The Empire: Brothers.

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Muhammed's POV.

For a moment I forgot these guys existed.
"So? What is your wife pulling our wives into?" Walid asks.

"Why don't you ask your wives? Did she ever force them?" I ask back.

Sadiq laughs "Is this a joke to you?"
"Do I look like I give a damn what you or your wives do? I don't!"

"Are you and that girl doing this because you feel her father is on your side? Don't joke around. Ali is going to be king and no one else so you better get that in your thick head" Walid says.

"I have no time for your drama. If you're done you can use the same door you came in through, or do you need Ali to do that for you too?"

"You've always had a big mouth, I'll make sure to shut it permanently when Ali becomes king".

"Suit yourself"
they hiss and walk out.


Muneerah's POV.

I sit and smile at her.
"You called for me" I say.

"We never see each other" Asmau says back.
"Really? We recently met at the charity event" I say back.

"But it's the first time you're visiting me here, can you count how many times you've seen Salma?"

"No I can't".
"Well this is the second time you and I are having a one on one conversation, does that seem right to you?" She asks.

"No it doesn't. My apologies".
"Leenah always visited me, she trusted me. It feels weird that you don't".

"And that's what she failed to understand".
"And what is that?"

"Don't trust anyone"
She raises her eyebrows obviously offended by my comment "I didn't mean it as an insult. It's just that back home my father trained me not to trust people easily so I'm a bit reserved".

"Can we change that?" she asks with a smile.
"I don't think so" I smile back.

I know she must be irritated by me but I feel telling her directly is just the best option.
"You really are your father's daughter".

"If that's a compliment then thank you".
"Of course it is. Well since I'm still a stranger I can't force you so please take your time".

"Of course. But you should expect me anytime".
"I'd appreciate that".


"Do you think I should take slimming tea?" Salma asks looking at herself in the mirror.

She was wearing only her bra and shorts looking at herself in her full length bedroom mirror.
"Just calm down. You look okay. Just wear the dress and be confident. Everything will be okay".

"But is a fitted dress going to be okay? Habib said it's a formal party, his friend's family personally invited him and I want to make sure I look perfect. Muneerah I want him to look at me for once and look proud and happy".

"Just be confident. Every man wants a confident woman, okay?"



I walk in.
From the living room I can hear laughter coming from Salma's closet.

Opening the door slowly I see both Salma and Muneerah standing in their underwear.

They just kept bringing out more and more clothes and dancing to music.
"You should wear that" Muneerah says pointing at a dress.

"I'm not sure".
"For godsake Salma choose something to wear already. I even took off my clothes to try on some just so you can choose and I'm tired. What if Habib suddenly barges in and sees me this way. I'll just act normal but we all know it's not".

I smile the moment my name is mentioned. If she only knew.
I slowly close the door and knock.

"Salma you in there? Are you done?"
"Almost" she shouts back.

"Hurry I'm waiting" I go back to the living room. Is it normal for me to see Salma that way but still prefer to be with Muneerah instead? She's not as curvy or sexy but I'm going crazy just thinking about it.

They both come out minutes later giggling.
"It's been hours" I say picking up my car keys.

"Sorry" Salma says hanging her head low like she just got caught stealing.

"Let's go" I say walking out.

After their long goodbye Muneerah turns around to leave.
"You're not coming along?" I ask.
"My brother is going to be here anytime. I can't join".

"Have fun" she smiles and walks away.


Muneerah's POV.

We sit at the cafe.
I really missed Abdullahi, badly. Seeing him really made me tear up.

"Aunty Maryam says she's on her way here"I announce
"I haven't seen her in a long time. It'll be great to see her".

"I missed you alot. Sometimes the Palace feels empty and it feels likes I have no one".
He leans forward, looking serious. "Is he not treating you right?" he asks clenching his jaw.

Let's just say Ya Abdullahi got his temper from baba. He's basically baba's younger version. They look exactly the same, the only difference is he has our late mother's fair skin. But if not, they practically look identical.

"No. You know of course it's going to be different. I've lived with you and baba all my life and suddenly changing the environment isn't so easy".

"I'm sorry things had to turn out this way. I really wished you'd marry someone you'd be able to travel the world with. That was your dream" he says apologetically.

"It's okay. I feel like I'm in a story book. The adventure".
"Adventure? I don't like that. What is happening in that Palace?"

"Please don't overreact. I'm happy there. Shouldn't that be all that matters?"

"You're right" he smiles. "I don't have to end someone who messes with my baby sister".

"Ugh! Baby sister? I'm married now" I pout.
"I'm older than you, you'll forever be my baby sister. Even when you have grandchildren".

"Haha" I say sarcastically.
"And you say you're happy" he says getting serious again. "You've been sarcastic alot. I've noticed it since you came to pick me up at the airport. You always use sarcasm as a defense mechanism when something is bothering you".

"There's nothing I can't handle. Just trust me. I promise if things get too intense I'll call you immediately".

"Okay, just make sure of that".


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