The Empire: Brothers First.

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"Forget about it" Muhammed says closing the wardrobe.

"I want to go too"
"Why? So someone can poison you again?"

"No. It's a celebration, your father's birthday. I have to be there and I already told Abba and Abdullahi that I'll see them both there" I lie.

"Why? Why do you want to go desperately?".
"You know my father will never ever come to the Palace and to this house to see me. We only talk on the phone and now I have an opportunity to see him and I shouldn't? I won't take no for an answer".

He huffs defeatedly "As long as you stay by my side throughout, okay?"
"Fine deal. But when I'm going to talk to Abdullahi I need it to be private".

"Why? You're keeping something from me?"
"First of all no. It's because he will not agree to talk with you there. If you can remember he's Habib's very close friend so I'm sure there's a level of friendliness with you".

"Wow. Habib has stolen my brother in law".
"Happens to us all. My sister in law despises me and thinks I'm using my husband".

"Will you ever forget that?"
"No. I won't" I smile and enter the bathroom.


"So where are you going now?" he asks when I lock the door and put the house keys in my jeans pocket.

"I'm meeting Aisha".
"Don't do that. You know she doesn't like you".

"And that's what motivated me to go see her, don't you think?"

"Okay just don't take anything. No more poison".

"Yeah. They are bringing my dress later today, I hope I'm around by then".

"Dress?" he asks folding his arms.
"Yes. Apparently all wives have a colour code. I don't know who made that up but they are rules anyway".

"Who is bringing it?"
"A maid. Ma Aliya told me she'll send her".



"I know you and I don't get along and honestly I have nothing against you. I don't hate Muhammed either. I just want us to be cool".

"How can we? Your husband despises my husband and you despise me" I say.

"Suleiman does not despise Muhammed. If anything he is his favourite step brother".

"Is that why he married his ex girlfriend? Or married his late wife's sister, the same sister that toxically envies her?" I ask curiously.

"I didn't envy Leenah".
"It doesn't matter now. But I really don't have anything to discuss with you".


"Okay then. Don't tell me I didn't try" Now that got my attention.
"Try what?"

Aisha smirks "I'll help you find out who killed my sister".

I laugh "Is that supposed to be a joke?"
"No I'm serious".

I shake my head "No need. By tomorrow, we'll really know" I smile and walk away.

My mouth really has a way of getting me in trouble but I don't regret it, if lying will make them keep their guard down then I have to.


This might sound stupid but I'm seriously attracted to my husband's brother. I know it doesn't make any sense.
It's just that with Muhammed, we act more like friends than a couple. We don't feel attracted to one another.

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