The Empire: We're Official.

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Muhammed's POV.

Eating breakfast on the main table is heart wrenching, everyone of us has to seat and smile like we're one big happy family.
"It's good that everyone is here, all sons even though I miss my daughter" Baba says with a smile.

"Yes it's true, having a female around is always better" Sadiq says.
"I agree with that" Suleiman comments.

"Really? So the news must have excited you, right?" Baba asks looking around the table.

"News?" Ma Aliya asks.
"I'm having a grandchild soon".

"Yeah, I just heard the good news too but I told her she could count on me any time. At least we have months to prepare for it, I was thinking of sending Rabiatu there to help her with the shopping, soon it's going to start showing and things will be difficult"
Suleiman lies.

Baba just smiles and looks at me.
"When last did you talk to your sister?"

"She's happy with the news but she says she can't make it because she's too heavy, she says she's 2weeks away from her due date" I end my sentence with a smirk directing it at Suleiman.

Baba turns around and looks at him "You know I cannot tolerate lies, how can a Prince lie? What will you be teaching your children? Huh?"

Suleiman shamefully turns his head away.
"Anyway I have to leave for Edo as soon as possible, I have to meet with—" Baba cuts Ali off.

"You can do that after your brothers wedding, family comes first and I want you to learn that, Ali. Because by the time you become king you realize it's the only thing that keeps you sane at least a family that don't keep fighting about who will be king"

Suddenly my phone starts ringing.
"Sorry" I say muting it.
"No pick it" Baba says "Outside" he adds annoyed.

I nod and walk out and that was our breakfast in hell.


Third Person POV.

Every Wednesday and Friday evening all the wives of all the princes gather to be taught by Uncle Musa, he teaches them their responsibility and role as the women of royalty and after it he leaves, they sit for an hour discussing and then they can leave after that.

(For this I want to introduce the wives of the princes.

. Asmau married to Crown Prince Ali, he's the 1st child, 1st wife.

. Yasmin married to Prince Walid, 4th child, he's the 1st wife.

. Maryam married to Prince Sadiq, he's the 7th child, 1st wife.

. Salma married to Prince Habib, he's the 2nd child, 2nd Wife.

. Rabiatu married to Prince Suleiman, he's the 3rd child, 2nd wife.

Abdullah is the 5th his mother being the 2nd wife.

Muhammed is the 6th, the only male child of his mother, the 3rd wife).

"So for the wedding I was thinking maybe we could do something for the bride" Asmau says.

"Why are we talking about it? Where is Uncle Musa?" Salma asks.

"He said he wants us to plan something for the wedding apart from the necessities and since I'm the first wife he said it's only right that I'm leading it" she says back with a smirk.

"So? Why should we do anything for that stupid girl anyway?" Rabiatu asks hissing.

"Because she's innocent like some of us, she doesn't know what this Palace is all about. She's innocent in all this so let's just do one thing for her at least before she knows what the Palace is about, I know you people will make her life hell but it's not her fault she fell in love with someone that's royalty".

"Keep talking nonsense I am not doing that! I came here for something else and you want me to start talking about someone as irrelevant as Muhammed?" Yasmin asks.

Maryam quickly uses her hand to cover Yasmin's mouth.
"If anyway hears you insult him you'll be taken to the Royal adjustment room".

(Royal Adjustment Room: it's the room anyone who is royalty, whether the Prince, Princess, Queen mother's and anyone who is royalty in the Palace is taken to serve punishment according to their misconduct).

"I'm not scared" she says back.
Rabiatu laughs "Then ask Salma what it's like, she was the one who got in for dismissing her husband's order".

"Anyway back to what business—which is to prepare a feast by us wives by the time both brides get here, okay? And everyone will have to bring both of them gifts. I want each person here to bring at least 3presents and do not in any way choose something that might feel insulting to them".

"Is that it?" Salma asks.
"That's it" Asmau says back. Salma gets up and walks out.

"So? What do you know about her?" Rabiatu asks.

"She's from a noble home, her father provides in the silk in Aleer and her sister says Prince Muhammad is always visiting her" Khadijah says back.

"What is she like? Honestly"
"She's naive, that is what her sister said. And she always plays innocent, her sister says she's the devil" Khadijah replies back.

Rabiatu smiles "The real devil is her sister, she must really hate to see her sister get into the royal family anyway keep me updated".

"But you'll keep your promise right?"

"Yeah don't worry you are officially on my side when anything comes up, our husband's are brothers anyway so having my direct sister inlaw as an ally is fantastic".

"Can't wait. It's good I know the Palace and how it works" she laughs "Even before I got there" she walks away.

Thinking: Ignorant people are always the best to play, she's really stupid. Abdullah is the unluckiest of them all.


Leenah's  POV.

I look out the window.
My heart is beating out of my chest.

Today we are starting with the greeting.
Muhammed's mother and his eldest sister in law will be coming today to observe everything and if it's not to their liking the wedding will be cancelled immediately with no hesitation.

I think I look good, I turn around and look at the mirror again. If things go well Muhammed and I will officially be husband and wife tomorrow and by tomorrow night—let's leave that aside for now. I giggle just thinking about it.

"We have seen everything—" Muhammed's mother says after checking everything "And I can't wait to have my new daughter in law in the Palace with us".

I yelp in excitement.

This is the best thing that has ever happened to me.


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