire: Home Sweet Home

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Landing felt like I was being stabbed constantly, I could feel all those painful memories returning. The only thing that makes it better was the smile on Leenah's face when she was getting on the plane even though she openly rejected getting on the jet with me.

Maids and security were already outside waiting for me. All this royal crap is pointless but my parents would not understand that.
I got out and walked down the carpet spread out for me, everyone bowing when I pass, something I have not experienced in a while.

Then I spot mama's handmaiden and also the 50% out of the hundred that raised Halima and I. We call her Hajiya but everyone else calls her by her first name which I still find highly disrespectful.
She walks over and I hug her.
She pushes me away lightly.

"You're not supposed to be doing that when people are watching. There are journalists here as well"
I smile "Come on, why would I care?"
"Still all about fun. You haven't changed even after a year".

"Maybe it would if you had called me at least once since I was gone"

We start walking toward the car.
The rules for royalty are even more than people realize. I can't even ride in the same car with Hajiya because she's not my nanny anymore, apparently I've outgrown it and so I don't need her anymore, it breaks my heart though.

The moment my feet land on royal grounds I knew I had to go greet Baba first and so I went straight to his office because at this time he is never in the throne room.
I open the huge white doors and see it empty.

So I decide to go to his quarters instead and there he was in his living room wearing a white shirt and black trousers.
He smiles when he sees me.
"Your Majesty, is that what a King wears during duty?" I ask jokingly.

"I'm afraid duty will wait for now"
I sit beside him.
"It must have taken great effort for you to come see me first instead of your mother".

"It did but it's the right thing do to. I don't want any of my Ma's making her way to the inner court to get me punished".

The Palace has two courts, the Royal Court and the Inner Court. The Royal Court deals with huge matters like treason, an attack anything related to the welfare of the people while the inner court deals with problems between the royal heirs, events in and out of the Palace, food rationing in and out of the Palace and assigning of maids, cooks and servant. Security is left to the head security who also happens to be our cousin Aliyu. The inner court is led by the Queen mothers and my sister but now she's married. While the Royal Court's decision is on the King with the help of his court members and advisor.

"Your mother said she has been calling you but you don't pick".
"But we talked this morning, that was why she sent Hajiya".

"Is she the only mother you have?" he asks raising an eyebrow getting serious.

"She's the one who gave me life".
"Muhammed let's not start this way—Don't be stubborn and do as you're told. You should keep in mind that you are done with school and you're not going back"
"Okay. I should go rest" I stand.
He nods "And about your marriage—You better set something up with her. I want you and your wife in your own quarters in three months and nothing less" The look on his face didn't give me the chance to say anything at all so I did not.


After getting ready I head to the stables where I am sure I'll meet my brothers. Before I even got there I plug in my AirPods.

And as usual they were there blasting each other with the harshest words they can come up with. I came back yesterday but I'm already half way through hell.
"Mama's boy is back" Walid, Ma Aliya's second son, the weakest.

"Let's not joke with Southern trash" Ali says back getting on his white horse.

Some people say when a white horse chooses you it means you have a pure soul and that was the moment I stopped believing in superstitions because Ali does not in anyway have a pure soul. That's why people don't really fancy me because I am partly Southern and my horse is pitch black.
Her name is Ghost.

"Our sweet bastard brother is back" Walid says.
Having 4 older brothers who hate you is the worst feeling, because they feel they can trample on you with no problems whatsoever.

"Didn't know you missed me, you should have called"
I walk to the stables leaving them laughing like idiots.


Third Person P0v.

"Let's say it's true—How can I do anything about it?"
"Look Abdallah, there is a reason your siblings don't like her and her children so why are you so different?" Khadija, Abdallah's bride to be says to him.

"Muhammed isn't a bad person and until you understand that you'll never get my point".

"But your father loves him more. Even though he has only one daughter it's obvious he loves Muhammed more than anyone else. All you have ever asked for was your father's attention and you've done all you can to please him and yet the only person he gives his attention to is Muhammad, the same guy that leaves the Palace for two years without even informing anyone, the same guy that left for Edo without royal escorts and as such putting his life in jeopardy and more but your father still— he loves him more".

He huffs frustratedly, he didn't want to start thinking that way even though he knew she was right.
"Why are we even talking about this?" he asks.
"He told you to wait—We have to wait for Muhammad to get his act in order and introduce his wife before we get married".

"So? What's wrong with that? It gives us more time to prepare everything and it's so baba can be done with us once and for all".

She scoffs and looks out the window. "Just start the car and take me back home, I'm tired".
"Please understand" he says giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Just wait and see—Your father will one way or the other show his difference very soon"
"Stop being so negative, hmm?"
"Let's just go".

"Oh God!" he groans.


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