One shot-Errorink (Omorashi)

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Trigger warning: contains sanscest and omorashi

[A/N: Ink's speech will look like this. Error's will look like ThIs.]

Ink couldn't believe it. Five minutes ago, he had been fighting his worst enemy, Error. Now, he was all tangled up in his strings, Error standing over him. But, he had to admit, the view was amazing.
[A/N: The 'amazing view' is Error's crotch.]
"WeLl, WeLl, LoOk WhO wE hAvE hErE. iNk."
"Error, can you let me go?"
"WhAt? No, WhY wOuLd I dO tHaT?"
"Because... because-"
"iT's StIlL nO. nO eXcUsE yOu HaVe WiLl CoNvInCe Me To LeT yOu Go."
Then, Ink noticed something was... off about Error. He wasn't looking him in the sockets, he looked a bit sweaty, and was bouncing slightly on his heels. Was he sick? Ink didn't know why, but he was concerned for Error's well-being. Why did he care about the one who had destroyed his precious A.Us? He decided to ask.
"Error, are you ok? You look sick."
"I... wHy Do YoU cArE?"
"I-I don't know why, but untie me so I can help you!"
Error crossed his arms in front of him and shook his head. Ink watched as Error started to shiver, his bones rattling.
"Quit being stubborn! You're shaking!"
"i'M fInE!" Error snapped, his outburst causing the strings to disappear. Ink jumped up and grabbed Error by the shoulder, making him glitch. Ink looked Error dead in the sockets and said " You. Are. Not. Ok. Let me help you. Tell me what's wrong."
"wHy? WhY dO yOu CaRe?"
"Because..." Ink thought about it, and came to
a realization:
"Because I love you."
Error's glitches got worse until he crashed.
'Error.exe has crashed. Please wait until Error.exe reboots.'
[/////////] Loading...
Ink giggled, knowing Error well enough to know that this only happened when he was nervous, pissed off, or flustered. Ink crossed his arms and waited.
[\\\\\\\\\] Loading complete.
Error blinked, looked at Ink, and strangely, looked down. He had started fidgeting again, but Ink noticed he was grinding his thigh bones together. Then, it clicked.
"Error, do you... need the bathroom?"
Error looked up and blushed a bright yellow as he nodded.
"Well, why didn't you just say so?" Ink asked as he grabbed Error's hand, dragging him about five feet before he stopped. He had forgotten that, during the battle, Error had retreated to the Anti-Void. Ink had followed, and got caught in the strings. Now he knew why Error hadn't said anything.
"BeCaUsE tHeRe'S nOwHeRe FoR mE tO gO." Error voiced what Ink had been thinking, still wiggling [A/N: 🎵wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Do do do, do do doo. 😂  I'm sorry, I had to!]
"On a scale of one to ten, how bad is it?"
"aBoUt A nInE." Error replied. Ink's sockets widened in shock. He randomly opened a portal to another A.U.
"Come on, Error. You can go here."
Error stepped through the portal, followed by Ink.
"uM, wHeRe Do I gO?"
"In this A.Us forest." Ink replied, not really looking at where they were, until Error shook him.
"iN tHaT cAsE, wE hAvE a PrObLeM."
"What do you-" Ink cut himself off as he looked around. They were on a beach, facing the ocean. It was beautiful and all, but there were no trees in sight. Ink quickly checked what A.U they were in.
"Oh, we're in Piratetale. That's no problem. I'll just open up another portal."
Ink looked satisfied with his plan and turned to Error.
Error was struggling to not wet himself, sockets closed tight so he couldn't see the ocean, both hands in between his legs, which were crossed tightly. Ink put a comforting hand on Error's shoulder.
"Hey, are you ok?" Error looked at him, dead in the sockets. Ink was shocked to see that Error was tearing up.
"i...I dOn'T tHiNk I'm GoOnA mAkE iT."
"Oh.. well just go then. I won't watch."
"yOu WoN't MaKe FuN oF mE, rIgHt?" Ink nodded.
Ink walked a few feet away, facing away from Error. He heard the glitch sigh, in relief, he assumed. After about a minute, Error told Ink it was ok. He turned around to see Error crying. Ink ran over, not caring if he got his clothes or shoes dirty, and hugged the destroyer, rubbing the top of his skull.
"Do YoU rEaLlY lOvE mE?"
"Yes. I do. Do you love me too?"
Ink looked around and teleported the two of them back to the Anti-Void, calming him down. He promised he wouldn't tell anyone what had happened that day, and he didn't. He left the Anti-Void with a new feeling: love for Error. And nothing, not an accident or Error killing people, or even Error, supposedly, being his worst enemy, would change that. And, as for Error... he was praying that Ink kept his promise, and deep down, he hoped that Ink would be his friend. And one day... more than friends.

[A/N: 834 words, not counting this. Feedback and suggestions are appreciated and wanted. Thanks for reading this far! Now, enjoy some emoji art I made!! 👋]
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