Errink (Ageplay)-part II

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"Oh thank goodness, it worked!" Ink thought, letting out a sigh of relief. "Now, what do I do with him? I can't just leave him here, wet, scared, and alone.. I know! I'll take him to The Doodlesphere! The only other person who can come there is Dream, and he's great at keeping secrets!"

Satisfied with his plan, Ink used Brommie to paint a portal to The Doodlesphere and hopped in, taking Error with him.》


Ink had a lot of explaining to do. Dream was there when Ink arrived, and bombarded him with questions.

"Where have you been?" "Why are you carrying Error?" "What's that smell?" "Why is he drinking out of a baby bottle?" "What-" Dream was cut off by Ink shushing him.

"Shhhhh! You're going to wake him up!" Ink whispered, using one arm to hold Error while making a crib with Brommie. He gently placed Error in the crib, making a blanket to cover him with, before looking to Dream.

"You were saying?"

Dream decided to ask just one question: "What happened?"

Ink explained what had happened during their 'game' of hide-and-seek, and how he'd taken pity on Error. Dream took it better than Ink thought he would: he walked away, shouted "WHAT THE FUCK?!?", then came back like nothing had happened.

"Ok, what are we going to do when he wakes up? What if this was a trick, to get you to bring him here, so he can destroy us from the inside?"

"Trust me, there's no way that he's faking. He was crying. We both know he hates to show emotions or weakness. Him crying under a tree, sitting in a puddle of piss, shows both of those. And he's way too prideful to drink from a bottle, let alone let me feed him from one."

Dream gave a sigh of defeat. Ink had a point.

"Alright. We'll help him. But if this blows up in our faces, I'm blaming you."
"Yess! Thank you Dream! This will be great, I promise!"

A gasp made the two stop and look. Error was awake. He looked around in confusion and awe, until he saw the two skeletons looking at him.

ErRoR's PoV

I wAs In ThIs SpHeRe, BuT tHeRe WeRe PaPeRs HaNgInG fRoM sTrInGs EvErYwHeRe. I lOoKeD aRoUnD fRoM tHe CrIb I wAs In. HuH? cRiB? i DoN't HaVe A cRiB. tHeN i ReMeMbErEd WhAt HaD hApPeNeD bEfOrE i FeLl AsLeEp. I cOuLd SeE tWo MoNsTeRs. It WaS tHe NiCe MaN aNd SoMeOnE wEaRiNg A lOt Of YeLlOw. I lEt OuT a GaSp WhEn I rEaLiZeD tHaT tHiS wAs ThE nIcE mAn'S hOuSe. He AnD hIs FriEnD lOoKeD aT mE, aNd ThEn ThE wEt FeElInG hIt Me. I GaVe A wHiMpEr, MaKiNg ThE nIcE mAn WaLk OvEr. I sTaRtEd GrAbBiNg FoR hIm, HoPiNg ThAt He WoUlD gEt It.

Ink's POV

Error whimpered when we looked over, so I walked over to see what the problem was. He started grabbing for me, like he wanted me to pick him up. So I did.

"What's wrong? Are you still hungry?" That's when I remembered that Error was still wearing his wet clothes. That was probably the problem.

"You need some new clothes, huh? Is that it?"

He nodded, then suddenly tensed up. I looked behind me to see Dream had followed me over.

"Oh! Error, this is my friend, Dream. He's not going to hurt you, and he won't tell anyone about what happened."


"Yes, I promise that I won't tell anyone."

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