Chapter 4: Let's go

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Song: Knock by Astro

San pov
I was waiting patiently in my younger brothers' room for his return. After an hour, the door opened and a tired Jongho stepped in. I immediately got up and ran to him checking if he was okay. "Hyung I am okay."
"What did our dad make you do?" I ask him concerned.
"He told me to watch as he killed a woman." He says his voice cracking "It was horrible the screams and the blood, is this what the mafia world is like?"
"Yes that is why we tried to keep you out of it." I answer.
He chuckled "I hate our father for putting me through that." he looked in my eyes his own tears were brimming with tears "How can someone not feel anything after he shoots someone?" I hugged him tight. "It's not that I am afraid of it but I don't understand the need of killing people."
"If you could choose would you stay here or run away?"
"Depends if you and Seonghwa go with me or stay. Our mother is dead, Seonghwa's mother is dead the only thing I care about is the two of you."
"What about father?" I ask him.
"He will always be my father, but I don't care for him, haven't for a while actually always busy with his mafia or company." He answers.
"Okay. Seonghwa Hyung is trying to figure out a way to leave." I tell him and at that moment the door opened revealing Seonghwa.

Seonghwa ran over to us and hugged us tight "Grab all the necessary things we leave as soon as possible. Then a knock was heard on the door. We all turned around to see our dad stand in the doorway. "Seonghwa a word."
I looked at my brother who directly went to stand straight and lifted his head in the air before nodding and following our father out. "Jongho grab the essential things and meet us downstairs I am going to follow them. He nodded and I walked out and saw Seonghwa enter our father's office. I went to stand by the door and put my ear against it to listen to our conversation.

"Seonghwa as you are aware, I brought Jongho with me." Our dad stern voice begins.
"I heard, and we had a deal." Seonghwa replies "So that means the deal is off and San and I will stop our activities for the mafia."
Then a loud slap was heard, our dad had probably hit my brother. "You two will continue what you are doing."
Seonghwa chuckled "I don't think so, should have kept your end of the bargain." And what followed was a harder bang several times. I was afraid for my brother's safety ran inside only to see my dad stand over Seonghwa who was laying on the ground, blood slipping out a wound on his head. Our fathers hand still on his head as a sign that he slammed Seonghwa his head into the ground. "Stop." I reply, "We will continue our job in the mafia."
Our father nodded and let go of Seonghwa "good get him out of here."
I nodded and helped Seonghwa stand up. We walked out the office downstairs. I looked back to see no one followed us. "Are you okay?"
"I will be once we get out of here." He answers.
We reached the hallway where Jongho was standing with two bags. "Let's go." I say.
"Where are we going?" Jongho asks.
"Wonderland bakery." Seonghwa replies before handing me a card "Call this number and ask for golden retriever."
I nodded and dialed the number.

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