Pop! (DestructiveDeath)

185 3 6

[Trigger warning: male pregnancy. Speech time! Reaper AnD eRrOr. Enjoy!]

Error was relaxing in Outertale, enjoying the truce he and Ink had signed, along with the stars. He pointed out the stars, saying what constellations they were a part of, even though he already knew.

You see, he was pregnant. It wasn't intentional, but he didn't want to abort the child when he first found out, as he already had a connection with it. He was about 4 and a half months along, and excited about how soon his due date was (skeleton pregnancies only lasted 4 to 5 months, since only bones had to be made).

He didn't know who the father was, since he had gotten pregnant at a weird time, having broken up with his now-ex for someone else a week before finding out he was pregnant, and wasn't sure which one was the father. His new boo, Reaper, didn't care who the kid's biological father was, he would be their dad no matter what.

After pointing out all the constellations that he knew, he started singing a lullaby.

He couldn't wait for his child to be born, to show them the world. Well, worlds. He was going to teach them all about the stars in the sky and he couldn't wait for it.

He rubbed his belly as he sang, not noticing the figure approaching him from behind.


Error jumped, giving Reaper a glare.

"YoU sCaReD tHe ShIt OuT oF mE!"

"you should sing more often. you're really good at it."

"tHaNkS. wHaT dO yOu WaNt?"

"I wanted to spent time with you, duh."
Reaper replied as he sat down next to Error. They sat in silence for a bit, admiring the stars as Reaper gathered the courage to ask Error the most life-changing question he could ask.

"... hey, error, can i ask you something?" Reaper asked as he slipped a small box out of his pocket and into his hand


"..i want you to look at me while i do this." Reaper said, grabbing Error's chin and turning his head to face him.

"aLrIgHt... WhAt CoUlD pOsSIbLy Be So ImPoRtAnT tHaT i HaVe To MaInTaIn EyE cOnTaCt WiTh YoU?"

"you say that like it's a bad thing. error, i love you."

"i KnOw ThAt."

"i want the whole world to know that you're mine and i'm yours."

Reaper revealed the box, making Error gasp.

"No...YoU'rE jOkInG, rIgHt?"

"i'm not. error, i want to be with you until death does us part, which will never happen, so i want to be with you for eternity, i guess. and i just wanted to ask..."

Reaper opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring with streaks of blue, Error's favorite color, in it.

"will you make me the happiest monster in all of the multiverses by marrying me?"

Error looked shocked, tears welling in his sockets. Reaper want to marry him? Him? Why? Reaper took the silence as a rejection, closing the box and sadly looking away.

"that's a no, right? that's ok, i went too fast, you're not as in love as i am... that was stupid, i'm sorry-"

Error tackled him in a hug, tears flowing down his face.

"YeS! yEs YeS yEs, A bIlLoN tImEs YeS! wHy WoUlD i SaY nO?!"

Reaper's sockets widened, then filled with tears. He hugged back, before pulling away to kiss him. After the kiss, Reaper reopened the box and pulled out the ring, putting it on Error's finger. He held it up, admiring the jewel.

"iT's BeAuTiFuL... wHeRe DiD yOu FiNd It?"

"a SOUL i had harvested had it on. i knew you'd love it, so i convinced her that she had to give me a gift or i wouldn't reap her SOUL. it was the only thing on her that she thought i'd accept."

"ThAt WaS cOmPlEtE bUlLsHiT, wAsN't It?"

"yeah, i knew i had to propose, and that was the perfect ring. i would have been stupid to not get it for you."

"WaIt...HoW lOnG hAvE yOu BeEn PlAnNiNg ThIs?"

"...a few weeks. i was waiting for the right time."

"...YoU'rE nOt DoInG tHiS jUsT bEcAuSe I'm PrEgNaNt, ArE yOu?"

"of course not! i love you and the kid! i don't care if they're mine or not, i'll raise it with you. i'm in this forever, with you and for you."

"Oh ThAnK gOd. I wAs AfRaId ThAt YoU wErE gOiNg To LeAvE mE iF tHe KiD wAsN't YoUrS. wE'rE rAiSiNg ThIs KiD tOgEtHeR, aS hUsBaNd AnD hUsBaNd."

"husband and husband? you're the girl in the relationship."

"I aM nOt!"

who's the one carrying a child? not me."

"YoU gOt Me ThErE. sO, wHo ShOuLd We TeLl FiRsT?"

"night and the gang, obviously. nightmare's going to be your best man, right? mine's my bro."

"wE'lL fIgUrE tHaT oUt LaTeR! lEt'S gO tElL tHeM!" Error said, grabbing Reaper's hand and pulling him to his feet. He opened a portal to Nightmare's base and ran in, pulling his fiancee in after him.

[A/N: 824 words, not counting this. This was cute. Got the idea, wrote it down. What do you guys think about this ship? I found it and I like it. Also, we're almost at 1k readers! Thank you all so much, I didn't think that this would get so popular. I have more stories coming up though, don't worry. Bye!]

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