One shot-Scifell (Omo)

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[A/N: Sci's speech looks like this and Red's is like this. I'll tell you in story when they're thinking.]

"sci, come to bed. it's almost midnight."

"i will, just a minute. i'm almost done."

Red sighed as he walked out of the room. He should have known that he wouldn't go to sleep until he had finished his 'pet project'. His boyfriend was DETERMINED to finish it by their one year anniversary, which was the day after tomorrow, and give it to Red. NOTHING would stop him.

As Red slept, Sci worked, using coffee to keep himself awake. He didn't think about the consequences of it, until two hours and three cups later. He had just finished the gift, put it in the box, and hidden it so Red couldn't find it, when his bladder practically screamed at him: 'GOTTA GO!' He quickly sit down in his rolly chair, realizing that he couldn't stand, or walk. How had he ignored it for so long? Yeah, he'd held it before, but it was never this bad. He started bouncing in his seat: sitting helped, but not by much.

Suddenly, an idea: roll the chair to the bathroom. Perfect! It would be faster than walking and he wouldn't have to get up. He quickly zoomed over to the bathroom, rolling through the open door and crashing into the tub, the impact throwing him into the tub with a loud *thud!*.

'hopefully, red will sleep through that.'  Sci thought, praying that Red didn't investigate the noise. Probably, since the bathroom was not too far from the bedrooms. Sci stupidity stood up, having momentarily forgotten about his bladder, immediately regretting his life choices. The urge hit him full force, and he lost it. Warm piss ran down his legs as he shuddered.

'why does this... feel so... good?' Sci thought. His moans and a slight hissing noise were the only sounds in the room and, possibly, the whole house. When he'd finished, he looked over himself. His shorts were soaked, his socks had absorbed it, and there was a small puddle surrounding his feet in the tub.

'well, at least i didn't make a mess of the floor. and red didn't see.'

That second thought was instantly made false when Red walked in, still half asleep. There was an awkward silence, as Red assessed the situation and Sci quietly panicked. Red broke the silence with a question: "so, that was you that made that thud? what happened?". Sci's sockets watered as he looked down and whispered: "s-sorry..."
"sorry? what for?" Red asked as he stepped closer. Then he realized what Sci meant.

"oh sci.. it's ok. but..what happened? you said a few minutes, but it's two in the morning. what were ya doing this whole time?" Red asked, concerned for his boyfriend.

"i was.. working on your gift. i was so focused on it, and i drank too much coffee, and..." Sci's voice cracked and he started crying. Red immediately pulled him into a hug.

"it's ok, i understand." Red whispered, but he was concerned about Sci's health. Staying up so late, consuming so much caffeine in such a short amount of time, and holding it for so long could not be good for him. 'i'll have to talk to him about it later. for now, i gotta get him calm and clean.' Red thought to himself. Then, an idea hit him.

'let's get you cleaned up, then tomorrow, i'll give you my gift. how's that sound?' Red suggested. Sci looked up at him, still crying.
"yeah, t-that sounds *hic* great.' Red smiled, happy that Sci had agreed. Red then pulled Sci's shorts down, picked him up, and sat him down on the rolly chair, without missing a beat.

"now, stay right here while i grab you some clean shorts. or do you wanta nightgown?"
"uh, shorts, please."
"coming right up!" And with that, Red ran off to find Sci some shorts, while Sci simply sat there, wondering what he'd done to deserve such a good boyfriend.

[A/N: 657 words, not counting this. I make a new friend! _JesBe_ , check her out! She's good! Also, thanks for almost 100 readers! K, bye!]

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