The Empire: Deep Breaths.

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Muhammad's POV.

"Your step mother just called" Leenah hands me my phone.

"Don't mind her, she's always trying to bother me"
She leans on my car, I stand in front of her.

"When are you going to tell Ma about me? I'm just so tired of my parents asking me about the man I want to marry. And I don't want to tell them it's you before you get the chance to talk to your parents"

I lean beside her. "When I get back home I will, it's not something I can discuss and until I return to Aleer (The Capital), by that time we would be done".

"We?" She asks unsure.
"I'm done with my masters and you've completed your university"
"But I'm going back home tomorrow and your graduation is next week".

I laugh "Come on. You know I only stayed this long for you".
She starts blushing.

"Let me walk you to your room then I can call her back"
"Okay but you're picking me up tonight, right? For our date?"

I nod holding her hand.


I lie down and call my mother.
"When were you waiting to call me?"
"I was preparing some papers"

"And you can't call your mother?"
"SORRY. How is everything at home? The court? Baba?"

"Everything is a mess here. I don't know what is going on but the whole royal court is a mess right now"
"I didn't know, when did it start?"

"I don't know but your father wants you present for dinner on Friday night. Everyone will be present. And please don't come up with excuses and just make it."

I huff "I will. How is Halima?"
"Call her if you want to know. I have to go to the orphanage opening with Ma Aliya. I'll call you when I get back"

"Okay then. Bye"
She ends the call.

LIFE is complicated, while my bride to be is so excited to go home, I'm dreading every moment of it. I hate going back home. I have to deal with Ali, our first born who was named after our great grandfather and Ma Asiya's most priced possession because he's the Crown Prince. But Habib is fighting his way up too, Ma Aliya has the world's greatest imagination, she keeps thinking he has a chance of being King.
The only brother that I get along with is Abdullah, he's 29 and he's a year older than I am, he's Ma Aliya's son but we are the only two who don't actually care about the throne.

The door opens and Ade walks in with a smile on his face. The South has two kingdoms unlike the North that has six. The first one is Edo and the second is Southern Kingdom. And Ade is from Edo. People in the North don't really accept the South which includes my mother and both her children so not alot of people liked that my father married Ma but it's tradition for a king to marry from the South, since my father married a southerner none of his children will have to but one of his grandchild will.

"Hello my southern brother. How is the preparations going?" he asks with a mocking smile.

"I'm going back to that hell hole. Sometimes I feel like a bad person for even thinking of marrying Leena".
"She loves you and you love her. You guys can conquer all obstacles with your love" he says tauntingly.

"I'm serious. She is not even aware that I'm a Prince".

"Doesn't she know how Prince Muhammed of Aleer looks?"
"She never really cared about him so she doesn't pay attention to his looks but she has told me so many times that we look alike but each time I divert it completely".

"I t's going to be fine"
I look at him unsure.
"Well think about it. You two will be married by the end of this year and by February next year a new king will be named. After that you two can leave the Palace and live happily" he says with a crooked smile.

"You're right, at least you provided little consolation" I get up and enter the bathroom to freshen up and eat before picking Leenah up.


Meanwhile at the Palace.

The King is in his office with the hand of the king, Musa, he's the King's most trusted adviser.
He hands the king his seal.
"Are you sure about this, your Highness?"

"I told you that you don't need to call me that when we're alone".
"This will only bring more destruction in this Palace, are you sure about this? Didn't you say Alima told you that Muhammed is getting married? Just wait until he's married, he and Abdullah are your only children that aren't married yet".

"Why should I wait? I want this done soon"
"If you do this before he is married we both know how that boy is—He'll decide not to get married. The boy is not interested in power or the throne".

"But he was born for it. He can't change who he is or his family either and that's why it's not a choice".
"Just wait. You can make the wedding as soon as you want, it'll be suspicious but he'd do it anyway and that's what matters".

"Okay. I just hope that's the case, I really do".
He keeps the seal and stands beside his advisor.

"We'll have to get ready, the court, the women's pavilion, the whole Palace will be in disarray but I won't make the same mistake my grandfather did".


Muhammed's POV.

"Are you serious? It's because you've never eaten it".
"Or maybe it's because this wasn't the date I planned".
"And what did you plan?" She asks.

I planned for a dinner in the most expensive and romantic dinner at a 5star restaurant but instead we are tasting food at a fundraiser.

Normally in the Palace people have to taste the food before we eat it and there are some dishes that I have never eaten in my life, like Gurasa or those canned moi moi although I heard they taste better.

"Something other than this. You know I don't feel safe eating food that isn't homemade".

"I didn't know rich kids aren't allowed to eat them too, But you have to be honest, they taste great, Muhammad" She says mockingly.

"Yeah but only because you're here with me"

"Okay then, what did you have in mind?"
"Proper Dinner? In an exquisite restaurant where we are at least 80% sure it's safe".


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