The Empire: For Me Alone.

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I take a deep breath and walk inside the house.
Both my husband and his sister were seated in the living room watching.

"Did you come back? I thought you left forever?" She asks.

I say nothing and make my way to the stairs.
"Wow! You're really shameless, aren't you?"

I turn around.
"Muhammed?" I call his name.
He stands looking at me, begging me with his eyes to let it go.

"If you want to sleep in this house peacefully today I suggest you shut your sister up, okay?"

"Why should he?" she asks getting to her feet "I saw you and those two, he gave you an envelope and you typed something on his phone, are you two doing something behind my brother's back?"

I look at my so called husband.
"Muneerah, what did you give him?" he crosses his arms.

"You were the one who told me that it's okay that he brought the papers here and now you're asking me?"

"Then why do you need his phone".
"He asked for my father's number so I gave it to him. You know what, maybe it's time I save myself from all this doubt, don't you think?"

"What doubt?" he asks me walking closer.
"You handle yourself from now on, the inner court, royal court, you should handle it all. Let's see what your sister can do to help you when she leaves" I walk in.


Muhammed's POV.

I sit up still feeling sleepy.
I turn around and find my bed empty.
Muneerah left already, I don't know where to but I'm sure it's because she doesn't want to see my face.

I take my bath, get dressed and go downstairs to have breakfast.

Maybe I should have stood by my wife yesterday, I just don't want Halima to feel that her only brother isn't supporting her anymore.

Halima comes out holding Adil in her arms.
"So what's for breakfast?"

"Why are you asking me?"
"Your wife should be making it, right?" She asks.

"That's something you're supposed to do as a guest" I say back sternly.
"A guest but she's the wife".

"Exactly why you should be the one to do it".

"This is my father's house" he says annoyed.
"Really? You're married and tradition says you're no more than a guest here. So if anyone is supposed to make breakfast then it should be you".

"Me? When did you start listening to tradition? You're the one always saying some rules based on tradition don't make sense so they shouldn't matter".

"Okay let's say tradition is crap—But what does your religion say? I should let my younger sister disrespect my wife? You should understand this now, Muneerah is my wife and there isn't a thing you can do about it, so give her the respect she deserves".

My phone starts vibrating.
Uncle Musa is calling me for the 20th time since yesterday.

"Why do you give this girl so much importance?"
"Do you know General Al-Qasim?" I ask.

"Yeah. In school, on social media, the palace, the news and everywhere else. So yes I've heard of him".
"What do you know about him?"

"He's the second strongest man in Aleer Kingdom after baba".

"You're now a guest here Halima and I'm not telling you this to hurt you but it's so you can understand. If you pry and make trouble everyone else will tell you the same thing".

"But who is she anyway?"
"She's my wife. But unfortunately I don't think you two will enjoy living under the same roof, I think you should go to the guest house" I say and walk out.


I decided to walk to the Royal Court instead of taking a car, it's in the Palace premises and it's only like thirty minutes away.

Immediately I open my office door I see Uncle Musa seated waiting impatiently.
"Yes? What's wrong? Things have been a bit intense I didn't have time to call back".

"You didn't tell Halima?"
I stay quiet.

"You've done some really stupid things but this is by far the worst of them all".

"She was supposed to come see me and I'll explain everything to her but she showed up too early and decided to surprise me".

"That's no excuse. What if she tells her father?" He asks.
"I don't think she will".

"You do know that getting you two married was an indirect treaty, the people of Aleer Kingdom respect and fear that man. The Southerners practically bow to him and people in the North look up to him so that makes him a threat to your father's throne. He respects your father and the fact that his wife is related to your family and so he pretends not to acknowledge his power but if he finds out you degraded and disgraced his daughter it won't be easy anymore".

"So there was a reason for getting me married to her?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yes. It was a means to make sure we have eyes on him. If his daughter is married to you, the Prince, then he'll think twice before he does anything to this family for the throne. Because like tradition rules, if a man is no more royalty and banished, so is his wife. But a General gives little or no meaning for tradition. I advice you talk to Halima and set things straight, okay? "

"Fine. I will".
"Don't let this escalate"

"I won't".
"Better" he walks out.


I lean on the kitchen island and watch her chop the carrots. She doesn't acknowledge my presence.

"What did you do today?" I ask trying to make conversation.
"I avoided coming home"

"It's your house".
"No, it's not. It's YOUR house. I think I'm not supposed to be here".

"Come on how can you say that? You're my wife where else should you be?" I ask worriedly.

"I don't love you and we both know that but the fact that I'm married to you I have made it a duty to protect your honour and mine as well. I protect and support you and I'm also doing that for myself. But I think you're misunderstanding. I'm not a rebound and nor am I your maid. I thought I have explained it so many times but it seems it goes in one ear and out the other".

"It's not like that".
"Your sister didn't know that you remarried. Am I that insignificant? Or is it that you're taking my silence for weakness?"

"It's not like that. I didn't know how to tell her about it" I defend myself.
"If you're okay with your wife being treated like a rag doll, I'm not. I never like bringing your ex wife up but I just have to. Is this how you let people treat her? I've grown up in a similar or maybe worse environment but she didn't. Maybe it wasn't murder after all. I wouldn't be surprised if it was really suicide. No offence. From now on I do me and you do you. Better? "

"No. Its not. Not for me".
"What? I should always stick by you while you treat me like garbage? Enough of that, I have pride as well".

"I'm sorry, I didn't know why I didn't tell her".
"Because you didn't see the need to, you didn't care how I would feel if I found out. But don't worry, you know me, I'm okay" she huffs "Lunch will be ready in no time".

She continues cooking.


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