Sansby (Omo)

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•Trigger warning: Omorashi and gayness (oh god, the gay!) Grillby's speech is like this, thoughts are like this, Sans's speech is all lowercase, thoughts are like this. Cool? Cool.•

Grillby gave a sigh. It was time to close the bar and, of course, Sans was still here, asleep on his stool. He could see him sitting there from the kitchen. He was the last one there, as usual, but today, instead of calling Papyrus to get him, Grillby was going to check something important off of his to-do list: confess to Sans. He couldn't remember how long he had loved him, but his love was strong. I mean, what was there not to love about the short skele? His puns, his smile, his eyes? Grillby couldn't shake him: he was everywhere. In his job, in his conversations, in his dreams. Man, those dreams were the best... he'd always wake up in a sweat from those. He shook his head. 'Stop thinking about that! They'll probably never happen anyways. Just tell him! If he says no, which he most likely will, aim for the friend-zone. If he says yes, then stay calm... until you get home, then go crazy!' He has a game plan, and he was going to go through with it, today. It had taken months to work up the courage to do this. When else would he have a chance to talk to him, alone, and with the courage to say 'I love you'? Never, that's when. Grillby took a breath, and walked into the area behind the bar, right in front of where Sans was sleeping.

"Sans. Sans, wake up. I have to tell you something important."
"huh..? oh, hey grillbz. what's up?"
"Um.. I..I.. never mind!"

Grillby ran right back into the kitchen, all the courage he had mustered over the last few months gone, leaving Sans sitting on his stool, confused and curious. He got up, ignoring the pull in his nonexistent gut where his bladder would be, and went after him. He found Grillby, furiously washing a cup (he had on gloves, don't worry) while grumbling to himself. Sans, now very curious, watched him wash about three cups like this, catching a few of his words: 'stupid shyness' 'he probably thinks you're stupid' 'you should apologize'  'why'd you run away?'
What was he talking about? Why would I hate him? Sans went to ask him, when a sudden urge from his bladder hit him, right as Grillby cut on the water to rinse off the cups, so instead of words, he let out a gasp, making Grillby turn around.

"S-sans? What are you doing in here?"
"uh, i wanted to know what you were trying to tell me." Sans replied, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he talked, hoping Grillby didn't notice.
He did.
"That doesn't matter right now. What's wrong, Sans?"
"wh-what makes you think t-that something's wrong?"
"You're stuttering and you can't stand still. What is it? I'm your friend, you can tell me."
"um, it's n-nothing. now, tell me what you were gonna tell me out there." Sans answered, hating himself for letting his curiosity beat his urge to go.
'Oh, so he wants to be stubborn? I can do that.'
"I'm not telling you until you tell me what's wrong." Grillby said, crossing his arms over his chest. Sans gave a sigh, having given up. He looked down, his face covered in a blue blush, as he muttered: "i gotta use the bathroom."
"What? I can't hear you. Speak up please."
"i said i gotta- ah!" A sudden urge hit him mid-sentence, the small leak that followed making him yelp. Now, Grillby looked concerned.
"Sans, are you alright? You look in pain."
Sans looked up at him, tears in his sockets, as he shook his head 'no'.

"Do you want me to call Papyrus?"
"no! please don't. this is-ah! embarrassing enough as it is."
"Now, tell me what's wrong so I can help fix it."
"i.. i... i gotta use the bathroom!"
Sans cried, his desperation out-ruling his conscious mind, which would never yell that to someone, let alone Grillby, his crush. But, desperate times call for desperate measures. Grillby immediately understood how dire the situation was, and started leading Sans to the bathroom, when Sans froze.

"Sans? What's wrong? Why did you stop?"
"i can't move."
"What do you mean?"
"if i move, i'll-mhh!"
"Oh. Oh no. Are you sure you're not going to make it?"
"positive, grillbz."

Grillby could see the pain on Sans's face: his smile didn't show it, but his sockets sure did. He felt really bad for his crush, and an idea popped into his head.

"Stay right there! I have an idea!"
"grillbz, if i move, then i'm boned."
Sans joked, though he still looked in pain. Grillby chuckled, running to the kitchen. He grabbed an old mason jar that he was going to get rid of because of a weird stain on it that wouldn't come off, and saw a flaw in his plan: the lid was stuck.

"Darn it, come off!" Grillby thought as he struggled with it. He was so done with this stubborn-as-hell top, that he didn't hear the sound of liquid hitting the floor, or the relieved sighs and moans of the small skeleton in the next room. After struggling with the stupid jar for about two minutes, he finally got the top off, running back into the main room to find that he was too late. Sans was standing in a puddle, quietly crying, shorts and shoes soaked. He heard Grillby run in and looked up at him, tears pouring from his sockets, and started apologizing.

"i'm s-sorry, grillbz. i d-didn't mean to make a m-mess. i couldn't h-hold it. i'll h-help clean up."
"Oh, it's okay, Sans. I know you didn't mean to. Now, what do you think about us cleaning this up, then I'll.."

"oh god, he's gonna hate me! i made such a mess, and now he has to clean it up. he probably hates me. he's gonna tell me to stop talking to him, isn't he?! what if he tells someone? what if.."

" Papyrus to come get you, and we'll act like this never happened, ok?"

Sans looked up at him, surprised. He.. didn't hate him...? What?

"you don't hate me? but, i made such a mess, and and and-"
"Sans, stop. I could never hate you. I love you. All I want is for you to be happy, and if you don't love me back, it's ok. That's what I wanted to tell you earlier, but I was scared. It's fine if you just want to be friends, or if you don't want to talk to me anymore. If you're straight, I won't try to change you."

"i love you too."
"That's great." Is what Grillby said. This is what he thought: "Oh my god, really?!?! YESSSSSS! This is the best day of my life! WHOOOOO!"
"Now, let's get you cleaned up, ok?"
And so, the two spent about half an hour cleaning, making sure that the smell was gone, before calling Papyrus. They messed around with the music box, and danced to 'What A Man Gotta Do' by the Jonas Brothers and 'Dancin' by Arron Smith (you know it, BHNA fans, most likely). By the time Papyrus got there, Sans was asleep from dancing so much. About a week later, the two announced that they were dating.

And to believe, that day had started off 'normal'.

[A/N: 1275 words, not counting this. What do you guys think? You can tell what I listen to while writing these😆. No one's requesting, so you get random. It's one in the morning, I have school tomorrow, and I've missed like two days so lots of catching up, and I'm writing this while killing my eardrums, instead of sleeping. The hell happened to my life? 🤷🏽‍♀️ Also, check out 'I Got No Time' by CG5. It's awesome! Ok, ramble off! Peace out, 20-ish people who might read this!]

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