The Empire: Last Breath.

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Leenah's POV.

I smile at her.
"How have you been doing? Muhammed told me you said I didn't like you".

"I thought so".
"Of course not, why wouldn't I like you, my son loves you and that is all that matters"

I smile.
"Ma I want to ask a question"
"Go ahead"

"They keep saying Muhammed isn't really the King's son".
She bursts out laughing "Of course he is his son. Don't you see the resemblance?"

I nod "Ma I'm scared, our relationship has been different".

She huffs "Let me tell you a quick story—The King and I were seeing each other for a long time, he always made excuses for going to the South just to see me. It went on for 3years. Whenever I asked him about getting married he would always try to change the subject, I didn't know why. Then one time he and I went a little too far, after that he went back. I later found out that I was pregnant but I couldn't contact him because he wasn't in the Kingdom. By the time he got back I was already one month and a week pregnant so we got married as soon as possible. Two months later we went back to the Kingdom. People said that I was already pregnant with someone's child but we knew better. Things were still going strong for us but this Palace drifts people apart, it drew us apart. Even after Halima's birth it was like the love never existed" she smiles "All I am saying is that you have to fight for your relationship, he's going to be busy and if you don't fight for your relationship—you'll lose each other"

"I will, with everything I've got".


Muhammed's POV.

"What? Tomorrow?" She asks me.
"I have to go as early as possible so I can be back by tomorrow evening".

"But you can go and come back from Manzur today, do you have to stay the night?"

"Yes. I'm sorry baby, I have to talk to someone there as soon as I can if not we won't be secured. I promise you I'll be done the moment I get back. Talking to him will sort everything out for us"

"Okay" she gives me a peck. "Stay safe"


Leenah's POV.

Rabiatu decided to visit me since I was bored and alone.
"So it's your first time staying here alone?"

"Yeah and it feels so lonely, I miss him already" I pout.
She smiles. I honestly can't believe people really think she's a bad person.

"Of course. He's great company"

"You know he and I dated right? But I married Suleiman instead".
"Hmm. Really?"

"Yeah. It was great while it lasted".
I smile starting to feel uncomfortable with the conversation.

"It was sad though—The real reason we separated".

I look at her curiously, I didn't know there was a real reason.
"What was it?" I ask.

"He didn't tell you?" She asked shocked.
I shake my head.
She makes an 'O' with her mouth "Then if he didn't tell you, it's not my place to. He'll get angry" she huffs sadly "I'm sorry but I should go"

Is Muhammed keeping secrets from me?

(Conversation continues)


Muhammed's POV.

Finally everything was sorted out. I am back and everything is taken care of.
I wanted to go see Leenah first but Uncle Musa called me to his office.

"So you finished it?" he asks with a wide smile.
"Of course I did. Thanks. Now all I need is to see him next week and I'm done"

"You must still stay on edge about it, your brothers will want to start taking the weaker ones out first and you're going to be their first target".
I nod.

"Okay, you can go, it seems like you're desperate to leave".

I smile and walk out.

By the time I get to our quarters three maids were outside.
"What is going on here?" I ask.

"It wasn't cleaned today".
"What do you mean? It's already 5pm, how come?"

"The door is closed"
"What about my wife did she go out?"

"No one saw her leave".
I smile "Maybe she decided to take the day off from all the drama".


I bring out my keys and open it. "Come in".

She wasn't in the living room, after searching the whole house I found her in the spare bedroom sleeping, she was wearing her wedding dress.

"It kind of smells foul in here" one of the maids who came in with me says before she screams and run out.

I shake my head "What the hell is wrong with her?"
I sat beside Leenah. She looked very pale but maybe it's because she's tired.

"Wake up I think that's enough of it"
She doesn't move, I hold her but they're cold.

After trying over and over again she still doesn't wake up.
Hajiya comes in. I turn and look at her. She looked distraught and scared.

"Why is she playing these games with me? Is this a prank? Wearing her wedding dress? It's not funny"

"Muhammed?" she calls me.
"Are you in with this shenanigans? Huh?"

"Muhammed?" Abdullah calls my name when he comes in.

"What is this?! This isn't funny! Leenah! Leenah! Leenah!" I shake her.

"Muhammed stop shaking her, stop" he says holding me.
"Don't touch me! Leenah! I'm done! I'm done! I promised and I swear I'm done! Leenah! Let's stop joking, okay?"

"Get him out" I hear Hajiya say. I don't know who but they all grabbed me.

"I'm done! Please just stop this! Let's stop all this! Wake her up!" I shout at Abdullah.

"Abdullah! She's just playing around, she's trying to prank me! Wake her up!"
They bring me out. Everyone had already gathered. Baba was leaning by the door.

"She's just joking! Tell her to stop!" they take me away. I had no idea where they are taking me I just want to be with my wife.

"Leenah! Please! Ah!"



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