Chapter 1: We need to meet

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Song: Illusion by Ateez

Seonghwa pov:

"WHERE IS HE?" A furious San yells storming in my office. San and I are brothers, well actually we are half-brothers, same dad different mother. Our dad is the leader of a mafia and is the boss of this big international company, But his business is only a way to distract the attention from his illegal activities. He made San and I the CEO's of his company. I was ripped out my daydream when San slammed his hand on my desk.
"Dear brother please restrain yourself from breaking my desk and tell me who you are looking for." I say.
"Our father." venom lacing is his voice as he spoke.
"Why are you looking for him? He is dealing with some other gang."
"Dammit." San says kicking my desk. What made me raise my eyebrow I rarely see San this distressed.
"What's wrong?"
"He took Jongho with him."
"DON'T YELL AT ME, IT ISN'T MY FAULT." San raises his voice as well. I sat back down and rubbed my forehead.
"Dad promised." I sigh. Jongho was our younger brother, he had the same mom as San. He was really into sports, so he was strong and a good fit to be a part of our dad's mafia, but we wanted to let him live a normal life. One that San and I could not live even though we desperately wanted to. We made our dad promise to keep Jongho away from this world and in return San and I would serve his mafia and company.
"What do we do?" San asks me.
"We habe to talk to Jongho about this" I begin "We have to guide him and protect him, if dad really included our brother than there is no way we can get him out of this life without risking his and our lives"
"And then what? We all stay in our dads grasp, letting him command us to kill and hurt people." San replies sitting down as well.
"Let me think about it, I will find a way to get us all out."
San looked up at me with a soft smile playing on his lips "You act more like a dad than our own."
"Someone has to take care of you two."
"Don't do something I wouldn't do in order to help us."
"Don't worry San, you should go since you have a meeting in a few minutes."
San nodded and stood up before taking care of his suit "We should call each other if Jongho returns so we can talk to him. "
"No when our dad and Jongho return you take care of our brother and I will speak with father."
San visibly hesitated when I said that but let out a deep breath "Please protect yourself when you do that."
"Don't worry about me I will be fine." I answer. San nodded before walking out my office. I sighed before getting out my mobile and dialing a number I never thought I would call again. I clicked and almost immediately the other side picked it up. I cleared my throat before talking "Hongjoong we need to meet."

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