Chapter 5: Golden Retriever

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Song : Promise by Ateez

Yunho pov
I was sitting on the couch with Mingi his head on my lap watching a tv show while my hands roamed through his hair. Then Hongjoong entered the living room a smile playing on his lips. "What put you in such a good mood?" Mingi asks his brother.
"You might get a call from Seonghwa or one of his brothers they will ask for you Yunho by the code name. They will go to the bakery and you have to lead them here."
"Isn't Seonghwa the son of the boss from our rival mafia and the one you slept with?" I ask.
"You slept with the enemy?" Mingi shot up "Bold move brother."
"We were drunk." He answers.
"But you clearly liked it, or you wouldn't have remembered." I tease him at that moment the phone rang. I picked it up "Hello."
"I am looking for golden retriever." A male voice replies.
"You have found me, please tell me your name."
"My name is San, my brother Seonghwa told to call this number, he is hurt so he can't call himself."
"Your brother is hurt." I repeat what he said and looked at Hongjoong a small flash of worry visible on his features. "Go to the bakery, I will come to you." Then I disconnected the call.
"Who was hurt?" Hongjoong immediately asks.
"Seonghwa." I reply as I saw Hongjoong grit his teeth.
"He told me he would be careful." He answers before looking at Mingi "go with your boyfriend if I go, he might think I care about him."
"But don't you?" Mingi asks "I mean you are asking us to bring him and his brothers here."
"Just do it." He demands before getting up and walking out the room. I grabbed Mingi his hand and kissed it softly "You know he doesn't like to show emotions, let's get our guests."

We reached the bakery and infront of it were three boys. One was laying on someone his lap, blood visible on his head. I shared a look with my boyfriend before we get out of the car and walk towards them. "I am Golden retriever." I introduce myself "But call me Yunho, this here in Mingi."
One of the guys stood up and offered his hand which I took, I could feel he possessed a lot of strength "I am Jongho and those are my brothers San and Seonghwa."
"Come we will bring you somewhere safe." I reply. Mingi was already walking over to the other two brother and helped Seonghwa stand together with San.

When we reached our home, we helped Seonghwa get out. The front door was opened by Yeosang. "Get in quickly, I just scanned the police radio and they are searching for the three brothers."
We moved faster and got in. We walked to one of the rooms on the ground floor and carefully placed Seonghwa on the bed who groaned in pain.
"What should we do there is no doctor here?" Yeosang asks.
"No worries, I just need someone to clean the wound and bandage it." Seonghwa replies out of breath.
"I will get a clean cloth and bandage." Mingi replies walking away.
"I will inform Hongjoong." I say "Yeosang can you give our guests something to drink."
"Thank you." San suddenly says.
"You should thank Hongjoong, he is the one who told us to bring you here after you called." I smiled "Wait here please."

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