The Empire: Understandings.

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Sorry, didn't have time to edit my typos.

Muneerah's POV.

I sit on the bed feeling very itchy.
It's tradition in Aleer for the bride to sit on the left side of the bed, cover her face with a white veil and wait for her groom to unveil it.

But this dress is extremely itchy. Don't get me wrong I love getting dressed up but not with something so itchy and heavy.

The door opens and I feel a light weight on the bed beside me.
"Let me make this quick, you look uncomfortable" he says lifting the veil.

He stares for a while before moving to the couch. "You can freshen up".

I quickly get up and head to the bathroom but stop when I hear him whispering " This is the second time in less than 6months. There won't be another".

I turn around and see him bury his face in his hands. I also stare for a while before walking in.


I open my eyes and see him seated on the bed looking blankly at the wall.
"You're awake?"

"Yeah. Get dressed I'm giving you a tour before going to the court".
I nod and get up.


He looks at me from head to toe. "You're wearing that?" he asks.
"Yeah. What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing, it's just that no one wears anything like that".
"They wear an ankle high dress while I wear a knee high dress and jeans, so technically it's the same thing. Or can't I wear it? They are the only ones I have".

"No. It's fine and unique".
I nod.
"Anyway that's the female servant quarters".

"Seriously? Back in the southern city nobles own houses like this".
"Well this is the Palace, everything has to be extra around here even people".

He rolls his eyes.
"Rabiatu" he says as the girl stood in front of us.

"Are you so eager to run away from your duties that you decided to give her a tour yourself? You didn't even do that for Leenah".

I don't know what these two have with each other and I don't care. Abbi told me that his wife was most likely murdered and the last thing I want is for any of these women to think is that I'm a weakling they can mess with. We might not be in love but he's my husband and in royalty his problem is my problem, his pain is my pain so his insults are mine as well.

"Why would that matter to you? I'm his wife and he wants to show me around. I don't see how that's a problem" I turn and look at him "Let's finish this so you can head there" we walk ahead.

After finally coming to the end of the tour we sit on the bench in front of our quarters.

"Why did you ask me to sit?" he asks.
"Look, you and I both know we had no choice in this matter and believe it or not the last thing I ever wanted in my life was marry a Prince and live in the Palace for the rest of my life but that's what I got and I can't change it. I might know little about the Palace compared to you but I know that for us to live long and respectfully in this place we have to have each other's backs no matter what. We don't have to be lovey dovey with each other. All we have to do is stick with each other no matter the consequences and think of the other. You got my back I got yours. Hmm?"

"Okay. I understand".
"And that means leaving the women to me, you handle your brothers I'll take care of my own side"

He smiles, obviously not genuine but I think he understands. "I'm glad we have an understanding, I really am".



Muhammed's POV.

I sit thinking of what Muneerah said. And I have never agreed with anything so much but I'm also afraid, Leenah lost her life because I thought she could handle it and I'm afraid I might lose her too. I might not love her but her father does and he frightens me plus I don't want another death on my hands.

Someone knocks on the door getting my attention.
"Come in".

I abruptly stand up when I see Leenah's father.
"I came to see His Majesty and decided to stop by your office".

He sits on the couch and I walk over and sit across him.
"It's good to see you"

His smile disappears. "I haven't seen you in 2months, do you know how long that was? Now you're married? Is that how fast you forget my daughter?"

"I haven't forgotten her and I never will, she will always be part of me no matter who I marry".

"But you still moved on not even 5months after her death. Was that how little she meant to you?" he asks getting angrier by the second.

"This marriage was not my choice and you know that. You're with someone who is a member of the court and you know nothing is really my choice, not even the food I eat".

"Muhammed those are all excuses, if you knew all this then why did you marry her? You knew how the Palace was but you still married her".

I stand "I mean no disrespect especially to the father of the woman I love but you're her father and you know how this Palace is way more than I do, I still don't know a quarter of what you do but you were so into your daughter marrying the Prince that you didn't care, you never did and I'm sure if you could you'd force me to get married to her sister like they do in the south".

Before I knew it he slaps me across the face "Don't insult me!" he shouts.

I sit back down and look at him, standing there looking at me angrily.

"I might have been married to your daughter and I might have been feeling so guilty that I went to your house everyday to see you after she died. I respected you and your whole family because of her and I'll always respect you but don't ever raise your hands at me. I'm still your Prince and you're suppose to bow until I tell you to stand because of the love we had for the same person I would never ever ask you to do that, ever but that's enough of it. The way you guilt trip me, that's enough of it".

"You're speaking to me this way? Because you think you married that trash? Because of the power her father has in the South? Maybe you are behind my daughter's absence in our lives"

"It might not be me but I blame it myself, I didn't give her the attention she needed but I'll always pray for her and that's the best I can do for her but don't ever insult my wife. Whatever reason I have for getting married to her, it has nothing to do with you so please stay out of it" I stand "Can you please leave?"

He hisses and walks out slamming the door.
I just made my first real enemy. How great.


Third Person POV.

Suleiman keeps the Quran beside him and raises his head, he looks his mother in the eyes as she sat a few feet away from him reading a book.

"Everyone suspects her, everyone in the Palace suspects her"

"So? What are you going to do about it?" she asks with her book still covering her face.

"And she's after this new one too. I can't let her ruin my chances, not now"

"You know what to do?" she asks dropping the book with a smile on her face" Make it slow, you know I never liked her".

"I'll give her exactly what she wants" he smirks "Her greatest desire".

What is her greatest desire?

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